The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 457: To the fourth six zero

Li Ba Tian can only be said to be a victim of the power struggle between the two of them, as Qin Xuan's capable officer, so Yue Chitose chose to first remove his left arm and right arm, and then slowly wear off his strength.

Qin Xuan knew a little bit, but he didn't find any evidence, so he didn't do anything about it.

After Moon Chitose walked around here for a while, haha ​​sneered for a while and saw Qin Xuan, and finally added a sentence: "Okay, I have already seen it, but Qin Xuan, I want to give you a reminder, After all, I have a good relationship with your father, and I ca n’t watch you jump into the fire pit ... "

"What about you kid? I'm usually a little ignorant. To be precise, it's a bit too arrogant, so it's best to leave yourself a way out, and save yourself when you don't know how to die."

Immediately after speaking, he turned and left.

This old guy was really tired, Qin Xuan was looking at the old father for the time, so he did not care about him.

But now he dare to take action against his men, this situation is absolutely not allowed to stop, so Qin Xuan just sneered when he just left in January, "The entire old guy now you dare not kill me, but I may not dare to start what!"

Qin Xuan first installed some information about Di Li Ba Tian, ​​so that the big guy will be able to take care of here carefully, and then let him heal the wound.

If you look at the situation of Libatian now, it may be difficult to continue in 10 days and a half months, let alone let him continue to fight in the battlefield, it is estimated that it takes some time to cultivate.

This is not the key, the point is that Qin Xuan must now be strict and fierce.

Otherwise, how can you continue to stand up in the future, how can you continue to control the rights of the entire human race.

The two servants who came right in front of the moment seemed particularly cautious.

After circling around, he whispered in a low voice: "Sage, we just caught two hostages, and we were able to pry the secret from their mouths, but no progress has been made yet."

The voice was very subtle, and he moved forward quietly, and seemed a little cautious when approaching.

Because at this moment in this situation, they feel that they do not have the kind of ability to let the other party pry the exit.

It turned out that when they were in an ambush at that time, they had already caught two participants, but the other party was particularly stubborn, and so far no message has jumped out.

Qin Xuan smiled and "touched" his chin with a sense of charm, and looked at a group of people around and waited: "OK, since they don't explain, I will play with them to see how much mouth these people have. hard." said that finally the smile on Qin Xuan's face became thicker and thicker, and even felt that his whole person was already extremely hyperactive. Your own thoughts and concerns. Peerless Tangmen br> Under the leadership of these entourages below, Qin Xuan has slowly walked to the front, then came to this basement, and then came here to see the conspiracy here, deep and quiet, but also head on Can feel the breeze.

When I came here, I just saw two men **** with rope, and there was still a black "color" cloth on their mouths. They couldn't get dynamic. There were two so-called, just watching him.

As soon as Qin Xuanzi left, the other party immediately came to his head and bowed his hands with his fists. He said, "Adult, we have exhausted our thoughts. Maybe these people's mouths are particularly hard, and they are reluctant to explain, so we have no choice. . "

It was really embarrassing to say that the two of them shook their heads and sighed with some helplessness.

These people's mouths are too hard, they have tried their best to do their job, but it is still difficult to pry open their mouths.

Qin Xuan sneered and said: "Relax, I will have my own way for him to obediently obey, don't I just want to be stubborn with me? I don't want to pretend to be deaf and dumb here, today I will let him good looking."

There was a sneer in the face of "lu" last night. When I walked forward slowly even though I was rubbing my hands, I felt that life was now relaxed.

Sometimes, if you want to deal with these people, you do n’t need to do it yourself, because letting them feel the fear is the most critical.

After Qin Xuan made a circle with several people beside him, he asked them to tear off the rope of the other's water tank car, and Qin Xuan slowly irrigated him with an internal force.

"It's impossible that we absolutely won't say it. Kill us quickly, and we will never reveal" even if we die ... "

"Yes, you die this heart, if we say it, maybe the two of them are going to die, we would rather die."

As soon as these two people were able to speak, they began to yell for a while, and they even showed their attitudes.

The entourage beside him couldn't see it anymore. He went up with a big mouth and pulled it on his face, beating them with a stunned face.

Qin Xuan laughed when he heard it. There was no impatience at all, but he felt like a fool.

Especially seeing these two people think they are self-righteous and think they are very loyal, but in Qin Xuan's eyes he will always be a stupid slave.

Qin Xuan "touched" his chin and grinned badly: "Relax, this game is just beginning, I will let you feel such a big touch ..."

After talking about the pit, Xiaoqu whistled, and then do n’t look back and forth with some charm.

At first, they didn't feel anything special. They might slowly, but they found that there was something wrong with the whole body, there seemed to be bugs crawling back and forth, and they bite their bodies bit by bit. ..

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