The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Chapter 872: Inner anger

"Sister, what are you going to say? What happened to my cultivation path?"

Ma Ruyu sighed slightly, "It's nothing. It's just where you go today. You shouldn't go. That's not for a good person, let alone a cultivator. Your master could have been born with sex." Stubborn, I will naturally discipline you in this regard. If you let me know that you are entering the land of fireworks and willow lanes next time, I will teach you as well as today. Do you understand? "

Qin Xuan's doppelganger looked sad on the side. Over the years, Qin Xuan also knew that Ma Ruyu's thoughts on Qin Mu were sincere and sincere.

But some things are like this. The more you are sincere, the less you can get the result you want. Even if it touches the world and touches you, there is still no way to touch yourself, the person you want to touch.

This is the way of cultivation. You can't let love affect your own consciousness. Only by converging can you go long.

Presumably Ma Ruyu also understands this truth, otherwise she will not say so grandly after Qin Xuan left.

Qin Xuan was both relieved and heartbroken when he saw Ma Ruyu, but this was just right, so that Zulong and Taishang Laojun would not be worried.

When Qin Mu returned to the room, he walked quietly to Qin Xuan's side, "Master, are you asleep?"

Qin Mu had just returned, and Qin Xuan ’s doppelganger had also just returned, but Qin Xuan was really tired and tight. He did n’t want to talk to Qin Mu again, and he did n’t respond.

Qin Xuan asked why Ma Ruyu came to earth early the next morning.

Ma Ruyu took a bite of the buns on the earth. She always felt that things on the earth were really delicious and tight, especially the buns.

"It's Taishang Laojun. Let me investigate the Jiuli. It seems that Nuwa went to the Jiuli. Chiyou has been having trouble for many years. It is because of Nuwa. When the master disappeared, it was At the time of the war with Nuwa. In any case, the disappearance of the master and her ca n’t get rid of it, I have to get justice for the master. Let her fly away. "

Qin Xuan has heard Ma Ruyu say so many times over the years, and at the beginning he was willing to speak fiercely with her.

But now Qin Xuan really doesn't have that strength, so he can only repeat, "Don't Taishang Laojun say that? What happened in those days, right and wrong, we still don't know yet, Nu Wa carries the origin of creating a human race This merit is incomparable to you and me. If we go forward in this way, not only will Nüwa not be killed, but he will take his own "sex" life, what is the point? "

Ma Ruyu was naturally reluctant to listen to this, but he had to admit that Qin Xuan had his point. Nowadays, human races are in "chaos", there are constant disputes, and peace is only the appearance of three legs. There is no way to long-term.

"Okay, every time I say this, you always have a bunch of words waiting there. I did n’t know who said it before. No matter what the price is, I have to avenge the master, but now I am content with myself. He also took his apprentices to the place of fireworks and willow alley for fun. "

Qin Xuan knew that the **** basin was to be buckled on himself. It was clear that Qin Xuan had made three orders and refused to let Qin Mu go to the land of fireworks and willow lanes. Really wronged.

"Sister, I have explained to you too many times. It's really not that I let him pass. If you continue to say this, I will die injustice. June Feixue was for me."

Qin Mu was beaten by Ma Ruyu last night. Naturally, he felt terrified. When the elders talked, Qin Mu could n’t breathe.

After Ma Ruyu finished eating, she stood up and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are wrong or not, but if I want to see you two again in that kind of place, I won't let you go easily. I still have serious things in my body, Unlike the two of you swinging between the world, if you have time, it is better to help the Shennong's peace and chaos. It is worse than having fun and having unlimited merit. "

After Ma Ruyu taunted, he left the restaurant.

Qin Xuan was full of grievances, but he did n’t know who to tell, and he put the chopsticks directly on the table, “It ’s all you guys, did n’t you tell you yesterday? Do n’t let you go, do n’t let you go Where is it better now, let the sister catch it, but we have suffered. "

Qin Mu naturally felt uneasy when his master was reprimanded by others, but Qin Mu was only curious, but he did not expect this curiosity to cause such big fluctuations.

"Master, who is the master in the aunt's mouth just now? Is it true that there are also masters?"

What Qin Mu said was that Qin Xuan laughed like tongue twisters, "I naturally have a master, or who would learn from this immortal method, but my master is also my father."

Qin Mu's eyes widened suddenly at this moment, "Are you a master, is your enemy the female Nuwa?"

Regardless of Qin Mu's current waste of firewood, Qin Xuan will not allow Qin Mu to call Nu Wa the "rape" person.

"Who told you to call her Nuwa, you know how many bad things she has done, I tell you, the reason why this human race is now in chaos is all thanks to Nuwa. Afterwards, you call her name directly That ’s it, there ’s no need to call the lady of Nuwa, if you let me hear it again, do n’t blame me for punishing you. ”

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