After killing two people, Xu Ce came off the stage in a happy mood after completing the task. Next, Lin Tong also inherited and carried forward Xu Ce's desperate style and successfully killed the third player.

Lan Weiran, who was sitting on the lounge bench, said with a smile: Great, I don’t need to go! "

Liu Chuan glanced at him, feeling quite helpless in his heart.

Silan and Xu Ce are completely opposite. Xu Ce looked unhappy after playing soy sauce for 10 seconds, but Silan looked happy when he didn't have to play. Is this the difference between a "mad dog" and a "lazy cat"? ?

The 3 points in the group arena were successfully won. In the following team battle, the Longyin team members were like a collective bloodbath. Using the tactic of four-two point push, they successfully won the red flag in the bottom lane, and Wu Zewen and Liu Chuan in the top lane. The combination held Team Xuanyuan down for a full five minutes!

After the support from his teammates arrived, Xiao Yu immediately threw a big bonus to the two of them. Jiang Shaoqing simultaneously activated the weapon's ultimate move "Returning to the Origin Formation" to make the whole team full of mana. Longyin Team defeated Xuanyuan Team's six Everyone was sent back to their hometowns en masse!

And Wu Zewen and Qin Ye also scored three kills each under Liu Chuan's deliberate sacrifice!

In the third wave of team battles, the Xuanyuan team fought tooth and nail. Several group attacks were launched one after another, leaving the six members of the Longyin team with a collective residual health. Li Xiang used force to absorb the damage and save his teammates who were hanging by a thread. Xiao Yu immediately Activate the weapon's ultimate move with sharp eyesight and quick hands - Moonlight Flowing Light!

A young boy from Emei played the Guqin "Guyue" in his hand. The silver-white moonlight poured down like running water. Teammates within a radius of 6 meters were collectively shrouded in the moonlight - instantly full of health!

This ultimate move with a very long cooldown time, Yu Xiangyang was in a hurry and died in the previous games without using it. Because the cooldown time was too long, he sometimes did not dare to use it casually. It felt too luxurious to use it, but Often when he should let go, his hand speed couldn't keep up with his brain...

Today, Liu Chuan probably said before the game that he hopes none of us will die today," so Yu Xiangyang turned up the power without hesitation!

Qin'emei opened up, and the Xuanyuan team fought for a long time. As a result, the Longyin team collectively became full of health. This situation is actually a heavy blow to people's psychology.

The opponent's formation was obviously a bit chaotic. Liu Chuan immediately exploded with hand speed. The puppet's seven-kill array exploded. The opponent's main output and treatment failed in succession, and he directly scored a double kill! Wu Zewen cooperated with Liu Chuan's attack and took away the opponent's other output kill; Qin Ye quickly broke in and quickly killed the opponent's support; Xuanyuan team was instantly defeated, and Longyin team fought a perfect team battle!

The six opponents collectively returned to the resurrection point. Liu Chuan ordered to attack the black flag with all his strength. Several people burst out with hand speed to deal maximum damage. Even Li Xiang walked to the side of the flag and hit a few normal attacks.

One minute later, the black flag was obtained, and the golden words "Victory" popped up on the screen. At the same time, the score on the big screen also changed - 9:0!

What is the perfect team fight without one person dying? What is a crushing round? !

Today's Longyin team told all the audience with the beautiful performance of the players - we are also capable of playing a 9:0 crushing game!

9:0, the first full-point game since entering the league, is undoubtedly the best way to boost confidence for the newcomers of the Longyin Team.

In three waves of team battles, no one died. In addition to the great support of his teammates, no one could deny the credit of the treatment.

Xiao Yu had been on tenterhooks throughout the entire game today. There was a layer of sticky sweat on his palms, and he felt like he could no longer hold the mouse. But at this moment, when the game ended, looking at the 9:0 score on the big screen, Yu Xiangyang I have the urge to cry.

He has always known that he is the youngest and weakest in the entire team. In the past few games, he actually failed to perform well many times. If the Sichuan team and Ye Ye hadn't relied on their personal strength to quickly resolve the battle, , if they fight a war of attrition for a long time, Dragon Roar Team's treatment will be very weak, and the overall defense line may have been defeated by the opponent long ago.

As the team's weak point, Xiao Yu is actually working hard, but he still doesn't have much confidence. On the one hand, his brain can't keep up with the speed of his fingers. On the other hand, he is hesitant and nervous at critical moments...

Only in today's game, he felt that he performed well and finally kept up with the rhythm of his teammates!

Seeing the little boy's red eyes, Liu Chuan couldn't help but tenderly stretched out his hand to rub his head and said: Xiao Yu, you have made progress compared to before... It's great, our god-level nanny. "

Yu Xiangyang nodded vigorously.

——He is no longer the little daddy who is holding everyone back, which feels so good! In the future, like today, I will increase my health and recover my health, and we will win every battle together!

——The shortcomings of our Longyin team will gradually become stronger!

