Because the strength of Guiyi's spiritual power was too great, a whole mountain was shaken, and this shake was not a simple shake. The earth's shaking was no less than the shaking when Chu Yun experienced the collapse of the power of the Guiyi realm at that time.

Leng Jiali was already trying her best to stabilize herself, but... she was never the opponent of the forces of the return to one realm. The world was shocked. Under such terrifying power, even with the protection of the enchantment, the people in the enchantment could not stand steady, and their bodies swayed for a while and slanted to the west for a while.

Leng Jiali saw that the gravel was falling very fast. First, the stone found like a fist hit the barrier, and then the gravel became bigger and bigger. I am afraid that within a few seconds, the cave will be broken by these. The stone was buried without leaving a trace.

She exhausted her strength to stabilize the barrier, let the barrier resist part of the shock, stood firm, tremblingly, and took a step forward.

Not enough, not enough! too slow!

At this speed, there is no way for her to escape this cave that is about to disappear into the world! It's too late, it's too late!

At least twenty steps away from the entrance of the cave, in her current state, I am afraid that within these five steps, she will be buried by this mountain. Really, is it too late?

She saw that a figure appeared in the gravel, this figure made people feel at ease, but this peace of mind was also at ease for a moment, and once again became at a loss. Even, it made her feel very sad.

This fool, why did you want to come back, why did you want to look back!

"Chu Yun, hurry up! Leave!"

The barrier was hit by gravel, and the area of ​​defense was getting less and less. In order to maintain it, Leng Jiali had exhausted all her strength. The strength was suppressed by external forces. Leng Jiali could feel it, and she also had it in her body. A wave of pressure. She forced her eyes to see the path in front of her, and continued to move forward.

Even if the opportunity is small, she doesn't want to give up. It's just... she was afraid that the person in front of her would be buried here with her, because of her low power.


Chu Yun's words were simple, he didn't say a word or explain much, just one word, telling Leng Jiali what to do next.

At this critical juncture, Leng Jiali didn't have any doubts, and followed Chu Yun's words. Even when it was normal, she would believe in Chu Yun so much and listen to what Chu Yun said. She trusts him completely, even if she wants to get involved, it doesn't matter. It's just that Chu Yun was saving her this time.

Leng Jiali immediately put away the barrier when Chu Yun's words fell.

A warm hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the rubble in the sky. At the moment Leng Jiali's wrist was pulled by Chu Yun, she felt that all the time in this world seemed to have stopped at this moment, no longer flowing.

The temperature of Chu Yun's palm reached Leng Jiali's wrist, and even passed into her heart.

The sky full of rubble fell, and after hitting the ground, it was suppressed by the huge boulder and could not move. Layers on top of each other, more and more, the stones became bigger and bigger, and finally filled the entire cave passage and buried everything in it.

After a short while, Leng Jiali regained consciousness. When she regained consciousness, she was already standing outside under the sun. The sun was dazzling, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Raising his hand and blocking it for a while, was able to see the surrounding situation clearly.

After she was able to see the surrounding scenery clearly, she turned around and looked at the cave behind her.

The entrance of the cave was gone, the whole mountain had a landslide, and the trace of that point was buried in the soil, and the entrance of the cave was completely invisible.

Seeing such a dangerous situation, Leng Jiali first sighed, then stroked her heart, calming down a little.

"Unexpectedly, this cave would have such an ending. It is too dangerous. The power of the unified realm really cannot be underestimated. It is extremely powerful. If it weren't for you just pulled me out of it, I might have been... Buried in that cave."

According to the current situation, it should be buried in the soil. Leng Jiali still has lingering fears, but when she thinks of herself that Chu Yun had just taken hold of, a warm feeling reappeared in her heart.

"Just now it was really close. If you slow down, something must happen, but fortunately, your enchantment has blocked a lot of boulders for you, otherwise, you are now seriously injured."

Looking at the hole that had been buried in the ground by a thick layer of mud, Chu Yun felt a sigh of emotion in his heart. If it weren't for the power of the state of reunification, he would be hard to escape from this catastrophe.

"Now that the entrance of the cave is completely buried under the ground, it will be impossible for Fu Zongshan to use this mountain to calculate and seize the power of others."

"But... this cave collapsed and was buried under the ground. Are there other caves? How about this? Let's look for other caves in this mountain and block these cave openings so that people can no longer There is no way I can use this kind of thing to harm people, how?"

Chu Yun heard it and said to her, "It's no longer needed."

"No need? Why? Chu Yun, aren't you afraid that Fu Zongshan will use this mountain cave to harm others? Fu Zongshan is definitely not a good person. He will definitely find another opportunity to get other people hooked!"

Chu Yun shook his head and explained: "It's no longer anymore. Even if he has this kind of heart, he can't have such a chance. After all, the force that hit the stone wall just now is the force of the realm of return."

"The power of the Guiyi Realm makes a whole mountain tremble, even if there are other caves, because of the power of the Guiyi Realm, like the cave we were in just now, it is buried by huge rocks and the entrance is blocked by thick soil. ."

"If Fu Zongshan wants to use this place again and trap the rest of the monks with the power here, I am afraid it will be impossible. To do so, he must make a cave, and artificially digging a cave is a big project. People, at least tens of thousands."

"There are so many people, it's hard to hide people's eyes and ears. It will soon be spread that Fu Mansion has acted on this mountain. At that time, it will be impossible to lure people into this cave."

Now that you know what the Fu family has done here, no one will be fooled unless it is a threat. Of course, threatening such things with a clear eye will only discredit the entire Fu family.

The Fu family can be regarded as a person with a good face in the cultivation world, and doing such despicable things so clearly will surely provoke a counterattack from the whole cultivation world. When the time comes, Fu Mansion will really be a disaster.

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