At this moment, the audience heard a clear "buzz" sound, and saw Xu Ce holding a scimitar suddenly split into nine shadows!

Mingjiao’s ultimate move—Illusion!

The audience was immediately stunned!

When the phantom spell was fired on such a narrow road, nine phantoms actually stood neatly in a straight line!

Lu Mingzhe was obviously very surprised. As a Mingjiao, he certainly knew that the phantom technique of the Blood Sacrifice School was best used in open terrain, so that his nine phantoms could spread out and stand. Random shuttle movement in the middle, used to attack or escape, is a good choice. After splitting the phantom, one's own defense will become very weak accordingly. At this time, if the real body is found, it may be killed with a casual move.

Did he want to do this by standing the phantom in a straight line?

As a Mingjiao, Lu Mingzhe naturally had his own unique method of distinguishing between phantoms and real bodies. Based on the phantom's micro-movements, he could tell that the one at the front was Xu Ce's real body - however, by the time he could tell the difference, it was already too late. !

At that moment, Xu Ce's true body suddenly jumped forward and landed accurately behind Lu Mingzhe. The scimitar in his hand was raised at the same time——

Draw your sword and chop! Silver Moon Slash! Destroy the demon!

Mingjiao's three consecutive moves are one sweeping move, one straight slashing move, and one diagonal slashing move! The silver-white scimitar seemed to have spirituality in Xu Ce's hands. He slashed it down with three smooth moves in succession, each move causing damage!

After three moves, Lu Mingzhe fell to the ground.

The audience was a little unresponsive and stared at Lu Mingzhe's body on the big screen in shock - everything happened so fast that it was too fast for people to see! Everyone just felt that this Mingjiao suddenly split the phantom, got close to the back, and exploded with combos. It seemed that it only happened in an instant. It felt like Xu Ce defeated his opponent in seconds with just one simple phantom move.

However, Lu Mingzhe, who was taken away by a set of explosions, couldn't help but smile bitterly. This newcomer is really surprising...

The first player of the Xuelang team was killed. The referee put the scene into a pause. The director took the opportunity to considerately play a slow-motion replay. Only then did the audience see the scene clearly.

Zhang Shuping couldn't help but sigh: Xu Ce used the Phantom Technique just now. Obviously, he was not trying to confuse his opponent, and he was not afraid that the opponent would recognize his true body at all, because he used the Phantom Technique just to fight quickly and instantly. Drop each other! "

Chen Feifei echoed: Yes, although the phantom technique will greatly reduce one's own defense, it can also instantly increase the master's attack power by 200%. It seems that he is fighting for a short-term burst at the expense of lowering his defense. He is confident that he can defeat the opponent. Defeat your opponent in seconds before you recognize your true identity! "

Zhang Shuping nodded and said with a smile: We thought Xu Ce was too complicated. He used the phantom technique in such a dangerous terrain. He didn't care about anything else. It didn't matter whether the opponent recognized it or not, he just took it away with a burst. , this player’s idea is really simple and crude! "

It's a pity that such a simple and crude Xu Ce killed Lu Mingzhe, who had tried hard to trick him.

The audience applauded excitedly. It can be seen from the slow-motion playback that Xu Ce's operations in those few seconds were actually very delicate and smooth. If it were not for the top masters of Mingjiao, he would not be able to do it in one go. .

The newcomer of Team Longyin really surprised everyone. At first, more than 80% of the people guessed that Xuelang would win. However, after Xu Ce appeared, the online audience who guessed the winning rate immediately switched sides. The support rate of Xuelang and Longyin in the arena match It evened out quickly!

After Lu Mingzhe fell, the Xuelang team replaced the second player in the group arena. As expected by Liu Chuan, the second player sent by Fang Zhiyan was none other than Li Suyue, a female player who plays with the five poisons of whip.

Xu Ce only had a little blood skin left at this time. He didn't have much chance of winning against the long-distance control type Whip Five Poison. The Whip Five Poison whip was at home in this kind of terrain. It could catch people with one whip and throw them down. Cliff is also very possible, so be very careful with Whip Five.

Xu Ce calmly waited on the spot, hiding himself and waiting for the other party to come over.

Soon, a purple figure appeared in his field of vision. Li Suyue held a dark green whip in her hand and stood not far away. Apparently, she stopped when she noticed someone nearby.

Xu Ce began to quietly approach his opponent. Suddenly, the dark green long whip swept towards his direction, as fast as a spiritual snake coming out of its cave. It was the fan-shaped group attack skill of Whip Five Poison that swept across Liuhe!

This skill is a range attack in a fan-shaped area. The long whip sweeps across, and anyone hit will be poisoned. Xu Ce's reaction is extremely fast. The moment she takes action, she immediately jumps back, and the long whip almost touches his face. The nose flew over, and Xu Ce's backward jump just happened to narrowly avoid this attack!

At the moment when the audience shouted "It's dangerous", Xu Ce suddenly jumped up with a "flying crane into the sky" and then followed it up with an air jump of "crossing the snow", and suddenly jumped behind Li Suyue, raising the scimitar in his hand. , the sharp sword light quickly slashed down!

——Fight back decisively and without hesitation!

