Liu Chuan paid tribute to Shao Zehang again and introduced to Lao Mao: This is Captain Shao, the captain of Tongque. Captain Shao, come here, let me toast you. "

Shao Zehang stood up, raised his glass with a calm expression and said: Show mercy. "

At the next table, young captains such as Liang Haibin, Fang Zhiyan, Ye Chenxi, Zhou Mu and others also came over with wine glasses and said with a smile, Team Sichuan, we are here to toast you, please be merciful this season. "

A group of people lined up to pay respect to Liu Chuan. It was like going back to the time when Liu Chuan was still there before the tenth season. Every year, the pre-match meeting would turn into a situation where everyone besieged Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan said helplessly: Isn't this bad for you? I am considered a newcomer now, so I should be here to respect you..."

Ye Chenxi smiled and said: Sichuan God, you are so annoying, we are the younger generation, we should respect you. "

Xiao Sijing said: Drink quickly, everyone knows that you will never get drunk after a thousand cups. "

A group of people raised their wine glasses and looked at Liu Chuan with smiles. Liu Chuan had no choice but to drink it all in one gulp.

Li Cangyu didn't know much about the situation in the martial arts world, but looking at today's situation, it was obvious that Liu Chuan was very popular in this circle. Although so many captains hated him to the core, they showed more respect for this veteran. And admire it?

So, Li Cangyu also raised his wine glass and said: God of Sichuan, I also toast you, please be merciful. "

..." Liu Chuan was speechless, hey! Old cat, aren't you supposed to be on the same front as me? Are you switching sides so quickly?!"

Li Cangyu smiled and said: When you are in the country, do as the Romans do. "

As a result, the new cat god also joined the large army that overwhelmed Liu Chuan. Even Lan Weiran ignored him and watched with a smile as he was besieged.

In previous pre-game meetings, Liu Chuan would be toasted in turn, and this year was no exception. No matter how drunk he was, he could not compete with more than a dozen captains queuing up to drink him...

Liu Chuan was so dizzy after drinking that the faces in front of him were shaking constantly. Lan Weiran and Ye Chenxi helped him back to the hotel. Lan Weiran poured him a glass of warm water and put it on the bed and asked: "No one is left to take care of him." Can he? "

Ye Chenxi smiled and said: It should be fine. He gets drunk every year, so he can just take a nap. "

Lan Weiran nodded, covered Liu Chuan with a quilt, and went out with Ye Chenxi. In addition to those who drank too much, most of the captains would participate in the KTV entertainment activities in the evening. Although Lan Weiran didn't like singing, it was good to meet some new people with Xiaoye.

Liu Chuan had been lying on the bed in a large font until his cell phone suddenly rang. Liu Chuan opened his eyes, drowsily took out his cell phone from his pocket, picked it up and said, Hello? Who? "

it's me. "Wu Zewen's voice came to my ears, with a hint of worry, where are you? Why does your voice sound so hoarse?"

Liu Chuan said: I was in a hotel... uh... a group of them lined up to drink me wine, it was really excessive..."

He rubbed his temples with a splitting headache, and Liu Chuan couldn't help complaining: I drank too feels so uncomfortable..."

Listening to his hoarse voice, Wu Zewen couldn't help but feel distressed: Isn't the vice-captain here? "

Liu Chuan said aggrievedly: Silan left me alone and left. "

Wu Zewen felt even more distressed: How are you now? If you feel uncomfortable, go find some hangover medicine, or drink some warm water, and then go to bed early. "Listening to this guy's uncomfortable voice, Wu Zewen wanted to fly to him immediately to take care of him...

Liu Chuan felt warm in his heart and murmured in a low voice: Zewen, you are the best to me..."

After a pause, he said softly: I miss you..."

Listening to the drunken guy's confused voice in his ear, Wu Zewen softened his heart again. It was rare for Liu Chuan to get drunk, and he still remembered him subconsciously after being drunk. Although this guy's aggrieved and coquettish tone sounded a bit rogue, Wu Zewen But I felt very happy.

After a moment of silence, Wu Zewen responded softly with red ears: I miss you too. "

Chapter 135 236+237

Chapter 236, long time no see

Wu Zewen's call made Liu Chuan feel warm all over, I miss you too." These four simple words made Liu Chuan feel happy immediately. Someone cared about him when he was drunk, and someone missed him from afar. This feels so good...

Liu Chuan drowsily closed his eyes and fell asleep soon.

Listening to the breathing sound coming from the other side of the phone gradually becoming evener, Wu Zewen said with some confusion: Liu Chuan? "

There was no response, but there was a sound of snoring. Apparently some heartless guy had fallen asleep.

Wu Zewen's red ears were slightly hot, and he felt very embarrassed to take the initiative to say "I miss you".

, but Wu Zewen couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of Liu Chuan staying alone in the hotel after being drunk. Even though he knew Liu Chuan could take care of himself, he still couldn't help but show his concern for the person he liked. come out.

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and whispered to the phone: Have a good sleep, good night. "

The phone was hung up, leaving only the beeping busy tone that echoed clearly in his ears in the middle of the night. Liu Chuan, who was sleeping, seemed to have dreamed of some beautiful scene, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly.

