At that moment, Liu Chuan and Jiang Xue took everyone to the restaurant for a feast. Because there was a week's holiday next, Liu Chuan made an exception and ordered a bottle of red wine to celebrate.

At the dinner table, while celebrating today's victory, Liu Chuan also asked for everyone's opinions: There will be a week's vacation after the first stage of the league. If you want to go home to visit your parents, you can ask Jiang Xue to help book air tickets. Round-trip air tickets are from The team's funds are used up, so leave early and come back early. "

Everyone looked at each other. Li Xiang was the first to scratch his head and said: My home is in Changsha and I can go back at any time. I'll stay here for the next seven days. "

Jiang Shaoqing's home is also very close to Changsha, so he said: "Then I'll stay too, so I can seize the time to train." "

Xu Ce, who always advanced and retreated together with Jiang Shaoqing, immediately said: There is no one at home, there is no point in going back, I will stay in the team too. "

Xiaoyu said: Then I won’t go home. I told my parents that I have to play games for four consecutive months and can’t go home until the summer vacation at the end of July. "

Liu Chuan knocked on his head: Do you still think you are a student? That's not called a 'summer vacation', that's called a professional player's 'off-season'. "

Xiao Yu nodded: Okay, offseason! I just went home during the offseason! "

Qin Ye frowned and said, "If I don't go back to Xi'an, my parents won't be here." "

Lan Weiran smiled and said: I will stay too. "

My mother is very busy recently and asked me to concentrate on the competition and go back after the holidays. "Wu Zewen said seriously, he just happened to stay in the team training for these seven days."

Lin Tong and Jiang Xue, two girls who are also good friends on the same front, said at the same time: Let's stay too. "

No one wanted to go home, so Liu Chuan said happily: Very good! It seems that no one is relaxing because of the ranking in the first stage. Although we are currently ranked fifth and it seems that there is no big problem in entering the playoffs, in fact, we are only halfway through the regular season. It is not the time to relax our vigilance yet. If you can take the initiative to stay and train, I really I’m very happy and here’s a toast to everyone! "

The captain took the initiative to raise his glass, and everyone raised it in cooperation.

Then, Liu Chuan said with a smile: Then you nine can continue to stay in the team, I will go home. "


With a "pop" sound, many people sprayed the wine directly.

Captain, are you okay with this? !

According to normal logic, it shouldn’t be said: Since everyone is working so hard, as the captain, I must set an example and stay and lead everyone to train together! "As a result, Liu Chuan actually said: Since you have worked so hard, as the captain, I will take a day off."

This... is simply beyond evaluation.

Lan Weiran frowned and looked at him; are you addicted to soy sauce? Why are you lazier than me? "

Liu Chuan smiled and said: I have something to do at home. I will take three days off and the team will hand it over to you. I am very relieved. "Liu Chuan patted Lan Weiran on the shoulder, with an expression on his face that said you have a great responsibility, please keep working hard."

Lan Weiran had no choice but to say: Go ahead, go ahead, you don't need to direct the next game anyway. "

It was an expression of disgust.

Liu Chuan touched his nose: After I leave, you must not seize power and usurp the throne, do you hear me? "

Xiao Yu immediately said: I support Silan’s ascension to the throne. Captain, please leave quickly! "

Li Xiang also said: I think it’s good for Si Lan to be the captain. "

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement: Very good. "Not bad." Very good. "

..." Liu Chuan smiled, let's see how I deal with you when I come back!"

In fact, everyone was just joking. Liu Chuan has always been the most responsible and attentive to the Longyin team. He said that he had to take leave because of family matters. It must be family matters that required him to take time out of his busy schedule to go back.

The teammates were considerate and didn't ask any more questions. They joked around a bit. Anyway, everyone always trusted the captain's decision.

According to the regular season schedule, the first and second stages are exactly the opposite. That is to say, the order of Longyin Team’s opponents in the first stage of the round-robin is: Xue Lang, Chi Xiao, Xuanyuan, Iron Blood, Silver Moon, Thorns, Bei. Dark, Quicksand, Gale, Bronze Bird, National Color, Beacon Fire, Tang Dynasty, China, Luo Hua Ci, Qixingcao, Canglan. In the second stage, it will be completely reversed. The first game will be against Canglan, and the last game will be against Xuelang.

As a result, Longyin will have to play sixteen consecutive games against the Qiang team starting from the game against Tongque in the first stage, and then enter a stable period of playing weak teams, and finally face the Qiang team Snow. láng.

This kind of schedule is called a nightmare schedule by Liu Chuan. In fact, it can be understood vividly as a roller coaster. This season of the Longyin team is a process from gentle to exciting, and then from exciting to gentle. There are 16 consecutive matches between the teams. The pressure is extremely high, and the slightest carelessness can easily cause a player's psychological breakdown.

At present, the eight games in the first stage have been played. Next week, we will play again from Canglan. It is better to be cautious at this time.