Chapter 143 252+253

Chapter 252, Attacking Dragon Roar

The Longyin team defeated the Xuanyuan team with a score of 9:0. Xiao Yu’s parents who were watching the game were also very excited.

When Yu Xiangyang dropped out of college, the two parents were very worried. They always felt that their son was not yet 18 years old, so why would he play games with others?

The competition sounded completely unreliable. Later, Yu Xiangyang explained it to them repeatedly and even showed the two parents the official website of the league and the competition video. The two parents reluctantly agreed.

To this day, they feel the enthusiasm of the audience at the scene, listen to the deafening applause and screams, and see the fierce competition on the big screen. The two parents finally have what Xiao Yu said about the game competition. Some changes.

In the era of information networks, e-sports has obviously become a very popular competition among young people today.

Although they didn't understand what this game was about, the two parents were very happy to see the ID of "fish swimming in the water" that occasionally appeared on the big screen - that was their Xiaoyu. It is said that It can also add blood to teammates.

After the game, Liu Chuan called Xiao Yu aside and asked: Didn't your parents come to the scene? You can let them come backstage to see you, go out and pick them up, don't let your parents come in vain. "

Xiao Yu immediately called his mother excitedly and ran outside to wait for them. Within a moment, the family of three returned to the backstage lounge together. Xiao Yu’s parents were said to be teachers and looked very young. His father had a good figure. Tall, poor Xiao Yu has a genetic mutation and is more than 20 centimeters shorter than his father...

Yu Xiangyang walked up to Liu Chuan with his parents and introduced: Dad, this is our captain! "

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Hello, uncle and aunt. "

Teacher Yu looked at Liu Chuan carefully. The young man in front of him looked more handsome than in the photo sent by his son. He had a graceful smile and seemed to be well-educated. He was originally worried about whether his son would have a future with the Sichuan team, but after seeing the real person today, he immediately relaxed half of his heart and said with a smile: Are you the Sichuan team? My Xiaoyu often mentions you on the phone and says you are great. "

Liu Chuan looked back at Yu Xiangyang and said: "Actually, it's not just me, everyone in our team is very good." "


Captain, can you be a little more humble in front of parents!

Teacher Yu obviously didn't expect Liu Chuan to directly admit that he was great. He was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: Not bad, it's pretty fast! "

Yu's mother smiled and said: Since you are in Nanchang, why don't Xiao Yu's father and I treat you to a meal, which can be regarded as a gesture of friendship as a landlord. Xiao Yu is the youngest in our family and causes trouble for everyone. "

Liu Chuan smiled and said: No, no, Auntie, you are too polite..."

Mother Yu said: You're welcome, the restaurant has been booked, I think you are also hungry, why don't you go and eat now? "

The elder offered to treat him, and Liu Chuan couldn't refuse anymore, so he nodded: "Then we have to be respectful and obey. Thank you, aunt!" "

So, a group of people took a car to eat at a restaurant that Yu Xiangyang's parents had booked in advance.

Xiao Yu has a lively personality, and today he met his parents whom he hadn't seen for a long time. This guy was obviously very excited. He kept chattering all the way, explaining to his parents the rules of team battles, what treatments, team fights, etc. Zhan, Dad, made Teacher Yu confused...

Liu Chuan was a little curious. His father was stable and his mother was gentle. Why did this son jump up and down like a monkey?

The group had a lively dinner at a local specialty restaurant in Nanchang. Xiao Yu saw his parents off before returning to the hotel with his teammates.

Today's game was so high that everyone was so excited that they didn't want to sleep, so Liu Chuan gathered everyone together again to check the official regular season standings that had just been updated.

The third round of the regular season ended today, and the rankings of the teams have changed again. The Tongque team is still ranked first. Longyin surpassed the previous Qixingcao and Luohua due to their outstanding performance at 9:0 today. Ci, temporarily ranked second.

The performance of the other teams did not fluctuate much, with the gap being within 5 points.

It is worth noting that the Canglan team lost to Qixingcao in the first game and only scored 2 points, ranking at the bottom. However, they performed very well in the next two games and quickly caught up.

The points of these teams will get closer and closer as the game progresses.

Longyin is currently ranked second, but Liu Chuan knows very well that in the early stages of the regular season, Longyin's opponents are all second- and third-rate teams. It is normal to get more points. But in fact, from the tenth place in the regular season At the beginning of the round, Longyin Team will enter a nightmare-like schedule.

The opponent in the tenth round is the Tongque Team, eleven rounds of national colors, twelve rounds of beacon fire, followed by Shengtang, Huaxia, Canglan, Qixingcao, Luohuaci and other powerful opponents. By then, Longyin Team will be in the points. The ranking on the list will definitely decline...

Seeing the happy faces of the team members, Liu Chuan couldn't bear to say this cruel fact to hurt everyone - while you can still be happy now, hurry up and cherish this rare relaxing time. In the later stage, maybe everyone will hug you. Crying together!

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