The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 1035: Arrived in the deserted village

Heading to the northwest, the two did not stop during this period, and they flew for almost two days and two nights.

There is still a long distance from the northwest to the land of Middle Earth. It was only in such a tight time that the two of them used the royal air to fly. To go to the land of the northwest, there must be not enough time, which means they want to open the door. Arrived, it is impossible.

Fortunately, after they have cultivated to the realm of unity, they no longer have to worry about things like physical strength. The cultivation base after the return to the realm is very different from before. It used to only maintain the flow of spells for one day and one night at most, but now it can last longer. Even if you persist in this way for a long time, you can feel ample power.

It is not without reason that everyone seeks to reach the next level and strives to greatly increase his cultivation base. But now it is only the power that sustains two days and two nights flying in the sky at a time, and its loss can be said to be no calculation. From this point of view, the increase in power is really important.

In this way, we can also see why Fu Zongshan had to stare at Chu Yun's promotion to the realm of Guiyi before he started to take away his power, instead of using the magic circle to separate Chu Yun's power from the beginning.

You must know that after a person’s power is promoted, it will definitely improve. Then it will be very difficult to gain the power of other people, let alone under the blessing of such a situation, wait until the same level as your own. Take away the opponent's power?

This is inherently unscientific.

The two of them never stopped, until the evening of the next day, they arrived at their destination.

Under the setting sun in the desert, the two landed at the entrance of the deserted village. The wind in the desert has no sign, regardless of the season, it always blows in only one direction, so the rocks near the village are inclined in one direction, which is the result of wind erosion.

"The mud around this area has been blown clean by the wind, except for the rocks that have been exposed nearby, only the sand on the ground is left." Chu Yun observed the surroundings and said.

Mo Weiming also said: "Looking at the terrain near this deserted village, I believe it must have been very prosperous a hundred years ago. There are rolling hills nearby covering the wind and sand, but this village still failed to survive, and only these remain. The frame of the house beam, and the surrounding hills, only the rocks underneath are left." Mo Weiming said that, making Chu Yun feel that this is really embarrassing.

Prosperity lasts only a hundred years, and prosperity must decline within a hundred years.

People here can't keep their own land, they can only move their families, and the only ones who are born are these traces of survival. Most of the houses in the deserted village collapsed, and the roofs of the few remaining houses were eroded by the wind and sand to form a big hole.

But fortunately, rain is rarely seen in the Northwest Desert, and they are not afraid of a sudden heavy rain at this time. After all, if there is rain here, people will not all move away.

So, what if there is a big hole in the roof? It is also good to be able to slightly block the wind and sand outside.

Looking at the desolate scene in the village, Chu Yun and Mo Weiming were deeply moved. Not to mention Chu Yun, for this kind of family prince who has never suffered, apart from regretting the surrounding scene, there is only regret, and there is no other feeling. But if it is from another rich family, he will definitely dislike this place. After seeing the prosperity and enjoying the pleasure brought by the glory and wealth, people will no longer want to stay in this situation, even if it is half a minute, they do not want to.

Chu Yun walked into a room that was still completed and started to take care of everything, preparing to rest here tonight.

Mo Weiming was standing outside, looking at the desolation of the desert at dusk outside, continuing to feel emotion in his heart.

But for a while, Chu Yun walked out of the inside and said to Mo Weiming, "The sun is about to go down, you still don't stand outside and frown, you are sad and sad. You have not rested for two days. Come sit in first. Sit, better than standing outside and eating northwest wind."

Mo Weiming did not expect that Chu Yun would suddenly appear and saw the expression on his face. After listening to his comment, Mo Weiming glared at him: "What is your comment? According to you, it's me. Are you hurting the spring and the autumn? Do you think I will do this?!"

After listening to Chu Yun, he said: "I don't know what you will do, but it will be dark here soon. You should look for something that can be ignited in another house while it is not dark. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is big. It's very, don't think it looks like a stove now, it will be as cold as an ice cellar after a while."

Mo Weiming didn't answer what he would do, and then turned and left.

Chu Yun shook his head helplessly, and then walked into the room.

Sure enough, in the desert, the sun was declining very quickly, but within a quarter of an hour, the stars filled the sky, and the sky changed from bright blue to ink-like black.

The two of them sat in the room, sitting in front of the fire that had just started, and Chu Yun was biting a piece of dry food, while grilling the dried meat. Mo Weiming kept putting the matches he found in other houses into the fire, trying to make the fire more prosperous.

Seeing that he was constantly adding wood to the fire, Chu Yun immediately stopped him: "The fire has just started. If you do this, it will only make it harder to burn."

Mo Weiming said, "I know about this."

Chu Yun said: "Since you know, don't add firewood to the fire."

Unexpectedly, Mo Weiming didn't listen to him at all, but continued to fill the fire with firewood. After that, he used the inner lining and slapped it against the fire. Unexpectedly, after such a stir, the tongue of fire would rush towards the roof.

"The strength of the Guiyi realm can still be used in this way, I really opened my eyes, Chu Yun." Chu Yun was stunned for a while after watching him operate like this, before expressing such emotion.

Mo Weiming smiled and said, "Human power should be used flexibly. This is not only convenient for ourselves, but also a way to use power. Discovery is also a way to exercise."

The other party was so right that Chu Yun was really speechless to him now.

After that, Chu Yun continued to eat the dry food and grilled the dried meat. Seeing that the dried meat was almost roasted, I wrapped the dried meat in the dry food so that it would be more delicious to eat.

He threw the dried meat and dried food bag to Mo Weiming, Mo Weiming caught it with one hand, took out the dried food and dried meat from the inside, followed Chu Yun's way, roasted the dried meat out of oil, and then packed the dried food. Inside.

After traveling with Chu Yun outside these days, he has also learned a lot. He has never been sloppy about eating, and of course he wants to eat the best food in his stomach.

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