Zu Long really didn't know how to say such things to Qin Mu after Qin Mu woke up, but in any case, after all, there is still a scale that can make Qin Mu sad.

After Qin Mu regained consciousness, he looked at the house full of people he didn't know and stepped back a few times. "Who are you? Where is this place?"

Under the command of Taishang Laojun, Ma Ruyu and Qin Xuan always wanted to control their excitement, but when Qin Mu really woke up, Ma Ruyu couldn't control it, flew up immediately, and hugged Qin tightly Animal husbandry.

Qin Mu has been growing up on Kunlun Mountain since urinating. He has never been close to the female "color". Now he feels the softness of his chest. Naturally, he feels strange and likes it. The tension just now eases a lot.

"Teacher ..." Ma Ruyu originally wanted to be a master, but think about the explanation before Taishang Laojun, saying that it is a heavenly opportunity that cannot be exposed. Qin Mu only came back after all. Ma Ruyu naturally did not want to let Qin because of his mistakes. What suffering does shepherd suffer.

"You are finally back, do you know how worried we are?"

Taishang Laojun hurriedly dragged Ma Ruyu over, "Did I not tell you, Qin Mu is not the ancestor of the year, he is just an ordinary person, you will scare him like this."

Qin Mu left Ma Ruyu's arms and finally eased away. "What about Zulong? Where is Zulong? No, I want to go back to Kunlun Mountain."

Qin Xuan looked at Taishang Laojun's eyes at this time, and quickly held Qin Mu, "You are still injured or don't move" chaotically ", Zulong lets you rest and recuperate here, you don't want to chaotically "Go, if you run" chaoticly ", Zulong can't find you, then you will be in trouble."

Qin Xuan also wants to know where is this ancestral dragon now? Qin Xuan wants to know what happened to Qin Mu? Why did you lose all your memories like a mortal? What happened in those days?

After Qin Xuan finished speaking, Taishang Laojun brought the soup "medicine", "Yes, Zulong personally brought you over. We and Zulong are good friends for many years and will naturally take good care of you, You take this "medicine" first, feel at ease here to recuperate, Zulong will come here to find you at night. "

After all, Qin Mu was involved in the world for the first time, and he did not have such a high level of vigilance. Although they said it was strange to Taishang Laojun, they did n’t think much about it. He took the soup "medicine" that Taishang Laojun passed over. After entering, the whole person fainted after a while.

"Old gentleman, what did you drink for the master? How did he pass out? He finally woke up."


Taishang Laojun wiped the sweat between his foreheads, “This time Qin Mu ’s ancestors can come back, it ’s really not easy, Zulong came in a hurry, and left in a hurry, the right and wrong in the middle will tell me clearly, just warn me, no Let me tell you, Qin Mu Xiansheng is lying.

But the two of you guys really have a lot of eyesight, how can I deceive you, no matter what, Lord Zulong said this, and he has the reason to say so, we still do n’t pretend to know Qin Mu Xiansheng, just think of it as this It's the first sight, everything can be done again, can it be done? "

Come again, this is something that Ma Ruyu has been asking for for a long time and has never been asked. If it is possible, Ma Ruyu naturally hopes to come back with Qin Mu.

Now Qin Mu has completely lost the breath of those who were not close to him. Maybe he will not take the road of cultivation again. If so, Ma Ruyu naturally likes to come again.

Qin Xuan and Ma Ruyu both thought about each other and did not speak for a while. Qin Xuan's concern was that he had been a so-called brother with Qin Mu for a while when he was reincarnated in Qin Mu, but then Qin Mu himself regained consciousness. Naturally, you have to leave behind.

Qin Xuan will never forget what Qin Mu looked like when he called himself a fairy friend, and now he has to do it again. Qin Xuan is naturally unwilling.

If possible, Qin Xuan hopes to recognize Qin Mu as the father from the beginning, but at the moment Qin Mu is only a teenager, the word father can't be called out.

"Have the two of you heard me speak and can you do it? If you ca n’t do it, do n’t blame me and tell Master Zulong to take Qin Mu away and hide it where no one of you can find it. , You really ca n’t see Qin Mu Xiansheng again. "

Although Qin Xuan still has consideration in his heart, he has not seen Qin Mu for so long. Qin Xuan still hopes that Qin Mu can stay with him for a long time compared to these hesitations in his heart. Especially now Qin Mu does not know the reason, just like a mortal, Qin Xuan needs more care.

This take care of Qin Xuan, do not want anyone to fake hands.

"Understood, we understand what you say, and we can do it. You can rest assured, we pretend that we just met him, or even pretend not to know, I just think he is not my father, and sister It will be the same as what you said when he is not a master.

Taishang Laojun heard Qin Xuan say this and smiled comfortably. Life is always irreversible. The long river of time is always flowing. If there is a chance to come back again, who can say that it is not a blessing? .

Qin Mu drank Taishang Laojun's soup "medicine". If Taishang Laojun did not cure him "medicine", he would sleep forever. Taishang Laojun looked at Qin Mu, his mood was unstable, and he continued to explain only There will be a lot of loopholes, it is better to let Qin Mu sleep like this, wait for Zu Long to come back, figure out the situation, and then let Qin Mu wake up. ..

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