The red and white figure flashed in front of his eyes, almost teleporting and immediately appeared behind Li Suyue. The silver-white sword light was mixed with the effect of blood splashing. What Xu Ce fired was the orange martial arts stunt ultimate move of Mingjiao of the Blood Sacrifice School. "Bloodthirsty." !

As soon as the weapon stunt was activated, Xu Ce's burst of damage directly cut off 20% of Li Suyue's health. At the same time, Xu Ce, whose health bar was originally glowing red, actually relied on the blood-sucking effect of this skill to forcefully destroy his own health. The blood volume was restored to 15%.

The audience was shocked - this is simply a vampire! It sucks blood so hard!

Facing Li Suyue, Xu Ce naturally couldn't fight head-on. If he was hit head-on with the whip five poison from a distance, he would definitely die miserably if he was hit by her whip. Therefore, Xu Ce began to use the blood sacrifice Ming Cult and the wretched fighting style of Renxia—— Circle your back, suck blood...and run away.

After Xu Ce sucked the blood, he immediately turned around and ran away.

This style of painting changed so quickly that the two commentators were a little embarrassed. Just now they said that Xu Ce should not think too complicatedly, he just trades blood for blood in a simple and rough style." As a result, Xu Ce immediately understood after facing Li Suyue. With such a face, he started to play "complicated" dirty tactics.

Chen Feifei coughed and said: Well, the Mingjiao Blood Sacrifice style usually involves an explosive style of exchanging blood for blood. Some people also like the obscene style of stealth, escaping, and blood-sucking. This player from the Longyin Team... seems to be interested in both types of style. Fadu is better at it. "She thought this guy would just fight like a mad dog, but when he encountered the opponent's five poisons, he sucked blood and ran away.

Zhang Shuping smiled and said: Yes, he can change his strategy in time. He is quite good at assessing the situation. "

When Liu Chuan dueled with Xu Ce in the ring, Zhang Shuping had the opportunity to watch the battle. At that time, Liu Chuan said that this Mingjiao was very powerful and he must recruit a team. After so long training, Xu Ce is no longer the civilian master who only knows how to fight. He can think calmly and adjust his playing style and tactics according to different opponents. This is what a professional player should do. .

Zhang Shuping couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Liu Chuan's ability to train the team members was really strong, and in just one year, this Mingjiao had been completely transformed.

At this time, Liu Chuan, who was sitting in the soundproof room, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with relief. What he was pleased with was not only that Xu Ce had also killed a lot of Li Suyue's health after killing Lu Mingzhe, but also that Xu Ce had lost a lot of health after killing Lu Mingzhe. Plan your growth during this period.

Xu Ce is no longer the hot-blooded fool who acted impulsively and only knew how to fight with others. Xu Ce has become calmer and smarter. Liu Chuan knows that he has not misjudged the person. Xu Ce is indeed the same today. He was not disappointed.

Xu Ce used the strategy of constantly circling his back, sucking blood, and escaping. After spending several minutes with Li Suyue, he knocked out nearly 25% of Li Suyue's blood before being beaten to death by the opponent's set of whipping techniques.

He used his last strength to knock out 25% of the second player's health, which naturally paved the way for his teammates to appear next.

Although Xu Ce was killed, he won warm applause from the audience. Obviously, his performance won the approval of the audience.

Everyone in the Longyin team also stood up and applauded him. Liu Chuan walked up and patted his shoulder, smiled and said: Well done! "

As the opening player of the group arena, it is very important to show momentum, and Xu Ce obviously made a good start.

Xu Ce was also very happy in his heart, but he nodded calmly, turned around and returned to the resting seat, and deliberately sat next to Jiang Shaoqing. Although he didn't say anything, his face clearly looked like he was begging for praise. Just like JOJO who wagged his tail and asked for praise when he did good deeds.

Jiang Shaoqing's heart softened and he said softly: You played well. "

Um. "Xu Ce was now satisfied. Although his face was still serious, there was a smile in his eyes.

Although he was a little regretful that he did not kill Li Suyue, as a newcomer, he killed a general of the Xuelang team in his first appearance, and it was also a civil war between the same sect. Xu Ce actually completed the ring task quite beautifully.

However, what Xu Ce didn't expect was that he would become famous because of today's arena match.

The moment he killed Lu Mingzhe, Weibo and the forum had already exploded. Xu Ce's fighting style was fast, cruel and powerful, and his eyes were always cold and sharp, just like those who were dormant in the dark. Wild lang, this kind of sharp-playing player can easily attract fans. In addition, Xu Ce himself is tall and handsome, which instantly attracted the attention of a large number of viewers watching the live broadcast.

Especially players who play the Mingjiao Blood Sacrifice genre, many people have fallen in love with this new player.

I don’t know who took the lead, but Xu Ce was given a nickname on Weibo—that vampire.

That new vampire is so awesome. "That vampire is quite handsome." What is the origin of that vampire? "

Xu Ce got such a nickname inexplicably. Just like the audience calls Liu Chuan the God of Sichuan and Qin Ye the goddess of the night, Xu Ce's title is that vampire.

Xu Ce is really speechless! It’s enough for the teammates of the team to call him JOJO daddy and “that Xu Ce”. Why would a group of viewers call him “that vampire”?! Can’t there be a nicer title?!

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