Venue: Changsha

According to the regular season schedule, a team usually plays once at home and once on the road, which facilitates local ticket sales and also facilitates timely adjustments for teammates.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: This is our home court, and it is also the first time that our Longyin team has competed in a competition venue in Changsha since it settled in Changsha. Xu Xiaoqi told me that media reporters from the entire Changsha e-sports circle will be out in force at that time, and the tickets for this game have been sold out. There will definitely be many people who support us at the scene to cheer us on, so everyone in this game will Be sure to fight well! "

Playing at home will naturally take advantage of the time, location, and people. Everyone feels excited and can't wait to score a 9:0.

After Liu Chuan boosted his morale, he continued: Let me first analyze the Chixiao team, the top eight teams in the playoffs of the professional league, Huaxia, Qixingcao, Luohuaci, Xuelang, Tongque, Tang Dynasty, Guose, Fenghuo, You are all familiar with the names of these teams, but not everyone is familiar with the Chixiao team. Obviously this is a second-rate team that has never entered the playoffs, and its level is not as good as that of a first-rate team. However, we cannot relax because of this. "

The Chixiao team's style of play is a melee combination of Jianzong Wudang and Stick Beggar Clan as the main output. The assassin position is played by Mingjiao, the auxiliary is Taichi Wudang, the healer is Butian Wudu, and the front row is Fist Shaolin. For team battles, we still use the lineup of the Snow Wolf team. The opponent has a lot of close combat, so the pressure on the front row will be a bit high. I think you have to hold on. Xiao Yu concentrated on treating Li Xiang and Qin Ye in the front row. As long as our lineup was not breached in the back row, Zewen and I would basically not lose any blood. "

Li Xiang and Xiao Yu immediately nodded to express their understanding.

Liu Chuan continued: As for the group competition, which one of you is willing to play? You can take the initiative to sign up. "

Lin Tong immediately raised his hand and said: Captain, I want to go. "

Xu Ce said: I can fight too. "

Liu Chuan looked back at Lan Weiran: Where are you, Si Lan? Haven't woken up yet? "

Lan Weiran smiled and said: You let me go to the ring when I wake up? "

Liu Chuan said: You have already taken a break. If you continue to take a rest, you will not be afraid that your fingers will get rusty. "

Lan Weiran crossed his hands, rubbed his fingers, and said: It's okay, I'll do it next time, let Zewen do it this time. "

Wu Zewen looked back at the deputy team in surprise. Lan Weiran explained: Team Chixiao has a Five Poison Gu Master who is also a ring player. Zewen, if you can go up there, you can practice against him. Zewen takes the lead, Lin Tong is in the middle, Xu Ce is the last, what do you think of Liu Chuan? "

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said: This is okay. The players on the opposite side of the group stage are usually the Stick Beggar Gang, Hidden Weapon Tang Sect, and Gu Five Poisons. The specific order of appearance is not necessarily certain. According to what Si Lan said, our group stage competition will be played by Zewen, Lin Tong, and Xu Ce. Silan you..."

Lan Weiran said happily: I will continue to rest. "

Qin Ye glanced at him and said: If you rest too much, your hands will become stiff, and if your brain rests too much, it will become stupid. "

Lan Weiran said: It doesn't matter. If I become dumber, I can be equal to your IQ. "

Liu Chuan stood helplessly between them: Okay, you two, you start bickering as soon as you meet, and you are not afraid of people's jokes! "

The other newcomers snickered in their hearts, but pretended to be nonchalant on the surface. Yashen and Silan quarreled when they met. This has become a daily routine for the Dragon Roar Team. Everyone is used to it and is not surprised.


In the next three days, the first round of the regular season games for all major teams ended one after another. The official website of the professional league immediately updated the various rankings. Among them, in the team standings, the Tongque Team ranked first with 9 points. , because the opponent Tongque ranked in the first round was too weak, it directly led to a 9:0 crushing game; Qixingcao and Luohuaci tied for second with 7 points; Huaxia and Shengtang had 6 points; Longyin, Guose, Fenghuo all scored 5 points, while other teams scored 4 points, 3 points, 2 points or even 0 points.

There are 18 teams fighting each other in pairs. There are a total of thirty-four rounds in the regular season. This is the first round. This ranking is just the beginning of the thirteenth season. In addition to the team standings, no one is currently paying attention to other classification lists such as the arena kill list, team battle kill list, assist list, and MVP list. Everyone knows that the first round of data cannot explain any problem.

March 14th arrived quickly. All members of the Longyin team arrived at the competition site in Changsha. As soon as they entered the backstage of the players and looked at the scene on the big screen, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised - the competition site was crowded with people, and there were actually quite a few. People held slogans such as "Come on Longyin Team and "Sichuan God Marry Me".

Liu Chuan glanced at the auditorium, and one of the big signs caught his attention. On the sign was a huge vampire with black wings, and next to it was written in big blood-red letters: Come on vampire! Get more blood! "

Liu Chuan smiled and patted Xu Ce on the shoulder and said: You have fans too. "

Xu Ce:..."

What's up with drawing a vampire and using blood-red text? Is this to cheer or scare?