Fortunately, the next game against Canglan at home in Changsha will still be directed by Si Lan. Therefore, Liu Chuan's temporary departure from the team does not have much impact. Otherwise, he would not dare to leave the team at such a critical moment.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Wu Zewen sat by the bed and seemed hesitant to speak. Liu Chuan saw that he was looking at him from time to time, and finally couldn't help but walked up to him, lifted his chin, and kissed him.

Um..." Wu Zewen's ears turned red when he was suddenly kissed, and he quickly pushed Liu Chuan away gently.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: I can't speak, what's wrong with you? If you have something to say, just say it. "

Wu Zewen was silent for a moment and then asked seriously: What happened to your family...? Not serious, right? "

His temporary leave was obviously not a small matter at home, so Wu Zewen was a little worried, fearing that his parents would get sick or have an accident...

Facing Wu Zewen's concerned eyes, Liu Chuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed his head: Where did you think it was, it was a good thing, not a bad thing. "

Wu Zewen was confused: A good thing? "

Liu Chuan nodded: Well, my grandpa will have a banquet in Beijing for his 80th birthday. It will be held on the weekend. All the younger members of the family must be present. My mother has given a death order, so I have no choice but to not go. "Liu Chuan paused, smiled and reached out to pinch his face. I will fly to Beijing tomorrow afternoon. I will only stay at home for two days and then come back. Don't worry."

Wu Zewen breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

Seeing him like this, Liu Chuan felt warm in his heart. There was such a person who seriously cared about him and cared about him, as if his heart was being held by a pair of warm hands. This feeling was indescribably beautiful.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but lowered his head to kiss, and gently took Wu Zewen's lips into his mouth.

Wu Zewen did not resist this time. He hugged Liu Chuan's shoulders with reddish ears, opened his mouth on his own initiative, and responded awkwardly.

After receiving the response, Liu Chuan naturally became more enthusiastic. He pried open his teeth, inserted his tongue into his mouth, and kissed him tenderly. Ambiguous sounds came from the quiet hotel room, and his breathing became faster and faster until both of them could hardly breathe. When he was angry, Liu Chuan reluctantly let go of the person in his arms.

Zewen, I like you so much..." Liu Chuan looked into his eyes and said softly, no matter what happens, you must firmly believe in this."

Wu Zewen nodded seriously, and then said: I, I also... like you. "

Although he was a little embarrassed to say this and his ears were red and hot, Wu Zewen felt that this was the truest and most direct expression of his heart.

The academic master's mathematical operation level is top-notch, but his language expression ability is not outstanding. There is no technical content at all when he expresses his feelings to others, without any modifiers, just one sentence over and over again - I like you.

But these four simple words directly penetrated the softest corner of Liu Chuan's heart.

Liu Chuan smiled and hugged Wu Zewen tightly into his arms.

——Two people like each other, believe in each other's intentions, and work together to move forward side by side.

——They will definitely cherish this rare fate.

Chapter 173 311+312

Chapter 311, Family Gathering (1)

That night, Liu Chuan was turning on his computer to look at the official website data, and the group "Martial Arts Professional League Meng" suddenly popped up in the lower right corner - it turned out that Xiao Sijing used an Aite to blow everyone up.

Master Sansi: @All members, does it work? "

Liu Chuan came out and said: What are your orders for your Majesty to summon your ministers? "

Chen Junfei followed closely: "Xiao Huang suddenly summoned everyone. Is this the rhythm of announcing major news?" "

Lu Xiang said: Emperor Xiao must have wanted to grant amnesty to the world. He deliberately let the situation slip in the second round of the round robin and let all the teams get a flag in vain, right? "

Liu Chuan sent him a slap on the head expression: wake up quickly. "

Lu Xiang was woken up by the photo and said: Are you going to announce the marriage? Isn’t it too fast? "

Su Shilun smiled and said: Xiaolu, have you had your midnight snack? "

Lu Xiang said: No. "After typing, I was really hungry. Lu Xiang decided to go downstairs to buy a midnight snack. Seeing Shao Zehang watching the game video with a serious face, Lu Xiang walked up to him and scratched his head and said, I'll buy a midnight snack. Captain, you Is there anything you want to eat?”

Shao Zehang simply put down what he was doing and said, "I'll go with you." "

Fang Zhiyan also saw the comments in the group and asked doubtfully: What's wrong with Captain Xiao? "

Xiao Sijing said calmly: I just tried to see if the function of @all members in the group works well. "

Tang Yufeng: = =”

Everyone: = =”

Everyone followed Team Tang to paint their double eyelids, and in a blink of an eye, they were dazzled. Many newcomers who joined in the fun also came out.

Xiao Sijing concluded: It really works. \u0026rd



There are hundreds of people in this group. Xiao Huang, is your method of summoning everyone too cruel? This easy attempt blew everyone away! However, after the first round of the regular season, everyone happened to be idle tonight, and the people who were blown up started chatting.

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