"Yes, in such a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, recklessness is bound to be impossible. Even if you want to disintegrate this place, it will take a long time."

Fortunately, Mo Weiming still retains his sense of reason. For Chu Yun, this is also a good thing. Among the people around him, Chu Yun remembered that he had indeed heard of Nanhai Lingshan Sanren.

This person's reputation is really loud in the realm of cultivation, and this person's plating technique is very powerful, but he does not easily hand over the weapons he made to others, although the famous fan is the fan in his hand, which is comparable to this fan. Even more powerful weapons might have been made for this Lingshan Sanren.

However, it is a pity that this Lingshan Sanren has only survived to this day. If you live longer, he will definitely be the number one man.

When Chu Yun thought it was a pity, someone had already started bidding.

"Eleven thousand and one thousand!"

After everyone listened, there was an uproar.

"Unexpectedly, there are people here who have such financial resources!"

"Hurt! It's gone! You don't know, this Mid-Autumn Festival has just arrived, and the opening of the easy road has just been opened. There are also merchants from outside who come in and trade. Maybe... there will be something terrible, rich. But people from the enemy country come in to see the market quotations in Yixie Road, too!"

"Yeah, Yixiedao has opened his mouth recently. I forgot about it this time."

"It seems that you have been here for a long time. You can have memory problems. When will you leave here? Go back outside?"

"I don’t remember it’s not because of my memory! It’s because there is no distinction between day and night, and I can’t count on the concept of time. Besides, I don’t want to go out because of the delicious food and drink here. My enemy is chasing after him!"

"Ha! Sure enough, it's fortunate to have our brothers take you! Otherwise, people like you who don't know how to live their lives don't know what they are like here."

"Yes, hehe!"

The people here are talking, and the people in the rows are also talking, it's just that they are talking about different things. Chu Yun could hear the people sitting on his hill talking about this weapon.

"After all, this is someone else's weapon, for us to use, can we use it so smoothly like people like Lingshan?"

"That's right, it doesn't work well, no matter how capable we are, we can't control it."

"Not to mention that it is not easy to use, but this fan is really powerful. I have only seen it from a distance, and I have seen that Lingshan really leveled a whole mountain."

"What? Have you seen it? You were on the spot, he would let you go?"

"It's too far away, he didn't find it, but I did see him leveling a mountain. At that time, wow, the dark clouds covered the sky, it was terrifying. After a whole gust of wind, a mountain was just like this. It's turned into a plain! I don't know what sorcery he used in the end!"

"Hey, righteous people use black magic, this is too funny."

"Don't laugh, the witchcraft he used is on stage! Fortunately, he died a long time ago. After hearing this story, I can still see him in person. I'm really scared to death."

"Who do you think this fan will fall into?"

"Ha, this is not a custom-made weapon for yourself, and I don't know if it can really blend with your own cultivation base. If it can't be blended, you can just buy it and watch it!"

"However, it seems that someone really doesn't mind buying it back to watch!"

Just before the person in front said such a sentence, someone in the store quoted: "Fifteen thousand!"

When the man made an offer, the store exploded.

"No way, one...15 thousand taels, or gold!"

"Why is this person so powerful? Isn't there some rich family from somewhere?"

"I heard that someone won half of the Golden Mountain in the gambling shop a few days ago. Is it possible that he is the one who won half of the Golden Mountain?"

"Wow! It seems that the people here must have come prepared!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Anyone who has lived here for so long knows that the most lively thing here is the seven days after the Mid-Autumn Festival! All the good stuff comes to the table from below in these seven days."

"So, I'm not wrong in saying that, right!"

"That's good, it's just too much!"

Listening to the words of the two people, Chu Yun almost couldn't help but laugh.

This easy and tricky road is really amazing. There are people with rich wealth and people who buy goods without fear of the price. There are more grumpy blacksmiths who are not afraid of being recognized and don’t dress up here. There are also these little guys who adjust the atmosphere. .

This treacherous road is really interesting. If this place can emerge and be exposed to the sun, it might be even more interesting.

Chu Yun really thought so. As long as this easy way is exposed under the sun of the human world, he will be able to more easily know where this easy way can lead to, and what realm it serves besides the human world.

Just as Chu Yun was listening to what the people in front were saying, the price of this fan doubled again, and now it has reached a high price of 20,000 taels.

All people felt it was incredible for a while. As they said, this fan can exert great power in the hands of the original owner, but it may not be necessarily in the hands of others.

Whether it is useful to buy it, whether it can be used by itself, is still a gamble.

The possibility of spending so much silver to buy one is very slim, which is indeed stimulating for some people.

"Twenty thousand taels!"

"Thirty thousand!"

If I didn't find someone, there would be someone who would directly increase the price by 10,000. Now the venue can't be quiet at all. This loud discussion finally concealed the sound of the gavel on the stage, and then it was quiet again.

Unexpectedly, the person who offered thirty thousand taels of this person turned out to be the person who bought the gauze just now! The iconic silver coin on his chest is very conspicuous, as if it is showing his extraordinary identity.

Chu Yun didn't expect it to be like this. He stabbed Tong Mo Weiming with his elbow: "This person has a different origin."

Mo Weiming's answer was very plain: "I know."

"In this case, we don't have to talk about this matter anymore? Grasp the clues you are looking for. It seems that here, we are going to part ways for the time being."

"Do you want to find the person who made that jade pendant by yourself?"

Chu Yun replied: "Of course, if I accompany you to stare at this person here, I'm afraid my business will be delayed again and again."

"In that case, take care of yourself."

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