Although it was the last question, Leng Jiali wanted to know more about Chu Yun's situation, and after getting Chu Yun's consent, she said her own words all at once.

Chu Yun could hear the anxiety and worry in her tone, but he did not stop, and continued to walk towards the entrance of the cave: "What I said just now is okay, and it is indeed okay, whether it is Fu Zongshan’s array or returning. The loss of control of the power of a realm has no impact on me today."

"Really..." After hearing Chu Yun's answer so accurate and unbiased, Leng Jiali's heart actually didn't settle down much. She continued to chase, and asked: "The power of the Guiyi realm is very huge. If the power collapses, it will definitely make people suffer backlash. it will definitely be hurt, Chu Yun, are you hiding something from me? Right."

Facing Leng Jiali's question this time, Chu Yun felt infinitely emotional. Leng Jiali really cares about him with emotion, but this self-blame is really unnecessary. Chu Yun did want to be tough just now, so Leng Jiali had no questions to ask. Chu Yun regretted a little.

Chu Yun said: "I didn't conceal it, but the things you asked were not completely asked. Let's do this. I will answer you questions about these things and will not lie to you. Then, are you relieved?"

Leng Jiali bit her lower lip, her face flushed. She felt that she had asked a bit too much. After all, she had said it personally, and stopped only asking such a thing. However, she blurted out so much at once, and made the other party worry about her. This made Leng Jiali momentarily. There is this at a loss.

"Well, I will."

"What else do you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask is...that is, the three questions just now."

Chu Yun smiled calmly and said: "It's okay, this is a fact. Although the power of the unified realm is indeed huge, if it collapses without being fully absorbed, it will inevitably have a huge backlash effect. This backlash effect is not important. There is only one result, that is, my body and bones are broken. Although I was indeed backlashed by strength at that time, you have seen my situation now. As a result, I was not backlashed, and I was unscathed."

After hearing this, Leng Jiali was a little relieved, and she continued: "Although you do seem to have nothing wrong now, but at that time, when you are backlashed by power, it should be very painful, right? You... At that time, was there anything..."

Although Leng Jiali didn't dare to say the last half sentence in its entirety, Chu Yun had already heard the meaning. Now that he had promised to answer everything clearly, he could only continue to answer.

"At that time, I really thought that I couldn't hold on, and I was about to be blasted to death by this force. However, my consciousness did not allow this to happen so simply."

"The pain at that time made me feel that it was the most difficult pain in the world. It was heartbreaking, and it was not as painful as this kind of pain. However, my will has always supported me and made me resist this kind of power. Finally, because of my will, I opened up all my power and let my power rush out of my body again. At that time, everything was out of control, everything was out of control..."

"Amidst such a difficulty, the power in my body suddenly merged with this power. At that time, I did not expect that my power would still have a chance to merge with the power of the Guiyi realm. This made me It was very unexpected. I seized this opportunity to integrate my power with the power of the unified realm."

"Later, after the power was merged, after this, I was suddenly able to control such a force, probably because I made a mistake like this, and merged with the power of the unified realm, and successfully reached the unified realm. !"

After hearing such a bizarre thing, Leng Jiali couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "Unexpectedly, the power of the unified realm can be absorbed in this way. This is the first time I have seen it. However, it is the first realm. Power, when it first enters the energy gathering, it should be controllable, but from the situation at that time, it should be impossible to change it, right."

Chu Yun agreed with her and said, "That's right, so I didn't have to look back at that time. Actually, that's good. I also plan to go all the way to the dark. Besides, if I do this, I will be able to absorb it. More energy."

"According to your current situation, it has been successful."

"Yeah, it has been successful. Besides, the most important thing is that the incident is over. Am I just standing here now?"


Hearing that Chu Yun explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, her hanging heart was finally let go, and even the anxiety in her heart was also let go.

The two of them walked for a long time in the tunnel of the cave before they reached the entrance of the cave, but now the entrance of the cave can't see the situation outside. Although this situation had already been anticipated, Chu Yun still felt despicable about it.

Fu Zongshan is indeed non-good. When he and Yu Shanping left, they actually sealed the hole. The front that was supposed to be empty was sealed by a huge stone. There was not a trace of light in the hole sealed by the stone wall, and it seemed that it was sealed tightly.

Leng Jiali was very worried, and she decided to step forward to find out. I patted the rock, and the rock did not respond at all. Even the sound was very dull.

"It's not good, Chu Yun, this big rock that seals the entrance of the cave should be something they prepared in advance. This stone wall is so thick that I can't break it. I didn't expect Yu Shanping and Fu Zongshan to be so despicable. Talking so much nonsense to them, using his sword to stab him, the two of them were injured, so they would not care about it."

After hearing Leng Jiali's comment, Chu Yun stepped forward to investigate this huge boulder. Sure enough, as Leng Jiali said, this stone is not a simple stone wall.

Seeing Chu Yun stepped forward to investigate in person, Leng Jiali said, "Chu Yun, have you found something?"

Chu Yun nodded and said, "Yes, but... it's just like you. This stone is not simple. However, it is not impossible to break him with the strength of the realm of me."

Yes, it is not impossible. The power of his unified realm can level a whole mountain in half, so it is not difficult to break this rock wall.

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