"Twelve thousand gold!"

As soon as this was said, everyone looked in the same direction. That's right, they looked at the person who offered two gold a night. This person is behind Mo Weiming and Chu Yun, which means that this person is only one of the onlookers.

Because there is no identity restriction, everyone can participate in the auction. Although those sitting in the seats seem to be a bit richer, and their aura is not the same as those who watch the excitement on the fringe now, but the people who bid the highest price are actually from their group of people who watch the excitement.

"Just now... I just reported the quotation to five thousand taels of gold, right..."

"This person has doubled, ten thousand taels...for this gauze...isn't it too much?"

"Yeah, I cried so that five thousand taels have been capped, but I didn't expect to double it. It's too scary."

"Five thousand taels of gold can already build a palace in the human world, this... is this too exaggerated? A piece of gauze can reach a city? How is this possible!"

All the people talked a lot, and everyone present was shocked by this person's offer.

The man raised his hand and walked out of the crowd. It was precisely because of his high price that everyone around him gave him a way, allowing him to walk smoothly from the back to the top of the mountain. Chu Yun remembered the embarrassed appearance they had squeezed in from the crowd just now, it was a farewell to heaven.

The man with his hands high walked to the front, and when the man on the stage saw him, he put his hands down. Everyone was watching him, leaving him a circle of space. So, although he is standing behind, it is very conspicuous.

"Are there more than ten thousand taels of gold?"

The store was quiet enough to hear the faint sound of movement, no one answered, no one had any questions, no one made another offer.

Finally, this gauze was bought by this person.

With a hammer, a small silver coin suddenly flew in this direction from the hammer, and then stuck to the person's chest as a sign.

"Thank you for the patronage of the guest officer. This yuan coin is a testimony. As long as the guest officer is convenient, he can immediately go to our backstage to pick up the goods. In this way, it will not prevent the guest officer from bidding again." The person explained to him.

The person who bought the gauze did not answer, but stood quietly in the court, seemingly waiting for the next auction.

After that, that person brought the topic into the next shipment again.

"This cargo is a fan. Although this fan is only a fan, it can cut iron like mud, and it is even more powerful than expected when used by people with a higher level of cultivation."

"Because the power of this fan is too powerful, it is inconvenient to show it in the easy road, so it has been kept until today. This fan, the lowest price of ten thousand taels of gold, can be used by interested officials now. Quote!"

After the man had finished speaking, there was a long silence in the field. Looking at the fan displayed on the stage, Chu Yun looked at Mo Weiming, and as expected, Mo Weiming had already clenched his fists at this time.

Chu Yun sighed and let him go. Under the current situation, let him slowly suppress his emotions. He is like this now, it is simply unlucky for whoever touches whoever. If he blows up here, it will be a big trouble.

At this moment, people around started talking again.

"The gauze just now has been sold for ten thousand taels of gold. How high should this fan be sold?"

"Yeah, this fan is worth a city, what a joke."

"And the value of this fan may be more than that, I am afraid, it can be auctioned to another height!"

"Wait! Is this fan really so magical? Or is the person on the stage cheating us?"

"Shhh! What's wrong or not, the things in this treacherous road are all childish! Don't talk nonsense, don't you want to live anymore!"

Seeing that everyone in the scene was suspicious of this, the person on the stage said to everyone: "It seems that everyone is puzzled about this fan. After all, our easy road is not suitable for showing the power of this fan. No wonder everyone is suspicious of this."

After listening to him, Chu Yun guessed that he was going to prove to everyone here that this thing was truly extraordinary, but how should he show it? After all, there is limited space here, and it is still somewhat difficult to show its full power to prove that it is worth the price. If you just cut the iron like mud, this is too simple, and the convincing power is still too low.

Just as everyone was wondering about this, the person said to everyone present and outside: "This time, we are going to announce the name of the owner of this fan-Lingshan Sanren!"

Everyone moved as soon as the name came out. The reputation of Lingshan Sanren was so loud that everyone here looked like a thunderous ear, and after that, they started talking again.

"Lingshan Sanren! Is it... that Lingshan Sanren from Nanhai?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense! How many sages are there in this world?"

"That's right, you haven't heard of the name of Lingshan Sanren! There is only one Lingshan Sanren in the human world. Who else can you say? Is the Lingshan Sanren of the Demon World?"

"How can there be any scattered people in the demon world? If the people in his cultivation world dare to enter the demon world, the people in the demon world won't beat him back to the human world!"

"Heh, I'm bragging about the Demon Realm again. Lingshan is so good at letting people go. I don't think you have ever experienced it!"

"I really haven't experienced it! Ha, I know, you would say that, you must have suffered from the loss of Lingshan and scattered people! I am right!"

"You have only suffered from his loss! Your whole family has suffered from his loss!"

"Tsk, don’t say anything if you don’t swear, but since this is a treasure in the hands of Lingshan Sanren, how can it fall into the path of easy deception? Who has the ability to **** it from him? Go his stuff?"

"This...is it because Lingshan Sanren has lost his life, that people have robbed things?"

Hearing the news of Lingshan's death, the crowd was excited and applauded.

Chu Yun was inexplicably angry when he heard it. It is a heartbreaking thing that the righteous people are killed, but everyone here is so happy, as if the righteous people are dead.

"There is really something wrong here. No wonder no one has recorded this place in the ancient books, and even most people in the cultivation world have never heard of this place." Chu Yun said.

After hearing this, Mo Weiming actually answered Chu Yun's words: "If it is known, a few idiots ran in, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

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