"Heavens and Earth Spirits, the Great Dao Mingming, the Big Dipper on the left and the Seven Stars on the right, the gods and demons are immortal, and the soul is coming back--"


The sky and the earth are thundering, and the weather is very diverse!

Various visions appeared at the same time, the aura within a few miles of the circle was absorbed in an instant, and the powerful aura was released in an instant.

Six figures appeared out of thin air in front of Chu Yun, and each figure burst out with a powerful aura, showing their extraordinary, two of which were the most prominent.

The headed person is of medium build, wearing a waistcoat made of animal skins, showing muscular arms, trousers and riding boots, and a golden machete with a wide palm at the waist.

He has a rough face, lion-nosed and tiger-eyed eyes, and looks awe-inspiring, with curly hair and a braid. It should be a habit of staying in a foreign country all year round.

It is the western domain name that will Chen Tang.

The second person was a young monk wearing a white monk's clothes, with a handsome face, a little thin, and a hint of compassion between his brows, but there was a **** mark in the center of his forehead in the shape of a teardrop.

There are nine golden ring scars on the top of the head, the white monk's clothes are slender and dusty, the edges are rolled with two black ink and wash decorations, and the waist is tied by a straw rope woven of straw.

It is the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma.

The four people behind are all wearing uniform armor, which is the Zha armor style of the Huaxia and Han Dynasty. They have different weapons, but they are all extremely terrifying.

One of the most eye-catching is a handsome general with a heroic face in his thirties. Although he is also dressed as a military general, his temperament is soft and exudes a friendly temperament.

Especially a pair of eyes are clear and bright, which seems to be comparable to the stars in the sky, and the light radiating from them represents his wisdom.

He was also one of the generals most valued by Chu Yun among the four pillars in Hebei. Later, Cao Wei's army general, Zhang Xi.

"Let me see the lord!"

When Chu Yun saw the many talents under him, he burst into laughter, and quickly reached out and asked them to get up:

"Hurry up, everyone!"

Overnight, let the Vietnamese women arrange their accommodation and rest, and also introduced the current situation of Jiangbei County, so that they can adapt to the current environment as soon as possible.

And Chu Yun still left 48 points unused, which is considered as an emergency use. Now he just wants to open up the territory as soon as possible. After all, as long as there are more people, he will not be so tight.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Chu Yun was called out by the Yue woman, and after she was allowed to go shopping with her, it must be said that women of all ages are more keen on shopping.

Even Yuenv, a swordsman like Ling Xu Yukong, is no exception.

Dharma was the fellow who went with Chu Yun. Don't look at him, a great monk who eats fast and reciting the Buddha, he was actually looking at the powder shop when he was shopping.

No, no? Don't even monks start to see powder shops, right?

Chu Yun knew that the ancients liked to take care of them. It is recorded in history that Emperor Taizong of Tang used the cosmetics and skin care products tributed by the feudal states, but Bodhidharma was a holy monk?

But for Bodhidharma, he would not pay attention to other people's eyes. Even Chu Yun, as his lord, had completely ignored the surprised expression on his face.

On the contrary, the more women seem to have become accustomed to them, but they calmly discussed with Dharma which cosmetics is better?

Moreover, after Bodhidharma got the result, he asked Chu Yun for funds to buy it, but Chu Yun had a lot of money, so you like it, so let the Yue girl give him money directly.

A large part of the gold in Chu Yun's hand is in Yue Nu's hands. After all, many things need to be dealt with. It is impossible for Chu Yun to personally take care of the daily expenses, so it is handed over to Yue Nu.

Girl's house, delicate thoughts.

Yuenv also bought some from the powder shop, saying that they were brought to the Ninth Princess Xiaolongnv. What kind of lipstick should be the same as the lipstick that Chu Yun saw in his previous life.

However, in terms of quality, Chu Yun is still more inclined to buy what they are more likely to be. Other than that, the materials are all natural and non-polluting natural materials.

Don't worry about the situation of dry lips or bad mouth, after all, the chemistry of this world has not yet been born.

In fact, Chu Yun still wanted to care about chemistry, especially if he could make firearms and combine firearm making and training together, maybe some interstellar cannon could be made.

Not to mention anything else, at least at a relatively low level of cultivation, firearms can have decisive power, and below the heavenly position, the master feels that it should not be able to withstand missiles.

Not to mention missiles, a bazooka mortar should be able to kill people below the sky. The only drawback is that the speed is too fast and the aim is inaccurate.

But even if it were the three dynasties, the main force of their army would still not be high-class practitioners, so there should be a market for firearms.

And the most important thing is that this world has a lot of formations. Combining firearms and formations together, Chu Yun had already thought about this.

Especially after getting Zhang Kui's allegiance, the explosive formation in his hand was a landmine in Chu Yun's eyes. If he could burn the formation on the formation disk and activate it before throwing it towards the enemy, it would be quite For the living grenade.

At least this must be a big killer for acquired and innate cultivators, but it is a pity that people in this world are purely pursuing the realm of cultivation, and they don't pay much attention to outsiders.

Otherwise, how could a talent like Zhang Kui have a chance to fall into Chu Yun's hands? In the eyes of others, he was just a Array Mage who went wrong, but in Chu Yun's eyes, he was a **** scientist.

Just when Chu Yunfu was thinking about it, Yuenv also came over with big bags and small bags. Chu Yun looked at her with some doubts, why not put them in the storage ring?

Before Chu Yun could ask her questions, Yuenv handed all those things to Chu Yun, and then said, "Master, I bought these for you."

"Oh? If that's the case, then I have to see what good things are, but don't tell me, it's all cosmetic powder or something!"

Chu Yun opened it and saw that there were all kinds of mouth grease and rouge inside, and he was a little speechless. He sighed and said helplessly:

"Look at your beautiful and innocent owner, do you still need these things? For you, make-up is a gift in the snow, for me it is superfluous!"

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