The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 58: To the fifth zero nine

When the two talents just entered the room, the screams of unbearable screams came immediately, and then they began to make a thumping sound.

All the people of the Phoenix family present were stunned. They all besieged in the direction of the front. Their eyes widened in the past, and their faces were incredible.

I dare not imagine what is going on, why has the confident old witch suddenly had such a big reaction?

Just now the two big men have started anti-service roars inside, and saw that their bodies have begun to melt slowly, and a series of white "color" smoke has also appeared.

Qin Xuan couldn't help but sighed: "Did you see it? Their souls are about to be swallowed up. Now you should know that all this is fake. This old lady is using you as a" medicine "introduction. . "

"Maybe all this is false, why did the old witch do this? Why did our plague have no cure."

"Everything to be said is false. Isn't it just this illusory lie? If so, wouldn't we continue to suffer from this plague, why do we want it like this, why do we continue like this pain……"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, we cannot accept this fact, we cannot accept all of this, this must be all false, and intentionally want to deceive us here."

Soon the whole scene had become "chaotic", these people had turned their heads to look at the old witch, and when they gritted their teeth, "exposed" the full desire to fight.

They only have one idea now, that is to find out the truth, and then let the old witch give himself a result and give himself an answer.

Otherwise, why is this scene happening, and why is there everything in front of you?

All these thoughts have come from inner disgust and inner disgust.

Seeing her whereabouts, the old witch was defeated and turned to leave.

"Why wouldn't it be so simple to go?" Qin Mu sneered and jumped, then took a long knife in his hand and waved away directly.

After the knife was cut, the road where the old witch was going was directly split into two halves.

It is enough to see how powerful Qin Mu's move is. The old witch stood swaying in the same place and almost fell to the ground.

But he didn't stop there, but immediately took the cane in his hand, and Ula Ula squeezed a series of spells, and then saw the black "color" mist, slowly spreading out to the surrounding wind.

When Qin Mu saw the dark "color" mist, the reef was not good, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry, everyone leave, hurry to leave here, this mist is poisonous."

All the refugees of the Phoenix family have been completely panicked. When they scattered in the left and right directions, they covered their noses and noses one by one, and ran chaos everywhere. Obviously, they were particularly embarrassed.

Standing opposite the old witch, Qin Mu also covered his nose and mouth, and put on a fighting stance, holding a hand. When the sun and moon scimitar walked slowly forward, his face was exposed. Very disdainful taunt.

To him, the joke is just a little old witch, there is no fighting power at all, there is no challenge to "sex", so he feels that if he wants to defeat this old witch today, there is absolutely no pressure, no Anything difficult.

When the old witch stood opposite, she also said provocatively: "Young man, I advise you to admit to your mistakes here, and surrender here, don't ask for trouble, because you are not at all My opponent, you are just a younger brother in my eyes, so the only thing to do now is to surrender. "

"I go to your uncle, I have never surrendered in my Qin Mu's world. Today I have to make decisions for the hard-working people here. Today I have to ask them for a statement, and then end your dog's life ..."

Qin Mu's violent temper started with a disagreement, and he threw it directly with the big knife in his hand.

The old witch also didn't show that I was surrounded by anger. The dark "color" mist had a "kinky" and "swinging" overhead, and it had already appeared like a ghost.

The grimace appeared in front of him, haunting Qin Mu's head, and they stretched out their sharp fangs one by one.

At first, Qin Mu was able to show a calm look, standing at the same place with a knife in his hand, and when he was going back and forth, Yu Guang stared at him like a crying wolf.

But as time went on, he found that the dark "color" mist was getting thicker and thicker, and when he slowly suppressed it against the top of his head, he could not cover his mind at all.

At this moment, Qin Mu seemed to be a little flustered, holding a big knife in his hand and recovering from the original place, shouting at these ghostly, crying wolf heads: "Our gangsters dare to do it with me here, Today I must keep you from everlasting life. "

This old witch used some evil gates, and all he made were some evil gates. ..

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