Wu Zewen said: I guess the master and assistant on the opposite side have just come here to set up a field of view. The two of them can bring up to four Kongming lanterns, one for each of the four forks in the east, south, west and north. "

Liu Chuan said: I will go to the east, Zewen will go to the south, Qin Ye and Li want you to go to the west and north to check. "

Each person can only carry one reconnaissance stone, which can illuminate the Kongming Lantern placed by the enemy within 5 meters. As long as it shines, the Kongming Lantern can be attacked and extinguished. Wu Zewen's inference was indeed correct. The four positions he reported were the perfect directions for arranging the field of view. The four of them discovered the Kongming Lanterns placed by the Tongque Team in four directions and quickly extinguished them.

Shao Zehang, Lu Xiang and others were rushing towards the middle lane. Halfway there, they found that their view of the middle lane on the mini-map had dimmed, and they couldn't help but frown slightly. Obviously, Liu Chuan made full use of this time difference and cleared all the fields of view arranged by Tongque. When the team battle comes later, the Tongque team will be equivalent to becoming half blind, and the situation will be very unfavorable.

Shao Zehang had no time to worry about this. After roughly calculating the distance, he immediately and calmly made a response strategy: Let's go to the side branch, not the middle road. Ding Rong, Feng Chao, and Luo Jie took the left. Xiaolu and Xiao Zhou followed me to the right. We met at the triangle intersection and took their back path! "

The spider cave has a complex terrain like a spider web, with many forks. Shao Zehang is not a road warrior. The Longyin team just cleared the field of vision, and he naturally judged the approximate position of the opponent. If the Tongque people rush forward, they will definitely fall into the opponent's circle. , Shao Zehang is not that stupid, going around the side and taking the opponent's back is the best plan at this time.

Ding Rong and others immediately followed the captain's instructions and circled back from the left, while Shao Zehang took Lu Xiang and Healing and circled back from the right.

However, when the six people met at the triangular intersection behind them, they unexpectedly discovered that Liu Chuan had set up a row of puppets, waiting for them at the fork in the road as if to welcome you. At the same time, the Misty Swamp was also standing beside him. , accompanied by a mighty big toad.

——You two have too many little brothers!

This is the strongest feeling of the audience at this moment.

This was obviously a posture of "recruiting my younger brother and other enemies to throw themselves into the trap". Shao Zehang felt something bad and immediately ordered: withdraw!"

However, by the time he said this word, it was already too late. Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen turned on the loudspeaker almost at the same time!

——Puppet Dance! Embrace of the Underworld Butterfly!

The additional skills of Cheng Wu were activated at the same time, and overwhelming purple poisonous butterflies flew towards everyone. Four people in the front row of the Tongque Team, Ding Rong, Luo Jie, Shao Zehang and Lu Xiang, were collectively attacked and fell into a state of blindness. The assistance and treatment were far away to avoid blindness. However, Liu Chuan's puppets did not let them go. Liu Chuan's hand speed reached its peak, and he operated the two puppets to quickly restrain the support and treatment in the back row in place!

To make matters worse, at this moment, a red and white figure came from the side like a gust of wind——

It's Qin Ye!

Zhu Emei's sharp moves went straight towards Feng Chao. Feng Chao, who was grounded, knew that if Qin Ye got close to him, he would fall into an increasingly passive situation and would not be able to use any formation...

Just as Qin Ye's sharp claws were about to penetrate Feng Chao's heart, at this moment, a bright ray of light passed in front of his eyes - it turned out that Shao Zehang's support had arrived!

Even if he temporarily lost his vision, Shao Zehang could still hear the sound and identify his position in the complete darkness. Captain Shao used a small Qinggong skill to retreat and landed right in the straight line of Qin Ye's attack, blocking Feng Chao's move!

Feng Chao immediately read the message and released the ultimate move of the Tai Chi school - Tiangang Beidou Formation!

Removes all negative statuses from the entire group and makes them immune to any control for a period of time.

However, what Shao Zehang didn't expect was that there was a pair of eyes staring at him fiercely behind him.

Li Xiang grabbed Shao Zehang with a dragon-clawed hand. Shao Zehang didn't expect that there was a bodyguard behind Qin Ye. He was careless and was snatched away from behind by Li Xiang...

At this time, due to Feng Chao's timely relief, Xiaolu, who had regained his vision, immediately rushed to fight Qin Ye. Shaolin Luo Jie also rushed to the front to rescue the captain. Obviously, the candidate for the Tongque Team's focus was Qin Ye in the front row. , but the target of Longyin Team's focus is assistant Feng Chao.

Liu Chuan quickly placed four puppets around Feng Chao to kill him, making it impossible for him to escape! Wu Zewen then released a small snake to bite him, and raised the insect flute in his hand at the same time. The poisonous and heart-eating poison poisoned Feng Chao...

Zhou Xinchuan saw that Feng Chao had become the target of the fire, so he quickly threw Dajia to him and helped him get rid of the poisoned state.

Shao Zehang, Lu Xiang and Ding Rong jointly attacked Qin Ye. Qin Ye lost blood very quickly. Li Xiang immediately threw a protective golden bell to Qin Ye. At the same time, the opponent's Shaolin also lost to his support. A protective skill.

