The two masters and apprentices were obviously exchanging ideas on the Five Poison Gu Master's tactics, but Liu Chuan just felt uneasy, snorted, and hugged Zewen tightly.

After Wu Zewen was silent for a moment, he raised his head and asked: Are you... jealous? "

After being exposed, Liu Chuan immediately said seriously: No, I'm just worried about your phone bill! A full hour plus ten minutes is still long-distance roaming in other places. Your mobile phone will definitely be in arrears. "

Wu Zewen:..."

Liu Chuan's ability to tell lies with open eyes was at its peak. Seeing him shamelessly refusing to admit it, Wu Zewen felt helpless and suddenly felt warm in his heart - Liu Chuan could actually be jealous. Obviously he cared about him very much. .

Sichuan God, who was occasionally jealous, found Wu Zewen quite cute in his eyes, so Wu Zewen, with red ears, took the initiative to stand on tiptoes, brought him to his lips and kissed him, ignoring his comfort for a full seventy minutes.

After being comforted, Liu Chuan's mood improved, he hugged Wu Zewen and kissed him back passionately...

The two of them were deeply affectionate when Liu Chuan's cell phone rang suddenly. Liu Chuan let go of Zewen and picked it up with an uneasy frown. It turned out to be a text message from Li Xiang: Master, do you think I have something? Is it possible to defeat Qin Ye? "

Liu Chuan:..."

Seeing this inexplicable text message that interrupted the intimacy between the two, Liu Chuan could not wait to rush to the next room and throw the second-rate apprentice out!

Liu Chuan quickly typed: Did you take the wrong medicine? "

Li Xiang did not reply.

Liu Chuan concluded that Li Xiang must have taken the wrong medicine, and he actually wanted to defeat Qin Ye? !

In the next room, Qin Ye saw Li Xiang texting with his hair down, and couldn't help but ask: Where is your master asking for help outside the court? what's the result? "

Li Xiang said depressedly: ...He scolded me. "

Qin Ye came over with a smile, whispered into Li Xiang's ear: Don't worry about him, keep working hard, and then you can beat me. "

Li Xiang was so agitated by him that he wanted to immediately transform into the number one Shaolin in the league, beat Qin Ye ruthlessly, and then crush Qin Ye, who was constantly irritating, on the spot.

As the culprit, Qin Ye didn't feel guilty at all.

Li Xiang is very motivated, which is what he appreciates about Li Xiang very much. From the game novice who couldn't survive 10 seconds under him to the professional player who can protect him at critical moments, Qin Ye knows that Li Xiang In fact, a lot of effort was put into it.

——Maybe one day in the future, you can really beat me, and then I will be with you.

——Of course, if you idiot still can't beat me...then I'll consider letting you go.

——Who makes me have you in my heart? Your IQ can't keep up, your movements are slow, and after you confess, you still want me to take the initiative to kiss you, it's really worrying!

Chapter 141 248+249

Chapter 248, affectionate

All members of the Longyin Team gathered in the hotel lobby at eight o'clock the next morning. Under the leadership of the team leader Jiang Xue, they headed to the airport together. Everyone checked in and boarded the plane in turn. Jiang Xue had booked the tickets in advance, and there were two tickets for 10 people. In the row of seats, Liu Chuan and Qin Ye's seats happened to be next to each other. After getting on the plane, Li Xiang immediately walked to the captain and said with a smile: Master, let's change places. "

Liu Chuan was putting his bag on the luggage rack at that time. When he heard this, he looked back at him and said: It's only been a few hours, what can I change? "

Li wanted to say: Let's change it. You and Zewen sit together. Zewen and I happen to be sitting together. "

When Liu Chuan heard this, he immediately smiled: Very good! Come and change. "

So, the master and the apprentice exchanged seats in a friendly manner. Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen sat together, while Li Xiang happily came to sit next to Qin Ye. Qin Ye glanced at him, said nothing, took out a magazine and flipped through it.

What Qin Ye was flipping through was the "E-Sports Weekly" he bought in the waiting hall. This magazine is not exclusive to martial arts, but covers the entire e-Sports field at home and abroad. The content involves various official events at home and abroad. Because Wulin happened to be the opening ceremony yesterday, it occupied a large amount of space in e-sports weekly. In particular, the return of the Longyin Team of the Three Gods has become the focus of e-sports magazines.

The first page of the E-sports Weekly is a special report on Longyin Team. It introduces in detail the information of the nine players of Longyin Team in Season 13. There is a group photo of the nine people, and there is also a page that lists Liu Chuan and Qin. The photos of three veteran players, Ye and Lan Weiran, were released separately. The three styles of men put together have a great visual impact.

Although Liu Chuan was handsome and Si Lan was quite charming, Li Xiang couldn't help but focus on Qin Ye's photo.

That photo was obviously taken during the opening ceremony. Qin Ye was sitting in front of the computer with a very calm expression on his face. He seemed to have a kind of indifference and pride that was not easy to approach. Li Xiang really couldn't take away the calm night on the field. He got in touch with Qin Ye, who teased him badly in the hotel last night...

