The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 422: The thoughts of Taishang Laojun

"Speak, why did you go? Wouldn't you go to Qin Mu Xiansheng again?"

Qin Xuan could n’t help but feel a little guilty, and quickly shifted his eyes, “Look at what you said, what does it mean to stir? Anyway, I did n’t go to him at all. Since I have promised you, I wo n’t interfere unless I ’m alive , How could I break the oath. "

Taishang Laojun naturally understands Qin Xuan ’s thoughts. In fact, Taishang Laojun is also worried. After all, Nu Wa found Qin Mu in the Jiuli tribe in case it hurt her, but how is Taishang Laojun? After all, the practice has taken a long time, and the knowledge is broad. It is useless to know that Qin Xuan and Zu Long are always protected. Whether Qin Mu ’s reincarnation can return to itself or not, whether he is alive or dead, was originally driven by God ’s will, excessive Interference will only harm themselves, and Taishang Laojun can only stop him. After all, Qin Mu would like to explain himself before the incident.

"Qin Xuan, just listen to me to persuade me. Qin Mu Xian Sheng is above the heavens and the earth, and still has to accept the punishment of God, let alone you and me. Qin Mu Xian Sheng handed you to me when I left, I naturally cannot Put you in any danger. "

Qin Xuan naturally knew Taishang Laojun ’s kindness, and he embraced Taishang Laojun ’s arm intimately, “Oh, Laojun, I know what you said, you can rest assured, I will abide by my oath, I won't do things that worry you. "

Ao Xian and Ling set off early in the morning the next day, just because they used the immortal method, but they went to the front line with a joss stick, but they didn't see the big camp when they got to the place, and only saw a very strange formation.

"This saint's apprentice is convenient. After all, it is not a fairy. You can insert the hand as you want, and you can arrange the formation."

Ling Ling squatted Ao Xian to the side of the big tree behind him, "Master Prince, please whisper, there is more than you and me outside this array of methods, it seems that there are others, and there is the smell of Wu people."

When he spoke, he did not forget to look around. Finally, he saw a few tents not far away. The breath of eight achievements came from the camp.

"Wu clan? Isn't the Wu clan already ruined? The Wu clan's ancestors and witches are left with Zhu Jiuyin and Gong Gong. How could this Jiuli tribe invite you?"

It was at this time that Ling suddenly saw Chi You walked out of the camp. After so many years of practice, he was not in vain. Although his eyes were not good, he felt sensitive, and he quickly distinguished him as Chi You.

"Chiyou, what I said, it turned out to be this little one."

Although Chiyou is the big witch of the Wu clan, it is also taken at the end. Nowadays, he is the king of the human clan. If he can, he can beat him down.

It's a pity that now I can only watch, not "hand in."

"Chiyou is indeed not enough, but now we need to enter this method without knowing it. It is estimated that it is the way of Shennong to protect himself by the pillow. Let's be careful not to let Chiyou know."

It was really difficult for Ling Qi to hear it. If he wanted to go in, he could not break the formation. Qin Mu's formation was not so simple. Ao Xian and Ling Qi didn't really know how to do it for a while.

Just when the two were in a hurry, they suddenly saw that the method opened by themselves, and the soldiers burst out from the inside. It was Qin Mu who was heading, and Ling saw it at a glance.

"He really doesn't listen to Qin Xuan Sage's words, and now he doesn't have to think about how to break the battle. Take him to a safe place first."

Originally, Qin Mu just came out to lead the soldiers and broke back, but I didn't expect a gust of wind to blow through. He was already in heaven, and he was riding on a snake.

The emergence of a spirit snake in this sky actually left the people on both sides of Chiyou and Shennong in the same place. Ao Xian rolled his eyes on the ground and obviously took it away. He had to show his true body and really be a narcissistic physique. It ’s not good to show off one day.

Ling He took Qin Mu to an unknown mountain very far away, and Ao Xian was barely keeping up. Ling He conveniently turned into a humanoid figure. Qin Mu fell into his mouth and gnawed mud. When he got up, he almost scolded him. Too.

"I said, why do you fly so fast? Once you turn it into a prototype, you can't control yourself?"

Ao Xian wiped his sweat and sat on the ground. He felt that the results of his many years of cultivation had also been displayed. The whole person's mood was very comfortable. In turn, he said to Qin Mu: "Don't the saint tell you? Don't let you Charged, why do n’t you listen, you know how worried the saint is. "

Ao Xian also nodded at this time and said, "Yeah, although we are about the same age, I can understand your rebellion, but the matter of life and death can't come by yourself. If we were not there just now, you would be blamed if you were injured.

Qin Mu also heard it now. These two people were sent by Qin Xuan to look at themselves, but the school should also send some aura. These two stunned heads really do not enter Qin Mu's eyes.

"Who told you the two of me were going to charge? Didn't you see the formation outside the camp when you came? I didn't lead those mortals out, even if you were entrusted by my master, you had to listen Let me say a few words, oh my waist. "

Ling's face and Ao Xian's "color" gradually turned red, and when he first came to make a joke, it was really embarrassing.

"It turns out this way, you said it earlier."

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