In the KTV private room, Ye Chenxi invited everyone to go out and play. Most of the team captains and vice-captains were there.

Lan Weiran didn't like this kind of lively scene very much. Fortunately, Ye Chenxi was like his bodyguard, always by his side to protect him and introduce him to people from other teams. Lan Weiran was also enjoying himself.

Ye Chenxi took the initiative to introduce: This is Lin Yufan, the vice-captain of Luohuaci. Master, you have never met him. He is a newcomer who only debuted in the fifth season. "

Lin Yufan smiled and said: Hello, Senior Si Lan, I have admired you for a long time! "

The vice-captain looked quite cheerful, and Lan Weiran felt a bit of intimacy with Luo Huaci's juniors. He smiled and said: Hello, Vice-captain Lin, you are also playing Xiaoyao, right? "

Lin Yufan nodded: Our current tactical system is still the free teleportation style you created back then. I cooperate with Team Ye. "

Lan Weiran said with a smile: Not bad, not bad. "

Lan Weiran also felt very pleased that the tactical system he came up with could be passed down by his apprentice Ye Chenxi.

At this moment, two more girls came over. Ye Chenxi introduced: These are Zhou Mu, the captain of the Guose team, and Xu Xinran, the vice-captain. When Master retired, the Guose team had not yet been established, and Team Zhou was already the second captain of Guose. "

Lan Weiran smiled and nodded to the two people in front of him. Zhou Mu had long hair shawl and a cold expression. Xu Xinran was smaller, with big eyes and smart short hair. The two of them toasted their seniors in a friendly manner, and Lan Weiran drank it all with a smile.

Lan Weiran was probably not used to it, and Ye Chenxi had been by his side all the time. He took advantage of this time to introduce all the captains and vice-captains of all the teams in the alliance to his master.

As the oldest captain in the league, Team Xiao was voted by everyone to sing. Xiao Sijing naturally would not put on airs in such a scene, and his expression was relatively relaxed. He smiled and said: What do you want me to sing? "

Everyone joked: Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want! "We are all ears!"

People in the alliance are used to calling him His Majesty Lao Xiao. Xiao Sijing accepted it happily and turned around and said: Shi Lun, please order a song for me. "

Su Shilun smiled and went to the song booth to order a song "Forgetting Love Water" for him, and Xiao Sijing sang along with the rhythm.

His voice was very deep, and it was quite pleasant to sing such a slow-tempo love song. Lan Weiran squinted her eyes and ate melon seeds while listening to him singing. After listening for a while, she couldn't help but comment: Lao Xiao is pretty good at singing. "

Su Shilun came over and said: You will also sing later. Liu Chuan is not here, so you can only represent the Longyin Team. "

Lan Weiran said in surprise: I can't sing, can I be exempted? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Team Xiao had just finished singing a song. Ye Chenxi, who was in charge of opening the show, picked up the microphone and said: Who is next? "

Everyone said in unison: Si Lan is coming! "Blue blue blue blue, let's sing one!" Senior Lan will sing one! "

A group of people were making trouble nearby, so Ye Chenxi handed over the microphone. Lan Weiran took the microphone and said helplessly: I really can't sing. "

Su Shilun said unceremoniously: Those who don't sing will be fined a bottle of beer and a song as usual. You can choose the four blues yourself. "

Lan Weiran frowned. He had drunk a lot just now. If he drank more, he would definitely be drunk. But he really wasn't good at singing. It was really difficult...

Seeing his embarrassed look, Ye Chenxi smiled and said: How about I sing a song for my master? "

Every year at the gathering, there are precedents of people not wanting to sing and teammates singing for them, but this is the first time for a disciple like Ye Chenxi to sing for his master.

When Lan Weiran saw Xiaoye helping him out, he hurriedly said: That's right, let my apprentice sing a song for me. That's it! "

Then he handed the microphone to Ye Chenxi unceremoniously, turned back to the corner and sat down, looking as if nothing had happened.

Everyone had no choice but to let him go.

Ye Chenxi turned to the song booth and ordered a song by Eason Chan's "Long Time No See". The familiar prelude sounded, and Ye Chenxi's gentle voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the amplification of the microphone——

I came to your city and walked the way you came; I imagined how lonely you would be without me; I took the photo you gave me and saw the familiar street; but without your picture, we went back Before that day, will you suddenly appear? At the coffee shop on the corner, I will look back and greet you with a smile on my face, sit and chat with you; how much I want to meet you and see how you have changed recently, no longer Let’s talk about the past, just to say hello to you, long time no see..."

When singing "Long time no see", Ye Chenxi's smiling eyes looked across the crowd towards where Lan Weiran was.

Xiang, Lan Weiran raised his head, just in time to meet those dark and deep eyes, his heart jumped suddenly - for some reason, he remembered last year's Spring Festival again, and Ye Chenxi had been playing music in the car on the way back. A song, when he asked him what the song was called, Ye Chenxi smiled and said: I love you more than I thought. "

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