——The Liuchuan brand big light bulb is really annoying!

Li Xiang looked back at him somewhat depressedly. Liu Chuan was stared at innocently by his apprentice.

Qin Ye chuckled lightly, pushed Li and wanted to say: Okay, let go first. "

Although this boy's hug was very warm, Qin Ye himself was a little greedy for the warmth of his body, and even couldn't bear to let go of him... But now many teammates are present, and the audience is watching. It is normal for teammates to hug each other and encourage each other. Yes, it will be bad if you hold it for too long.

Aware of the gentle push on his chest, Li Xiang hurriedly let go of Qin Ye, smiled and scratched his head, then turned around to find the Coke that had been prepared long ago, stuffed it into Qin Ye's hand, and said: You have a bad stomach , you can’t drink anything too cold, just drink this bottle. "

Li Xiang actually warmed the bottle of Coke with his hand. Qin Ye felt warm and opened the bottle cap to take a few sips.

In the past, Xu Xinran would buy him a bottle of iced Coke after every game. Now, the person buying the Coke is Li Xiang. The temperature of the Coke is no longer bone-chilling. After the game, there are also applause and hugs from his teammates. It feels completely different.

Qin Ye looked up at Li Xiang and said, "Thank you." "

Li Xiang smiled and said: You're welcome, that's right. "

Qin Ye was hugged by Li Xiang, and then Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran came over to hug him. They were obviously hugs from teammates to express congratulations, but Qin Ye felt something was different... It seemed to be Li Xiang's. A hug to make you feel more at ease? Li Xiang's hug was warm, and he seemed to be able to smell the sunshine from him.

The captain and vice-captain both came over and hugged Qin Ye. Qin Ye then turned around and returned to the dugout. Lin Tong said with admiration: Qin Ye, you are so awesome! "

Qin Ye smiled and said: You are pretty good too. If you two hadn't laid a good foundation, I wouldn't have won the third game. "

His words came from the bottom of his heart. If Xu Ce hadn't established an advantage in the first game and Lin Tong had fought tooth and nail in the second game, Qin Ye would have probably lost to Yang Jian in the third game under great pressure. In the hands, it was precisely because of the concerted efforts of the teammates that the Longyin team won the final victory in the arena stage. This is like a chain that is interlocked, and there can be no mistakes in every link.

When Liu Chuan saw the three of them gathered together, he walked over and said with a smile: You are all handsome. I will praise and reward you later! Let's all rest for a few minutes and prepare for the next team battle. Keep up the good work. "

The captain reached out his hand, and everyone immediately held their hands together and said in unison: Come on! "


The rest time between the group battle and the team battle was not long. Players from both sides were nervously preparing for the next team battle. However, the Longyin team won by 3 points, and the expressions of the team members looked more happy and relaxed, Xue láng The team's side was filled with clouds, especially Yang Jian, who kept frowning. The audience could even feel that there seemed to be a dark cloud above Yang Jian's head.

Yang Jian walked down the stage dejectedly and sat down to drink water silently. Obviously, he was still upset about his carelessness just now.

Fang Zhiyan walked to sit next to him, smiled and leaned into his ear, and whispered: Do you need me to help you relieve your negative state? "

Yang Jian:..."

Fang Zhi extended his hand and gently touched Yang Jian's hair. The action was like smoothing the fur of a pet. He also said with a smile: "Captain, come and help you relieve your depression." "

Yang Jian:..."

Fang Zhiyan, the No. 1 solution master in the professional league and captain of the Snow Lang team, relieves his vice-captain Yang Jian from his negative mental state by treating him like a puppy... smoothing and comforting him.

Yang Jian was even more embarrassed by his smooth movements, and looked up at him with a blushing face: Team, captain, no, no need..."

Fang Zhiyan took back his hand, his eyes full of smiles: Is it lifted? "

Yang Jian:..."

The psychotic captain’s game of unlocking the status quo is actually played in reality. Do you think I’m a three-year-old child?

Although Yang Jian wanted to scold him, he turned around and looked at Fang Zhiyan's gentle eyes, but his heart suddenly trembled, and he couldn't help but feel a sour feeling at the tip of his nose. As the captain, Fang Zhiyan did this, obviously for To enlighten his teammates, in fact, he must be quite angry because he lost the group competition...

Yang Jian lowered his head and said: I'm sorry, captain... I, I was careless and didn't calculate the amount of bleeding damage caused by Qin Ye's moves... Qin Ye has always been very calculating and calm. When facing him, I I should be more careful, but I..."

Yang Jian bit his lip, feeling very guilty in his heart.

Fang Zhiyan has always trusted him, but he failed to live up to the expectations of his captain and teammates by losing 3 points in the opening game of the 13th season. In today's arena competition, the two players of the Xuelang team performed well. Lu Mingzhe himself has slow hand speed.

Xu Ce, who was playing hard, had no choice but to be eliminated by the opponent; Li Suyue struggled to close the health gap. In the third game, Yang Jian and Qin Ye entered the final showdown with full health and mana at the same time. Yes, so it was definitely Yang Jian's fault that Team Xuelang lost in the group arena today.

