The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Lethality

And the price he paid in order to be able to cultivate such evil gates is that the soul of these ordinary people keeps them from being eternal forever. Poor Phoenix people simply do n’t know how powerful they are. They now want to find a solution. The plague method can only be followed blindly here.

Qin Xuan couldn't help feeling after hearing the power inside, it was indeed quite exaggerated.

If all these things that Fu Xi guessed are true, then the other party is really too mean, and actually deal with these ordinary people who are desperate, then it shows that he is a wolf.

Qin Mu itself is a "sex" lover, so after hearing this scene, I can't stand it anymore. Even if I took a big knife, it's my turn and said: "You old witch is nonsense" chaos ". You will tear your face. "

While speaking, he jumped his legs and jumped directly to the area of ​​the table, and a large knife in his hand appeared particularly clear and visible.

Qin Mu's sudden appearance surprised all the people present. Even the old witch stepped back several steps in a row, because it exceeded his plan and was surprised.

The old witch was afraid when looking at Qin Mu, but he still said: "You are actually a human being. Why did you go to our Phoenix clan? Do you want to influence our progress? Do you want to know that our Phoenix clan is already at stake? Do you human race want to intervene ... "

At a glance, Qin Mu is a person of a personal race and they are not the same kind of Phoenix.

So he took this opportunity to put a hat directly on Qin Mu's head, saying that it was here to prevent them from self-rescue.

If you can't say this, you, the refugees of the Phoenix people behind will be completely crazy, they start to roar loudly, and some even swing with their fists flipped, and sometimes flap their wings directly, ready to go up Go back and come back.

"The human conscience is so bad, why should we treat us like this, why should we be crazy to live in the water ..."

"Please, please open the door quickly and give us a way to live for the Phoenix people. I really can't hold on. Please, let me go quickly ..."

"Down with the human race, we must drive them all away. Why should the human race stay with our Phoenix race, we must stop it all." The rebellion below is particularly loud, and the emotions of these people are particularly excited. Don't listen to any dissuasion at all.

Qin Mu was a little speechless. After staring at these people, he hated that iron could not be made into steel. It was a kind reminder in itself, but these people were sold, and still counting money?

He did n’t stop here, but continued to walk in the front direction and said: "Do n’t talk nonsense, you are just being cheated, just cheated. If you go on like this, it is estimated that Soul will soon be lost, you are being fooled by someone once ... "

"You are talking nonsense, we are not being fooled, we just want to treat a disease here, we just want to live."

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, you must not listen to him talking nonsense!"

The following people have become ill and cannot listen to discourage them. There are even a few people who have come around and put this Qin Muwei in the middle. They are all sick within the Phoenix family and belong to the young and middle-aged people Especially burly, there is a trace of combat power standing here.

These dozen young people blocked Qin Mu with a weapon in their hands, and even had an urge to throw it back.

Qin Mu looked really sick and looked embarrassed. After all, they were all wounded and they were also victims.

Qin Mu once again discouraged with good intentions: "My friends, we now have a way, we can solve this problem at any time, but you must give us time, and you will be able to give an answer in a short time, but you Do n’t believe the old witch, do n’t listen to his nonsense ... "

"Everyone must kill him. He is the real danger of our Phoenix clan. He just wants all of our Phoenix clan to die before the human clan can occupy it again. Don't let their" **** "count. Before this was finished, the old witch began to yell again, and began to deliberately provoke alienation.

It's unreasonable to say that the angry Phoenix people around me have been rushed over, and the momentum is fierce. There is an urge to tear Qin Mu directly.

"Oh, my mother-in-law, why are you guys disobedient?" After seeing so many oncoming people, Qin Mu was startled and pushed back several steps in a row. Retreat and lean directly against the cubic wall.

Although they escaped their first round of attack, other people may not stop at all, and they continue to rush in here excitedly.

My only purpose is to knock down Qin Mu directly to the ground, and then seek their freedom here.

Qin Mu had good intentions a second ago, so he didn't collide with them here. The only thing he got out of was the evasion again and again, but the distance between them and them was only once.

However, with the emergence and discussion between the two of them, it was discovered that this time is getting longer and longer, and a great crisis has appeared at the moment.

In the end, Qin Mu was impatient and said directly with a sun and moon scimitar in his hand: "Your little" forces "are just not persuaded. If that's the case, don't blame me. Lao Tzu is rude to you. "

As soon as the words fell, he immediately fought back with a knife. ..

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