Probably because Liu Chuan and Lin Tong were very dedicated, the final result of the advertisement was very good, and the sponsors were extremely satisfied.

Next, Liu Chuan and Lin Tong shot some promotional posters together. Liu Chuan pretended to be cool in front of the camera, and Lin Tong was generous and not shy at all. The photographers couldn't help but praise their potential to become stars. The filming process went very smoothly. The sponsor generously gave the Longyin team 10 gaming laptops, one for each person. Even the team leader Jiang Xue got it, which made Jiang Xue extremely excited.

Everyone returned to the team happily with their brand new notebooks. What awaited them was a table of delicious food that Aunt Sun had prepared long ago - such a day was truly fulfilling and happy.

That night, Liu Chuan went to Wu Zewen's room and handed over all the sponsorship funds he received today to the housekeeper.

Wu Zewen carefully calculated the remaining funds. He had several tables on his computer that were dedicated to recording the team's accounts. He entered them in and quickly calculated the results. He had nearly 10 million in funds, which should be enough for next year. .

Liu Chuan smiled and said: I'll go check out the office building opposite another day. It's time to renovate the training room as soon as possible. "

Wu Zewen nodded and said: By the way, don't forget about the team uniforms. We need to make a pair of short-sleeved shirts and a cold-proof jacket. I saw the plan designed by Silan today. The white team uniforms and the ice blue Dragon Roar Team icon look very beautiful. "

Liu Chuandao: I know, just leave the team uniforms to Si Lan. "

After saying that, he turned around and lay down on Wu Zewen's bed.

When Wu Zewen saw him stretching his limbs comfortably and lying in a big "" shape, he couldn't help but walked over and said: Are you tired after shooting a commercial for a day?"

Liu Chuan complained: Yes, I am exhausted, my waist and back are sore... This is my first time filming an advertisement. I have no choice, the sponsor named me to come forward, and for the sake of the team, I have no choice but to sell my body/body... …”

Wu Zewen glared at him: nonsense. "

Liu Chuan sat up with a smile, gently hugged Wu Zewen from behind, put his chin on his shoulder, and said: My dear, don't be angry, I won't talk nonsense, I am yours alone, and I won't sell it for any money. . "

..." Wu Zewen's ears turned red. He was really helpless at this man's shamelessness. He wanted to pick up the iPad next to him and hit him hard. But seeing the tired look on his face, he couldn't bear to do it, so he had to touch him. Hair, said softly, if you are tired, take a shower and go to bed early."

Liu Chuan hugged him and refused to leave. Wu Zewen asked doubtfully: Aren't you tired? Go to sleep. "

Someone still refused to leave, so Wu Zewen had to turn around and gently kissed his lips with red ears: Good night kiss, are you satisfied? "

Not satisfied. Liu Chuan smiled and kissed back, put his tongue into Wu Zewen's mouth, and kissed him gently.

After the kiss was enough, he let go of Wu Zewen and went back to his room to sleep with satisfaction.

..." Wu Zewen touched his lips and thought helplessly: If Liu Chuan's skin was peeled off, he could build a city wall directly, right? Why is it so thick?!


The next day, Liu Chuan went to the office building opposite and rented the 9th floor with Xu Ce and Lan Weiran. Then he went to the decoration company to finalize the decoration plan, and then found a clothing manufacturer to customize the team uniforms for the team members. The preliminary preparations continued. After a busy week, it was finally decided.

The finished team uniforms were also sent to the team's headquarters a few days later. Liu Chuan distributed them to the team members. Everyone put on the team uniforms. Lin Tong's boyfriend, Mr. Xiong Yi, happened to come to visit the team and he was very considerate. Photographer, take a group photo for everyone.

Ten members of the Longyin team wearing uniforms stood side by side. The white team uniforms and ice blue dragon-shaped team emblems were neatly arranged in a row, which looked very eye-catching. The whole team gave people a feeling of vitality. Full of hope.

The clothes designed by Silan were not inferior to Lun Shen, a person with a background in fashion design. Liu Chuan looked at the neatly dressed team members in team uniforms and smiled with satisfaction.

Everything is moving in the right direction, and the Longyin team will face Season 13 with a brand new look!

Chapter 231, three gods join forces

The time soon came to December. Except for the captain who often went out to discuss various cooperation, all members of the Longyin team were still training as usual. Qin Ye and Lan Weiran were responsible for supervision. Although they qualified in the city competition, their team still There are many shortcomings, and we must seize the time to adjust and adjust before the arrival of Season 13.

In Season 13, Qin Ye will come back to play team battles, and Xu Ce's one-on-one ability is more suitable for use in the ring. Therefore, during this period, Qin Ye called Lin Tong, Xu Ce, and Zewen together to work in the ring every day. They played one-on-one, and Lan Weiran personally corrected and guided Li Xiang, Xiao Yu and Shaoqing's deficiencies in teamwork.

In order to help Xu Ce and the others become familiar with the combos of the major schools as quickly as possible, Qin Ye took out all twenty of Liu Chuan's trumpets and nüèd them in different schools every day. The three of them were nüèd to tears.

