The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Fuck him

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Qin Xuan was so angry in his heart, there is no way to do it now, he can kill the other party quickly, but now there is no way, he still has a straight face in his heart, if he kills the old guy, his own Queen Aunt Phoenix will have a life worry.

So in a hurry, Qin Xuan also had to hold back the anger in his heart, knowing that at critical moments he must first interrogate useful information from his mouth, and then ensure the safety of Queen Phoenix.

The **** of plague laughed and said: "What kind of kid should know what is the hotness of Prince Jiang now, you are just a young man, you can't fight me at all, if you kill me, then the Phoenix Queen will always be Never come back ... "

"You madman, you bastard, Lao Tzu explained to me where the Phoenix got me, please tell me quickly."

"Yeah, also our queen hastened to teach the Queen of Phoenix."

"If you don't hand over the Phoenix Queen today, don't want to leave from us, don't want to leave from here."

The people behind them all looked very excited. When they shouted one by one, some of them directly approached the front with a knife.

In this case, the Queen of Phoenix has become the biggest obsession in their minds, and has become the shadow they cannot resist.

Everyone is entangled in the affairs of the Queen of Phoenix and obsessed about the affairs of the Queen of Phoenix.

But the **** of plague immediately raised his head and laughed aloud: "What's going on? Is it nervous now, is it afraid now, look at your virtue, look at your pitiful appearance ... … "

"Now I will tell you directly, the Phoenix Queen is in my hands, now you cannot kill me, ha ha ha."

The plague **** bull hurriedly stood up from the ground, and then looked up at Qin Xuan with his head raised, showing a naked provocation.

Because he knew the importance of Queen Phoenix to all the people present, especially Qin Xuan, as his aunt, certainly would not stand idly by.

Qin Xuan was so proud because he seized the weakness of Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan's fangs gritted his teeth, and even if he slowly dropped a long sword in his hand, the other Phoenix people were also nervous.

Once you give up, this time if you kill the opponent, then there will be no chance in the future, maybe the **** of plague will continue to do for the concubine.

Pestilence clutched his injured shoulder and saw the people present said, "Relax, I will be back, haha."

After talking about it, he shook his body, turned and disappeared directly in front of his eyes, and disappeared.

The other people around rushed forward, but still no results, because the people have disappeared.

"Damn, this **** is gone, he has already disappeared, too much ..."

"Where did he go? Where did he go? Why didn't he return my Phoenix Queen ..."

"What should I do? Our Phoenix family has no heads of dragons anymore. If we go on like this, it is not a way."

Everyone has begun to panic, especially the people of the Phoenix family, they have begun to chattering endlessly.

The Phoenix Queen has always been the thought of these people as the center, so at this moment, they can't let go of the tension in their hearts without seeing the Queen appear.

When Qin Xuan stood in the same place and kept thinking about the **** of plague and the queen of phoenix, suddenly there was a cry from someone in the house, it was Fu Xi.

"Alas, hurry to save people, hurry to save people." Qin Mu's voice was unusually loud, all the Phoenix people looked at it, Fu Xi's face was pale, and he needed to lie directly on the ground.

Qin Xuan had to speed up a hundred meters, and then came to the front. After seeing Fu Xi's current situation, he could not help but sigh and breathe, maybe it was a sneak attack, so he was now dying, and was about to hurt his deadly organ.

"What should I do? It's not a way to go on like this." Qin Mu whispered, saw his master, and then asked.

At this moment, they must understand the specific things.

Qin Xuan circled around for a moment and then said to Feng Xiaoqiang: "Since the situation in front of us, we have to separate the soldiers and treat them in special times."

"Sir, if you have anything to say, just let me know. If there is anything to do, we will definitely look forward to you and we will remember your teachings."

The young people of the Phoenix family headed by Feng Xiaoqiang went directly to their knees, knelt on their knees with their hands in fists, and then kept on patting their chests.

They all knew Qin Xuan in front of their eyes. As a saint of the human race, they were also friends of their Phoenix clan, and they personally did great things for their entire clan.

When the Phoenix Queen is gone, they no longer have the right to the subject. It is the most important thing to have the human saint in front of him as the leader. ..

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