Looking at this situation, Leng Jiali was shocked! The corner of Chu Yun’s mouth was red. It was obvious that the power had begun to cause damage to his body. No dead body.

Leng Jiali wanted to step forward to hold Chu Yun and help Chu Yun, but Chu Yun gave her a fierce look. Leng Jiali was startled by this look, and she was stunned for a while before she recovered from her bewilderment.

"Don't, don't come over! I can't be disturbed right now! Once you come over, my power will... immediately collapse!"

Although Leng Jiali has never seen the scene of the power collapse of the Guiyi realm, she knows that once her own cultivation base collapses, the final fate of a person is not to destroy the meridians, and there will never be a way to condense the cultivation base again. And the smoke disappeared.

Leng Jiali didn't dare to do this, she could only stay where she was, not daring to do a little extra.

"Me, what should I do to save you? What should I do to break this barrier? Chu Yun, if you know, just tell me!"

Suddenly, the golden light on Chu Yun's body became intense again. Fu Zongshan controlled the formation and once again made a huge pull on the strength of the Guiyi realm. The struggle for the power of the rivers and lakes caused Chu Yun's physical body to issue a stronger warning and more intense pain. Chu Yun has reached his limit!

Standing outside the formation, Fu Zongshan looked at the two people in the formation, and the uncomfortable expression on the face was gradually changing. The frowning brows have been unzipped a lot. He sneered and looked at the two people in the formation proudly, and said: "You don't have to struggle fearlessly anymore, Chu Yun, you have already reached the end, his power will definitely be used by me, his power In the end, I will definitely fall into my account, and I will definitely break through the current realm of unity and successfully enter the next realm!"

Leng Jiali's arrogance made Leng Jiali feel sick for a while. "Is it justified to steal other people's power! A mean man is a mean man after all! You will definitely fail!"

"Hahaha, even if you use this method to stimulate me, you just want to distract me, right, I won't be so easily fooled! Leng Jiali, you are indeed very smart, and you are indeed a beautiful woman, but who Whoever wants to stop me will go to hell! You are here, go to **** with Chu Yun!"

The golden light became more and more intense, this kind of light was overwhelming, so I had to block it with my hands. Fu Zongshan used all his power to drive the magic circle.

Can't resist it, it has reached its limit, and the power of returning to the realm is about to break out!

"The ground! The weakness of the barrier is on the ground!!!"

Chu Yun had exhausted the last strength of his whole body and shouted out such an answer. Leng Jiali did not hesitate, even if she couldn't open her eyes, and the surrounding light distracted her, she didn't care! All the power was injected into this profound iron divine sword, with a full blow, penetrated into the ground.

The red light suddenly flourished after it penetrated into the ground. The huge force overturned the ground of the whole cave. The hard rock burst out, and then flew out around and hit the cave wall.

The golden light gradually shattered with this kind of power, and the cracks covered an entire enchantment, and the final result was gradually dissipated. The red light pierced the golden light. The golden light was gradually surrounded by this burst of red light. Finally, it disappeared in the cave, leaving only the red aura!

"Success... succeeded!!" Leng Jiali was overjoyed, and at the first moment she pulled out the fairy sword, she looked at Chu Yun. Chu Yun had recovered. Although there was still a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, his power had been firmly fixed on his body again, and there was even no change.

The firm eyes looked straight ahead, even after all the torture just now, there was no downturn at all now.

Because of the rupture of the barrier and the backlash, Fu Zongshan was impacted backward by the backlash, and slammed heavily on the rock wall, spitting out blood. He raised his hand and looked at the black rock in his hand. As long as there is a rock, he may activate the magic circle again. As long as Chu Yun is still in this cave, he has the opportunity to send out the magic circle again. Trapped Chu Yun, withdraw his power!

The backlash of power made him feel dizzy for a while, just as he regained some vision, he saw the black rock in his hand suddenly dissipate in the air, and even a little powder was left behind!

"How... how is it possible! It's just a backlash of power, this thing is absolutely impossible to be so fragile! I... I still have a chance! I will definitely be able to win another round! I can't lose! It's impossible to fail like this !!!"

Chu Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly to him: "You have failed, and you have no power to make you come back again. Give up, Fu Zongshan, stop wishing!"

Suddenly, after Chu Yun said such a sentence, Fu Zongshan laughed loudly. "Hahaha, wishful thinking? You probably didn't feel the pain of being trapped in a realm and making no progress! I have experienced it! I want to change! Even if it is my wishful thinking, as long as I succeed, I won't Another wishful thinking!!"

Listening to his roar, Chu Yun's heart was very calm. Since this force was torn apart, everything ended, let the power of the unified realm merge with him more, and it would be easier to use such a force.

"Yes, as long as you succeed, but now you have failed, the stone of the cage circle has completely disappeared, you, don't think about it anymore, you are no longer possible to succeed, you will always be just wishful thinking!"

"Impossible! Impossible!!"

Yu Shanping strode towards Fu Zongshan and lifted Fu Zongshan from the ground, who was seriously injured by the backlash. "Senior Brother Fu, I think we should leave here first, the next thing, I will talk about it later, I don't believe that this kid, Chu Yun, can still be your opponent when you recover!"

Fu Zongshan pressed his chest with one hand, and after standing firm, he vomited another mouthful of blood.

This person was seriously injured, and it was impossible to target Chu Yun anymore. Chu Yun didn't want to settle accounts with him under this situation, and planned to let him go. The gentleman's revenge, of course, is to use the gentleman's method, one-on-one fair duel, this is the best way of revenge.

Leng Jiali stood up from behind Chu Yun and pointed at the two opposite people with a cold sword.

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