Liu Chuan will also join the battle when he comes back in the evening, using trumpets of various genres to entertain several newcomers.

And Lan Weiran also drove the car in person

Yao Zhu's account caused Shaoqing, Xiaoyu and Li Xiang to be tortured to death by various negative states.

This intense and exciting training method has also inspired the strong fighting spirit of several newcomers - in the past, everyone would go back to the house to rest after dinner every day, but now, several newcomers consciously sit in front of the computer after dinner, I practice until very late before going back to my room to sleep.

This made Liu Chuan feel very pleased.

The cohesion of the Longyin team has obviously improved a lot than before. This is naturally due to the loss to Canglan, which made everyone clearly aware of the gap between themselves and professional players.

A smooth game will only paralyze the players' nerves and make them inert. The loss to Canglan made several newcomers sober up. Precisely because they have experienced failure and know how uncomfortable it feels, That's why they work harder and don't dare to slack off at all!

The Longyin team is undergoing intense daily training. At the same time, the playoffs of the twelfth season of the Wulin Official Professional League have also entered the most intense and intense final stage. The list of eight teams in the playoffs has been released one after another, from first place to The eighth place is Bronze Bird, Snow Langg, Qixingcao, Luohuaci, Huaxia, Tang Dynasty, Guose, and Fenghuo.

Whenever there is a game, Liu Chuan organizes everyone to get together to watch the live broadcast, and by the way, he analyzes and explains the playing styles and characteristics of the professional players of these teams - because these teams will become their most popular teams next season. Strong opponent! They must also have a clear understanding of these opponents before entering the league!

In the first round of the eight-to-four knockout round of the playoffs, the first-place Tongque vs. the eighth-place Fenghuo, and the second-place Xuelang vs. the seventh-place Guose. Both games went relatively smoothly. Obviously, the teams There is still a gap in strength. Guose and Fenghuo, as relatively transparent teams among the strong teams, were eliminated by Tongque and Xuelang as expected.

However, the games from third to sixth place were extremely fierce and exciting. In the two games of Luohuaci VS Huaxia and Qixingcao VS Shengtang, the teams were evenly matched. It took nearly two hours to decide the winner. The final score was only 2 points short of a flag.

In the end, Qixingcao and Huaxia entered the top four, while Luohuaci and Shengtang were unfortunately eliminated.

In mid-December, the list of the four strongest teams for the twelfth season was confirmed - Tongque, Xuelang, Qixingcao, and Huaxia.

The Xuelang team won the bronze medal last season and is gaining momentum this season; Qixingcao's performance has steadily improved after the lineup adjustment. China's Liang Haibin has gradually become a stable captain under the encouragement of Liu Chuan. Tongque The Shao Lu combination has always performed well in the regular season.

The competition between the four teams became more intense. In the end, the Xuelang team won the championship, Qixingcao won the runner-up, and Huaxia won the bronze medal.

The championship winner changes every year, which is the charm of competitive events. This season, the rise of the Xuelang team proves the unique vision of Fang Zhiyan, the young captain - he pulled Yang Jian to the Xuelang team. The lang team is undoubtedly the most correct choice. Many people say that it was Fang Zhiyan who created the new Yang Jian. In fact, it was Yang Jian's arrival that made the Xuelang team's strength grow by leaps and bounds.

At the award ceremony of the twelfth season, Fang Zhiyan was still smiling and graceful when he took the championship flag from the chairman, but Yang Jian was beside him with red eyes and looked like he was about to cry - this was his first time. Winning the championship for the second time has a completely different mood.

As the captain of Chang'an, he led the team to win a championship. At that time, he didn't know the heights of the sky and thought that he was the most powerful if he won the championship. At the award ceremony, he arrogantly raised the flag and waved it towards the audience, but now But he felt that the title of this champion was extremely heavy.

After he joined the team, as the vice-captain, he could more clearly see the hardships of his teammates and the hard work of the captains... How difficult it is to win the championship! There are so many strong teams, and every game is thrilling, like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will break your head and bleed. Even if you win the championship, what will it prove? Does it prove that the Xuelang team is the strongest? No, not even Fang Zhiyan dared to say such a thing.

To win the championship, in addition to your own strength, sometimes you also need to rely on some luck...

Thinking of how proud and arrogant he was when he won the championship, Yang Jian felt extremely ashamed - at that award ceremony, looking at the arrogant Yang Jian, those senior captains were probably laughing at him, right? Therefore, even if he won the championship, he was never recognized by the major teams in the league. Yang Jian was really stupid at that time.

Fang Zhiyan noticed Yang Jian's emotion, smiled slightly, held his hand, and the two of them raised the championship flag together.

——At this moment, the championship belongs to Snow Wolf!

Yang Jian felt the reassuring force conveyed by the captain when he squeezed his hand, and was choked up and speechless for a moment.

The captain and vice-captain raised the flag together, and their teammates were all around them. Such a team is a warm one that gives people a sense of belonging. Back then, when vice-captain Qin Ye was absent at the awards ceremony, he didn't even say a greeting...

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