If it were in the past, Yang Jian might still find excuses to excuse himself, but today, he and Qin Ye started the fight with full health, and they lost. He didn't even have an excuse. He felt particularly embarrassed.

Seeing the dejected look on the guy next to him, Fang Zhiyan felt soft, reached out and rubbed his head again, and said softly: Okay, it's normal to lose and win in the game. No one is always the winner. Next time Just give it a good fight. I don't blame you, and don't take it personally. "

Yang Jian nodded depressedly.

Fang Zhiyan went on to say: There will be a team battle later, so drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself and forget about the arena match. If Longyin still lets Qin Ye play in the team battle, Qin Ye will definitely rush in and stop you, and I will be there to protect you. Remember not to stand too far forward. "

Yang Jian took a deep breath, nodded and said; I know. "

After being relieved (smoothed) and boosted (comforted) by the captain, Yang Jian, who still had remaining health, regained his vitality, his eyes lit up, and he said seriously: I will fight well. "

Fang Zhiyan smiled with satisfaction and patted his shoulder: Come on. "


The team battle started soon, and the contestants from both sides also walked to the contestant stage in the front row and sat down in front of the computer one by one.

On the Xuelang team, Yang Jian plays the first position, and in the front row of the second position is a boxing Shaolin. The main output of the third and fourth positions is naturally the twin Mingjiao brothers, and the fifth position is to relieve control and increase blood. The all-round auxiliary Fang Zhiyan, and the sixth position is Wu Qian, the team's blood-boosting Five Poisons.

As for the Longyin team, Qin Ye plays the first position, Li Xiang plays the front row, Chuan and Wen play the main output, Shaoqing plays the auxiliary role, and Xiao Yu is the sole healer.

In such a matchup, the treatment and output of both sides are obviously different.

Players from both sides began to enter the competition room to adjust equipment and skill points. The commentator's seat was quite quiet. Chen Feifei used this free time to take the initiative and said: Shuping, judging from the lineups of both sides, which side do you think will have the advantage? "

Zhang Shuping said: Objectively speaking, Xuelang's side has a slight advantage. First of all, the Mingjiao duo who are the main damage dealers of Xuelang's team are twin brothers, and Yang Jian's role is to harass and kill the opponent's core. In terms of treatment, the Five Poisons group increases blood, and combined with Zheng Emei's single emergency response, the lineup will be very stable. If Yang Jian can find a breakthrough, then Xue Lang can quickly create a head advantage with fast-attack tactics. If Yang Jian can do that, If Bian cannot break through, the twins Mingjiao can also hide themselves and look for opportunities, and Xuelang can delay the late game and take his time when the situation is at a disadvantage. "

Zhang Shuping paused and continued: As for the Dragon Yin team, the output is the cooperation of the Puppet Tang Sect and the Five Poison Gu Masters. Qin Ye comes to break through. The breakthrough position of both sides is Qin Ye versus Yang Jian. These two players They can probably be evenly matched, and the more important thing is the support and treatment positions. Longyin's side is not as stable as Xuelang. After all, Longyin's support and treatment are both newcomers, and the single-healing lineup will be under great pressure during the game. "

Chen Feifei nodded in agreement and said: The key to this round depends on the cooperation between the two sides in the team battle. Sichuan God's personal ability is very strong, and it will definitely not be a problem to single out the Mingjiao of the Xuelang team, but in the team battle, if His teammates can't keep up with his rhythm, and even Sichuan God may not be able to deal with the twins of the Xuelang team. It will be very troublesome for the two Mingjiao to be invisible together. "

Zhang Shuping smiled slightly and said: Everyone can look forward to the performance of both parties! "

In fact, what he was looking forward to more was Wu Zewen's performance.

Every time this serious little apprentice comes to him on QQ, he always talks about the five poisons. His opening remarks are almost always Master, I found the five poisons, "Master, I think the five poisons can be successful," and then lists a bunch of data as an argument. the opinion of.

Wu Zewen is a typical academic player. The skill data of the Five Poison Gu Masters, the ways to add points to character attributes, and the matching plans of various equipments have all been studied extremely thoroughly by this academic master.

Sometimes Zhang Shuping can't help but sigh: The little apprentice's head is simply an official database!

Chapter 243, Dragon Roar VS Snow Lang (Guardian)

Players from both sides quickly adjusted their equipment and skill points and entered the game map selection stage.

Today is the home court of the Xuelang team. The map selected for the arena competition is the extremely thrilling Lunjian Peak. What map will be selected for the team battle? The big screen of the live broadcast switched to captain Fang Zhiyan's computer. Fang Zhiyan quickly selected a picture from the map gallery-Eternal Night Forest!

The audience gasped in unison - Team Fang, you are too cruel!

Eternal Night Forest, this map cannot be found in the qualifying matches of the online game server, because it is a map exclusively for the official professional league. It is an extremely rare eight-star difficulty night scene map. Even in the professional league, it is rarely seen. A team chose this night scene picture!

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