The team battle between the two sides was quite fierce. Lu Xiang swept through the entire army with one move, knocking down both Li Xiang and Qin Ye in the front row. As the most powerful melee control beggar, Lu Xiang would be extremely aggressive whenever he got close to him. Annoying, being knocked down and stunned continuously, even Qin Ye was helpless.

Liu Chuan said: Take the deer away! "

Wu Zewen understood, Liu Chuan first used a chain to hook the deer in

A forked road, and then Wu Zewen used a spider to pull the deer to another forked road. Poor Lu Xiang was pulled back and forth by Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen, and was pulled into the winding forked road. When he turned back to look for his teammates, he Realizing that he had gone in the wrong direction again, Lu Xiang was so angry that he demolished a wall next to him again!

The audience was speechless.

Lu Xiang demolished the wall very fast, swinging the stick in a dizzying manner, and with a bang, a wall fell down in front of him. What was surprising was that after Lu Xiang demolished the wall, he actually found Lan Weiran and Xiao Yuzheng Hide here.

Lu Xiang was startled for a moment, then hurriedly said: There is someone here, be careful! "

However, this sentence was a step too late after all. Si Lan and Xiao Yu were not nervous at all after being discovered. Xiao Yu continued to brush the blood of Li Xiang and Qin Ye, while Si Lan leisurely shook the fan in his hand and said Green light slowly rose at the feet of the Tongque Team...

Return to the snow array in Yangchun!

Lan Weiran's formation was quite clever. The range of one formation just covered the five members of the Tongque team.

Feng Chao, who was interrupted by Qin Ye's close approach, had no way to use his defensive formation. As a result, the five members of the Tongque Team were affected by the chaos effect and began to attack each other like crazy, especially Team Shao. With one strike, the damage from the blow almost made the team members want to cry.

Shao Zehang frowned helplessly. Apparently, he initially thought that Liu Chuan had arranged the ambush to prevent them from coming from the middle. He deliberately divided the left and right routes to surround them. He originally wanted to attack the opponent from the rear. Unexpectedly, he bypassed the enemy from behind. Later, they discovered that Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen had been waiting there.

Li Xiangqin Ye, Silan Xiaoyu, and Longyin Team were scattered. Without a field of vision, Tongque Team couldn't get any advantage at all.

Shao Zehang tried to take an escape route but fell into Liu Chuan's trap instead. Liu Chuan was full of bad intentions. If you think one step back, he can think three or four steps back. Captain Shao was already very cautious at that time, but Still got his way...

Seeing his teammates who were affected by the chaos slashing at each other, Xiao Luxiang was very depressed and waved his stick to hit Silan. As a result, Lan Weiran flew past him with a gorgeous Qinggong, and waved his fan in front of him handsomely. , made Lu Xiang angry to death!

Si Lan quickly disappeared at another fork in the road. Lu Xiang wanted to chase him, but Wu Zewen replaced him with a poisonous centipede and immobilized the deer.

Lu Xiang, who was pinned in the fork in the road, was attacked by Wu Zewen from a distance. The poisoning state on his body quickly increased to four levels. As a melee profession, he really had no choice after being pinned remotely. When the pincer was lifted, he wanted to move forward. Chasing after Wu Zewen, Wu Zewen disappeared again.

Lu Xiang was so angry that he started tearing down the wall again with his stick.

After demolishing another wall, what came face to face was the puppet arranged by Liu Chuan - the Puppet Seven Killing Formation!

——[Hai Na Bai Chuan] killed [Flying Deer Hero]!

Liu Chuan typed on the public screen and said: Are you out of blue again? :)”

Lu Xiang:..."

The poisoning effect will also lose mana when losing blood. Lu Xiang was hit by Wu Zewen and was poisoned to the fourth level. He was poisoned to the point where he lost all mana. Liu Chuan's words of gloating made Lu Xiang almost jump out of his seat in anger. ——This master is so annoying!

But in the commentary box, Zhang Shuping said happily: The scene just now was really cruel. The God of Sichuan was waiting for him here. When he saw the still-blooded fawn appeared, he immediately formed a formation and shot to kill him instantly. It feels like a lost deer walking directly into the trap set by the hunter..."

Su Tong smiled and said: Yes, it seems that the strategic deployment of the Longyin team today is very complete. All the ambush and support routes have been calculated just right. The direction in which Silan and Zewen retreated just now led Xiaolu to Sichuan Shenbu. Looking at the position of the formation, it is obvious that the Longyin team has a very powerful terrain analysis expert. "

Zhang Shuping said: Yes, it is the player Misty Swamp. "

Since this matter can no longer be hidden, Zhang Shuping doesn't mind saying it himself to advertise to his young apprentice: It is said that the player Misty Swamp is a top student in the physics department. He has very strong three-dimensional space map analysis capabilities. Today The map selection for the Tongque team was obviously a targeted map exercise. I believe that in the future, Longyin Team will definitely bring more excitement to the audience in terms of picture selection! "

When the audience heard this explanation, they immediately applauded enthusiastically. Many of Wu Zewen's fans even excitedly held up fluorescent signs such as "The best student wants IQ to crush him," "The best student wants to marry me quickly," and "The best student, I'm optimistic about you."

At the competition site, when the chaos effect ended, the poor deer had already died first.

The second person to die was support Feng Chao, who was being chased and beaten by Qin Ye. Then, Liu Chuan turned to attack Shao Zehang, taking away the Shao team in a wave, and the Tongque team's lineup finally collapsed.

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