Qin Yecha

I felt that the people around me had been staring at the magazine, so I couldn't help but raise my head and ask: Do you want to read it? "

Li Xiang smiled and said: Well, it's nothing, it's up to you. "

Qin Ye ignored him and continued to read the magazine. There was a comment in the magazine that made sense: Longyin Team's 5:4 victory was a good start for the new team. However, Longyin Team also had serious disadvantages. Obviously - the gap between the team's masters and newcomers is too big, and it's easy to get disconnected in team battles. It can be seen from this game that Long Yin is very strong in the group battle, but his tacit understanding in team battles is not enough. Sichuan Shen and Ye Zi have obviously slowed down their pace in order to cooperate with the newcomers. If this continues, Long Yin will be better in team battles. The competition for the command flag in the stage will be very disadvantageous. "

Qin Ye pointed at this passage and said calmly: This commentator is right. Newcomers, you have to work hard and don't hold me back, you know? "

Li Xiang nodded immediately: Yes! "

Qin Ye smiled with satisfaction and said, "Li, I want you to come closer." "

Li Xiang: Huh? "

Although he had a puzzled look on his face, Li Xiang never refused Qin Ye's instructions. He immediately leaned closer to where he was sitting and said, "What's wrong?" "

Qin Ye said: I want to sleep. "

Then, he consciously patted Li Xiang's shoulder, then tilted his head and used Li Xiang's shoulder as a pillow.

Li Xiang:……"

Why don't you be so rude! How can one summon a human body pillow so calmly? !

Of course, being summoned by Qin Ye to use as a human body pillow, Li Xiang was actually very happy in his heart.

Seeing Qin Ye sleeping on his back, Li Xiang immediately adjusted his position so that he could lean on him more comfortably. Qin Ye, who had his eyes closed, raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction and thought to himself: So good. I want to bully him more and more, but what should I do?

After changing seats with Li Xiang in the next seat across the corridor, Liu Chuan sat with Wu Zewen with a smile.

The plane took off soon, and iPads were allowed to be used during the stable flight. Wu Zewen immediately opened the iPad. The memo inside contained a lot of equipment data that he had recorded after communicating with his master last night. Wu Zewen was about to study it carefully, but Liu Chuan gathered it together. He whispered in his ear: Don’t be so serious, okay? You have to read guides when flying. You are too dedicated... Why don't you watch a movie with me? "

Wu Zewen turned around and said: There are no good movies downloaded on my iPad. "

Liu Chuan said: Let's play a game then? "

Wu Zewen asked: What do you want to play? "

What do you have here? "Liu Chuan took his iPad and took a closer look, and found that Wu Zewen had downloaded very few games. Apart from his favorite game, Rhythm Master, there was only one Go.

Liu Chuan said in surprise: You can also play Go? "

Wu Zewen said: I know a little bit. "

Liu Chuan said: Then let's play against each other. "

Wu Zewen nodded: OK. "

So, the two people held black stones and white stones respectively and played Go on the iPad.

Wu Zewen was very calm when playing chess, taking every step carefully. Liu Chuan's black stones were surrounded, destroyed, and defeated by his white stones every time. This feeling of having his IQ crushed made Liu Chuan very depressed.

After losing three games in a row, Liu Chuan started to cheat: You want me to have three pieces. "

Wu Zewen said: OK. "

Zewen gave up three pieces to Liu Chuan at the beginning, and Liu Chuan lost three consecutive games, and then continued to cheat: Give me five more pieces. "

Wu Zewen said: OK. "

Then, Liu Chuan lost again. Wu Zewen looked at him seriously and asked: Do you still want to give in? "

Liu Chuan smiled and touched his nose and said, "Okay, I give up. I didn't expect you to be so good at Go." "

Wu Zewen said: I studied it for a while when I was a child, but I haven’t played it for a long time. "

Liu Chuan said: I am not good at playing chess, but my dad is a master of Go. If I have the opportunity to introduce you to each other in the future, you can try playing two games with my dad. I guess your chess skills are really evenly matched. "

Wu Zewen was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

His dad? Liu Chuan suddenly mentioned his father, as if he wanted to introduce himself to his father...

In fact, many couples who fell in love during college did not go to the step of meeting their parents. In people's minds, falling in love outside and bringing home their boyfriend/girlfriend are not the same concepts. Couples who fall in love may not be able to go In the end, those who are willing to take them home to meet their elders are ready to be together for a long time, or even get married.

Many boys will take someone home to meet their parents under the premise that I want to marry him or her as my wife.

When he was with Liu Chuan, all Wu Zewen wanted to do was cherish the present. It was a very happy thing for him to be with Liu Chuan. His mother had warned him that Liu Chuan's family might not accept them. relationship, Wu Zewen felt his heart twisting every time he thought about breaking up with Liu Chuan, so he deliberately ignored these

The cruel problems of reality put all the attention on the sweetness of being alone with Liu Chuan.

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