The headmaster did not expect that under his supervision, someone within the sect would actually do such a thing. Is this because I have too loose control over this group of children, or is it because the Fu family has no longer paid attention to the major cultivating sects?

Although the head has tried his best to be as ordinary as possible, the power of the unified realm made him feel some changes in the aura around the head, especially after he learned about these things, this kind of subtle fluctuations The change made Chu Yun even more sure of what kind of situation the head of the matter actually held.

"How is Leng Jiali's situation now?"

"The boss doesn't need to worry, Leng Jiali has now completely escaped the influence of Yu Pei."

"It's so good. You just said that this jade pendant caused Leng Jiali to fall asleep. Since the pharmacist explained it to me this time, I already know where this jade pendant came from." The mood didn't seem to be fluctuating. He picked up the teacup and took a light sip. After just such a sip, he put the teacup down, and then covered the teacup with the lid.

After Chu Yun heard it, he asked, "Since the headmaster already knows where this piece of jade came from, then ask the headmaster to explain to the disciples, so that they can increase their knowledge."

The hand left the lid of the tea cup, and the head said leisurely: "From now on, you have to go to the library of books more. This will definitely help you improve your cultivation. Even if you don’t have it for the time being, you will know Many things outside the sect."

"Besides you have heard of several major cultivation sects besides this sect, have you heard of anything?"

Chu Yun replied: "The disciples have heard too little about other things in the cultivation world, so please ask the head to speak directly."

The head of the boss changed his previous appearance that he didn’t care about anything. He sat up and explained to Chu Yun what Chu Yun didn’t know: "You probably have never heard of an unnamed village in the northwest. At a certain time, , Can lead to a place not controlled by the realm of cultivation."

Chu Yun thought about it for a while and replied, "The disciple has never heard of this matter."

"Then you have to listen carefully. Although you can find this in the library, it took longer than I told you directly. Now you have to listen carefully."

"The disciple understands, please speak straight to the head."

The head said: "This place is called Yixianxingdao."

"Easily tricky?"

Chu Yun has never heard of this place, but from the perspective of the word "walk", it should be a place similar to a avenue, a deserted village, and it seems that there is nothing strange that it can lead to the first place like this. place.

The only strange thing about this is that in the world under the joint surveillance of several great cultivators, this kind of hiding in a deserted village is actually too strange.

Chu Yun asked, "Since this place has records in ancient books, the people in the other cases should also know that there is such a place. Then...will the people in the other cases allow such a place to exist?"

The head replied: "It is true that the people in the other cases will not allow such a place to exist, but it still exists, even for hundreds of years."

Has existed for hundreds of years? For hundreds of years, hasn't any sect person threatened this kind of place? It has existed so peacefully for so long? The people in the other few cases are not idle people, and they have not controlled this place. This is unreasonable!

"In the past few hundred years, we have nothing to do with this place, so it will exist for a hundred years. The younger generation of you...even some masters don’t know about this, only a few. A few people know it just to prevent you from getting involved."

As he said, the head sighed: "This time, I still want you to get involved this time."

Chu Yun immediately understood the reason why the head had mentioned such a place to him: "Head, do you want me to go to this place to investigate?"

"Yes, according to records, this place only appears on Mid-Autumn Festival every year. It only appears once a year. The door is only opened for a moment at a time. After entering that place, if you want to leave, you can only wait seven days later for another hour or three. , The door can only be left when the door is opened for the last time in the year."

"Then what's the scene in this place? Is there a record in the book?"

The head said: "What's the scene? It's a dark place all year round, but it's very prosperous, the lights are never extinguished, and people come and go, but here people come and go, they are all black clothes that cover their faces. People. Whether it's the people who originally lived in it, or the people who entered it for some reason."

"Since the costumes are exactly the same, no one can tell who they are." Chu Yun analyzed.

The head said: "Yes, as you said, so, what you did here, don't say that you left that place, even in that place, you can't find a chance to take revenge."

Unexpectedly, that place is so dangerous. However, it was precisely such a place that the head of the team deliberately asked Chu Yun to find out what happened.

"I suspect that the piece of jade pendant Fu Zongshan used for Leng Jiali came from this place, but it's a pity that this matter has to be investigated in secret. I think that if this is the case, one less person will know that there will be one less chance for the Fu family to detect it. I also thought of letting you go to investigate. Besides, you have also been promoted to the realm of unity, and your strength is very different from before. Let you go, I don't worry."

In the end, Chu Yun had to do it alone. This kind of fate really made Chu Yun unexpected.

However, since it was the commander's order, Chu Yun had no reason to shirk, so he planned to respond directly without resisting. Besides, Chu Yun also felt fortunate to be able to get this opportunity to enter such a place that he had never been to.

There was a question that Chu Yun still didn't know, so he asked directly while the head was still there: "The head wants his disciple to go to this place. It is natural for the disciple to go to this place, but...this is called Yigui. Is the place where the road is still in our human world?"

The headmaster paused for a long time before answering Chu Yun’s question: "This place, there is no record in the ancient books whether it is the human world or a place in other worlds. Therefore, you must be careful when you go this time. , You don’t know what the people inside are, whether they are people, so you can’t do anything, try not to do it. The only thing you can use is the condition that the appearance is exactly the same. Do you understand?"

Chu Yun said: "The disciple understands."

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