..." Wu Zewen's analysis left Li Xiang speechless. He was depressed for a while and then said, I just thought about it."

Liu Chuan said: Don't think about it all day long when you are bored. If you want to defeat Qin Ye, you have to change your genre. You are very good at Buddha Shaolin. Just concentrate on your human shield and don't be stimulated by Qin Ye. What on earth did he tell you that you are suddenly so desperate to defeat him? "

Li Xiang smiled and scratched his head: It's nothing, cough, eat vegetables, eat vegetables! "

Just as the food was served, the hungry people immediately started devouring it.

Lu Xiang ate like a beggar gang sweeping thousands of troops. He quickly cleared the entire table, leaving traces of his chopsticks on every plate. Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen ate even faster than Lu Xiang was not alone, especially the flavored shrimps sold by the pound, which were very popular with Lu Xiang. Lu Xiang wore plastic gloves and peeled them off one by one. The shells he peeled off quickly piled up a small mountain in front of him... …

As if to kill Liu Chuan severely, Lu Xiang ate a lot at lunch and his stomach was bulging. Then he took a tissue and wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and then called out: Waiter, pack it up! "

Liu Chuan was extremely helpless: If you eat so much and pack it away, you are including dinner, right? "

Lu Xiang said confidently: I want to have dinner with the team members separately. This little food is only enough for me to stuff my teeth into a midnight snack. "

Liu Chuan:..."

Li Xiang saw that there were still a lot of milk bags left on the table, so he asked: Don't you want these milk bags? "

Lu Xiang said: There are too many of them, I can’t take them. "

Li wanted to say: Then I'll take it back. Qin Ye likes to eat this. "

Liu Chuan was a little confused. Li Xiang seemed to know Qin Ye quite well. Qin Ye liked eating milk buns. Liu Chuan, who had been a friend for many years, naturally knew that. He didn't expect that Li Xiang was so attentive and even brought food to Qin Ye. …

However, Liu Chuan didn't think much about it, thinking that Li Xiang just lived in the same room with Qin Ye, so he just did it casually.

After packing the remaining things, Liu Chuan called the waiter to pay the bill. The waiter quickly calculated the amount, and as Liu Chuan expected, the meal actually cost more than a thousand. As the culprit, Lu Xiang looked at the bill, not feeling guilty at all, but looking happy.

Wu Zewen took out the card and said: I will pay. "

Lu Xiang said: No, no, let my master pay! He agreed to treat him! "

Wu Zewen explained: Your master didn’t bring the card with him when he went out. I will pay first and he will give it to me later. "

Lu Xiang said: Oh, then you must ask him to give it to you. Don't let him cheat. He is so thick-skinned. Maybe he will forget it when he sleeps tonight. You must urge him tomorrow. want. "

Liu Chuan stretched out his hand and knocked Xiaolu on the head: Hey, has anyone said such bad things about Master? "

Lu Xiang looked up at him: What I said is true! "

Liu Chuandao: Are you happy with your meal today? I don’t owe you food anymore? "

Lu Xiang burped with satisfaction, nodded and said: Well, I don’t owe it anymore. "

Liu Chuan then smiled slightly and turned around and said: Zewen, Li Xiang, you go back to the team first, I will take Xiaolu back to the hotel. "

Wu Zewen said: Well, be careful on the road. "

Liu Chuan said: You too. "

The four of them split up at the door. Zewen and Li Xiang took a taxi back to the team headquarters, while Liu Chuan took a taxi to take Lu Xiang to the hotel where the Tongque team stayed.

The Tongque Team returned to Guangzhou the next morning. When Lu Xiang returned to the hotel, it happened to be lunch break time. Shao Zehang had the habit of taking a nap from 1 to 2:30 every day. He was worried about disturbing Team Shao's rest, so Lu Xiang opened the door and opened the door gently. He walked in on his feet, just like a thief.

Unexpectedly, he met the man's deep gaze as soon as he entered the door. Lu Xiang was stunned and said awkwardly: Captain, aren't you asleep? "

Seeing him carrying a lot of packed food, Shao Zehang raised the corners of his lips slightly and his tone became gentle: I'm waiting for you. Did you enjoy your lunch? "

Lu Xiang nodded and said with a sense of accomplishment: Well, I ate more than a thousand yuan from my master. "

After saying that, he put a crisper on the table and actively took out a pair of plastic gloves and handed them to Shao Zehang: These shrimps are very delicious. I grabbed a few for you and packed them back. Captain, you can try them. "

Master invited him to dinner, but Xiao Luxiang actually didn't forget to bring something for him, which made Shao Zehang feel very warm in his heart.

The little deer actually still cares about him. At least, he will consciously share any delicious food with him.