Although he was a little depressed to be called a vampire, he had to admit that for the first time, a fan came to the scene to support him in person holding a cheering card, and Xu Ce felt still in his heart.

Very happy.

——He also has fans, which feels really good!

The game finally officially started at 3pm.

This time it was the Longyin team’s turn to choose a map for their home game. Liu Chuan agreed with everyone before the game that the map he chose was “Butterfly Valley.” Valley maps are relatively simple in the professional league’s map library. The terrain in the valley is relatively flat, and there is no place to ambush. The advantage is that the scenery is very beautiful, with endless flowers and plants, and colorful butterflies flying in the middle. It is a dating mecca in the game.

The Longyin team actually chose such a flat map, which surprised the audience present. However, Liu Chuan's purpose was very clear. He wanted the newcomers to take the opportunity to practice their skills in fighting people head-on.

In the arena competition, Long Yin's first opponent was the Five Poison player "Misty Swamp", and the opponent happened to be the Stick Beggar Gang, whose ID was Qigong Disciple. He obviously liked Hong Qigong, the leader of the Beggar Gang in Jin Yong's novels.

Wu Zewen calmly walked to the center of Butterfly Valley, stopped and waited for the opponent to come over. Anyway, in such a flat terrain, there was no place for anyone to ambush, so they could just start a battle head-on.

After seeing Wu Zewen, the other party's beggar gang immediately jumped in front of Wu Zewen with a "dragon out of water", and then used the "sweeping thousands of armies" range attack skill to knock Wu Zewen down and control him. Naturally, Wu Zewen would not be fooled and immediately used "Qinggong Flying Crane Soaring to the Sky" jumped into the sky. Wudu, who was wearing purple Miao clothes on the big screen, jumped up. The silver anklets on his ankles shone in the sun, and the Miao-style clothes followed the jumping. The movements are raised, and almost even the thighs can be seen, which is simply unbearable to look at.

The audience said that this new suit, which has been complained about countless times by Lun Shen, is indeed a bit revealing...

However, the expressions of the Five Poisons contestants in the soundproof room were extremely calm, which was in sharp contrast to the evil male Five Poisons on the big screen.

When Wu Zewen jumped up, his finger was already on the pet summoning button. The moment the Beggar Gang's sweeping army was defeated, he immediately landed and summoned his own spider, and accurately let the spider walk to the side of the Beggar Gang. The position next to it, and then release the pet skill-Spider Silk Pull!

The opponent was pulled away by the spider. Wu Zewen then threw a spider web to temporarily restrain him. Then his hand speed exploded and he immediately used Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poison Hands to give him four levels of poisoning!

In just five seconds, the complex and delicate operations performed by Wu Zewen were simply jaw-dropping!

The disciple of Qi Gong finally escaped from the control of the spider web and rushed over with another Qinggong. Wu Zewen jumped back again with Qinggong. This time, what he summoned was a poisonous centipede - a pet that Wu Zewen likes to use in PK. The centipede can kill 3 nearby people. The enemy within 2 seconds was immobilized for 2 seconds. His pet's prediction was very clever, and it happened to be within 3 meters of Qi Gong's disciple. Therefore, Qi Gong's disciple was immobilized by the centipede again!

Wu Zewen inflicted several layers of poisoning on him from a distance. The Qi Gong disciple felt so tight that he wanted to vomit blood!

——Kited! He was actually kited by a newcomer, Wudu!

So far, he hasn't even touched a corner of Wu Du's clothes, but Wu Zewen has used two exquisite controls to knock him out of the fifth level of poisoning! The poor beggar was affected by the poisoning effect, and half of his blood had dropped...

Fortunately, Wu Zewen's spiders and centipedes have summoning cooldown time limits. After using the control skills, Qi Gong's disciples immediately used this time to hit Wu Zewen at close range with a set of combos, knocking out one-third of Wu Zewen's blood.

However, at this moment, a large group of overwhelming butterflies flew over again, the screen went black, and I lost my sight!

Disciple Qi Gong felt like crying - Why are there so many pets? It’s so annoying!

Wu Zewen, however, remained calm. He was carefully calculating the cooldown time of his skills, the distance between the two sides, and the amount of damage. These data quickly appeared in his mind, and his fingers were tapping the keyboard quickly. Every skill was placed extremely accurately.

Three minutes later, the Beggar Gang of Team Chixiao fell to the bite of Wu Zewen's poisonous snake.

At this time, Wu Zewen's blood volume actually still remained at 50%!

In other words, this new player, Misty Swamp, killed the opponent's Beggar Gang player with half of his health!

Looking at Wu Zewen, who still had a calm expression in the soundproof room, the audience even forgot to applaud for a moment. Instead, they sympathized with the Beggars player who walked off the stage - from the beginning to the end, the Beggars of the Chixiao team had been beaten by five players. Poison dragged the kite, poisonous snakes, centipedes, toads, spiders, butterflies, all kinds of little brothers took turns to fight. The poor beggar gang couldn't get close at all, so they were poisoned by the five poisons to death by the kite.

——I heard that Wudu is also a top student?

——The feeling of being suppressed by a top student’s IQ is really sad!

Chapter 142 250+251

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