"Unexpectedly, the villain Yu Shanping has been following me all the time. Could it be that they followed me and grabbed me just to make them use me against you?"

"You have reached the point of analysis. That's right, the reason they are paying attention to you is because they want to use you to deal with me. But now everything is over, you are safe, and I am fine."

Although Chu Yun said so, Leng Jiali still blamed herself very much about this matter in her heart. If I had taken care of Yu Shanping earlier, maybe I wouldn't have become an opportunity for others to threaten Chu Yun.

Leng Jiali raised her head and looked at Chu Yun. Chu Yun understood what she was thinking in her heart at this moment, so she comforted her: "It doesn't matter, hasn't it already been said? The matter is over, everything It's all over just now. Others didn't succeed. Besides, I am intact now. Now, I should feel more fortunate. Why should I show such an appearance?"

Leng Jiali nodded, and she agreed with what Chu Yun said. She resumed her smile, and then continued to ask Chu Yun: "Chu Yun, you rarely get the power of the return to the first state, I... I'm here to congratulate you first. By the way, can I get back to my spirit again? I actually It is also because there is one thing that needs to be seen with your own eyes when you turn into spiritual consciousness and enter the spiritual pagoda. It is inside the pagoda. This crisis has been broken. Let's go back and take a look now."

At this moment, Leng Jiali stood up, and after that, she was about to walk out of the cave. Leng Jiali turned around and opened her eyes to leave, but saw Chu Yun making no move at an angle. Leng Jiali felt strange, but she was happy because she had just escaped danger. She returned to Chu Yun with a burst of joy and stretched out. He lifted his hand and raised Chu Yun.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you want this cave? Let's leave here now and return to the sect. Maybe, the rest are waiting for us to go back."

Chu Yun had scruples. He didn't want to mention this, but Leng Jiali had to go to the spirit tower and physically pulled him up to go with him. Suddenly, Chu Yun had a trick. Feeling unbearable.

Leng Jiali felt Chu Yun's weirdness, so she turned her head and asked Chu Yun, "What's wrong with you? Do you want to go with me? Or, the previous match made you feel tired? You don't want to. Come with me?"

Chu Yun shook his head.

Leng Jiali was even more puzzled, frowning: "What's that? Why don't you come with me?"

Chu Yun sighed. Although I wanted to keep hiding from her, when I broke through the realm of returning to the first level, I stirred up such a big movement. Even if Chu Yun didn't tell it, once he returned to the sect, he couldn't keep it. , After all, the battle was so big this time, and it also alarmed the elders and the head, it would be impossible for things not to be spread.

Back in the sect, I am afraid that in addition to congratulations, I will definitely be asked how I felt when the power collapsed, and how I solved it.

Or maybe it's a version among the various populations, and it's becoming more and more magical to pass things on. Chu Yun, after all, is still a man of the world, it is impossible to want peace.

In this case, it would be better to say these various versions to Leng Jiali from someone else's mouth. As long as she speaks plainly, Leng Jiali might really believe it. With the preconceived version of the first version, she won't listen to other exaggerated versions.

Chu Yun sighed and told Leng Jiali the truth: "You don't need to go to the spirit tower, the spirit tower...now it's gone."

After listening to Chu Yun's words, Leng Jiali's brow furrowed deeper: "What do you mean? Why do you say that the spirit tower is gone now? How could the spirit tower disappear? The moment I woke up, I could still see it. Yeah, why... how come it's gone?"

Chu Yun smiled bitterly: "The spirit tower is indeed gone. As for you can still see the spirit tower when you wake up, it is because the spirit tower was not destroyed at that time."

"Destroy...Destroy?!" These two words surprised Leng Jiali's heart, and added a layer of fear. "Chu Yun, what are you talking about? Why do you... why do you say that the spirit tower... was destroyed? What is going on? Can you... tell me clearly?"

Leng Jiali had a strange hunch. This hunch was that the destruction of the spirit tower was related to Chu Yun. After all, Chu Yun was in the spirit tower at that time. If the spirit tower is destroyed, it must be related to Chu Yun.

The pagoda was standing there, after hundreds of years of wind and rain. Except for regular cleaning, no one else guarded it. If someone wanted to destroy it, it must have been destroyed. If it wasn't because of Chu Yun, then there was no reason. ? Leng Jiali really can't figure out the reason.

In the end, Chu Yun explained his doubts: "The reason why the spirit tower will be destroyed is because of me, because of... the power of the realm of reunification."

"The power of the return to the realm?" Leng Jiali suddenly felt cold, "Chu Yun, did something big happen when I fainted? Did it happen to Fu Zongshan and the others? Or..."

"It has nothing to do with Fu Zongshan and the others. Your idea should go back just now. The reason why the spirit tower was destroyed is because of me."

Leng Jiali felt more upset the more she thought about it. Then, she grabbed Chu Yun's arm and forced to ask: "Then what happened between this? Chu Yun, tell me! I...I don't want to be so upset. ..."

Even if it is uneasy, the words have been asked here and it is no longer helpful. No matter how comforted it is, it can only be accepted by reality.

Chu Yun continued: "When I was fighting against the huge force formed by the Guiyi realm, I didn't control it well, and that force... still collapsed."

"Beng... collapsed?!" Leng Jiali covered her mouth and took a few steps back. If it weren't for her willpower, she might have fallen to the ground.

The power of the unified realm is so huge, once the consequences of the collapse are unimaginable, she also sees that huge force, and he can predict how much destruction this huge force will bring after it collapses. After thinking about it this way, Leng Jiali's inner panic turned into a wave of self-blame and regret in her heart.

"Sure enough, it's because I am right! You have already said that when you are in the barrier, it is a very dangerous thing to open the cracks in the barrier. Once you can't control it, you may be unable to control your power. ...For me, you are still in danger, right!"

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