Shao Zehang didn't have much interest in eating shrimps, and he had just eaten lunch and he didn't have much appetite. He stepped forward and stopped Lu Xiang and said: "Don't be busy, I don't want to eat it. Let's leave it for now. We will have dinner together in the evening." . "

Lu Xiang nodded: Yes. "

Both of them fell silent. Lu Xiang buried his head in packing the things he had packed, while Shao Zehang stood aside and looked at him. After a while, Shao Zehang said: Lu Xiang, there is something...

;…I want to tell you. "

Lu Xiang raised his head: What's going on? "

Shao Zehang said: My father just called me and urged me to return to France as soon as possible. I think after finishing this season, I may...may retire early. "

Lu Xiang:..."

This news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making Lu Xiang's mind go blank for an instant.

--What is he saying? Is he leaving? Retirement?

Lu Xiang has never thought about what he would do if one day Shao Zehang no longer exists around him.

Back then, when his master sent him to the Tongque Team, Shao Zehang was the captain of the Tongque Team. Lu Xiang was used to this man's existence and to Captain Shao shouldering the burden of the team...

As the vice-captain, he only needs to follow Captain Shao around the team every day and supervise the training of the team members. As for tactical arrangements and personnel arrangements, Lu Xiang actually didn't understand these things.

Among the many vice-captains in the entire professional league, Lu Xiang should be the one who has the easiest and happiest life. Shao Zehang has shouldered all the burdens of the team, and Lu Xiang only needs to play and eat happily.

Originally, Lu Xiang thought that this situation would continue. After all, Lao Xiao has not retired, his master has come back, and so many old players in Qin Ye’s Four Blues are still persisting. Team Shao is younger than them, so it is impossible to do it so early. Retirement...

But now, Shao Zehang suddenly mentioned that he wanted to retire, and Lu Xiang couldn't deal with it at all. At that moment, he even felt as if the big tree he had been relying on suddenly collapsed. He was confused, helpless, and didn't know what to do at all.

——With his ability, how could he be able to shoulder the responsibility of this Tongque team?

Seeing the young boy looking at him blankly, Shao Zehang couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his hair, and said softly: Xiaolu, I promoted Zhou Xinchuan, a newcomer, just thinking that one day if I can't If you don't leave, he can come and help you. Aren’t you fellow villagers? Xiao Zhou has a relatively stable personality, and you two can get along well with each other. From now on, you will be the captain and he will be the vice-captain..."

I don’t want to be the captain, I won’t be the captain at all! "Lu Xiang interrupted him with red eyes, sniffed, gently held Shao Zehang's hand, and asked eagerly, Captain Shao, don't leave... okay? Don't leave..."

..." Shao Zehang did not answer.

Shao Zehang's heart almost twisted into a ball when he met Lu Xiang's pleading eyes.

Why didn't he want to stay with Xiaolu all the time, but... thinking of the situation at home, Shao Zehang couldn't help but frowned and said: Don't worry, I will finish the thirteenth season, and before I leave, I will also take care of Tongque. Everything is arranged for the team. "

Lu Xiang didn't speak, just looked at Shao Zehang stubbornly, grabbed Shao Zehang's hand, and held it tightly as if holding a life-saving straw.

In fact, he knows very well that his own efforts only account for half of his achievements today. The other half is due to the discovery and teaching of master Liu Chuan and the trust and cultivation of captain Shao Zehang. Without these two people, he would not have become what he has become. Today’s Deer God.

He didn't know if the man in front of him really left, could he still lead the Tongque Team to win every game?

He is not the material to be the captain. He is used to staying behind Shao Zehang, used to Shao Zehang using an umbrella to hold up the entire Tongque sky... If Shao Zehang leaves, what will Tongque become? Lu Xiang simply unimaginable……

Aware of the tightness of the young man in front of him grasping his fingers, and meeting his pleading eyes, Shao Zehang finally softened his heart, stretched out his arms, gently hugged Xiao Luxiang into his arms, and said softly: Okay ...I promise you, I won't leave for the time being. I will find another way at home. "

Lu Xiang immediately nodded vigorously, hugged Shao Zehang tightly, and buried his head in the man's chest.

Shao Zehang was a full 20 centimeters taller than him. This height difference allowed him to almost fit into Shao Zehang's arms, with his cheek right against Captain Shao's chest. The boy who was trembling slightly in his arms made Shao Zehang tighten his arms in distress. He had no choice but to do so. Lu Xiang was the weak spot in his heart. He couldn't bear to let go of this guy at all...

So, give me a little more time and let me accompany you for a while until you are able to shoulder the responsibility of the Tongque Team.

Little deer, you must grow up one day, but I hope you will always be that carefree boy hiding behind me eating snacks...

Chapter 147 260+161

Chapter 260, nüè dish incident (Part 1)

When Li Xiang returned to the team, Xiao Yu and Si Lan in room 403 had already taken a nap. When they passed by Qin Ye's door, they heard the faint sounds of fighting in the movie coming from inside, so they walked up and knocked on the door gently. He asked softly: Qin Ye, are you asleep? "

Qin Ye said:

No sleep, come in. "

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