Although she won praises from Yue women, Chu Yun didn't care about it. There was no Oscar statuette anyway, so why bother about acting?

As long as it is useful, it is good to be able to fool that stupid boy. What he has to do is to fight the stars and the sea, not to sing.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! Now let's meet Li Shiqi and see how he is talking."

The four of them were divided into two groups at the time. Chu Yun came to the Qiushui Sword Sect, while Li Shiqi and Ye Tianshi had already gone to Xuelong Mountain.

When they returned to the agreed place, they had been waiting for one day. They sipped a pot of inferior tea and sipped boredly. Seeing Chu Yun and the others came back, they respectfully bowed:

"See the King (Master)!"

Chu Yun nodded slightly, then looked at Li Shiqi, and asked, "How is your discussion there? How did Tie Zhongtian reply!"

Before Li Shiqi and Ye Tianshi left, they went to Xuelong Mountain to visit their second elder Tie Zhongtian, and wanted to join Tie Zhongtian to deal with Long Feitian.

Li Shiqi replied respectfully: "Tie Zhongtian agreed to everything. He had a very big conflict with Long Feitian. It was only because of insufficient strength that he lost his position as head!"

"Now that we are willing to help him win the position of head, he is naturally ecstatic, but he still has a defensive heart against us!"

"However, apparently his selfishness is greater, and his subordinates have repeatedly fudged, he finally agreed to this agreement, and the two parties partnered to kill the dragon and fly!"

Chu Yun nodded.

The Li Shiqi in front of him was really reliable. Basically, every time he was given a task, he was able to complete it satisfactorily. I really don't know how his three-inch tongue was made.

"Since Tie Zhongtian has been persuaded, and the Qiu Shui Sword Sect has already begun its layout, then the third part should be tried on the Tengying Sword!"

"Next, Tie Zhongtian will be in charge of Ye Tianshi, Li Shiqi, you quickly return to Jiangbei County, Cheng Yaojin needs your help!"

Li Shiqi nodded, the previous strategy has been set, he is also one of the people involved in the plan, naturally knowing that Cheng Yaojin's task is also very important.

Chu Yun personally presided over the Xuelongshan matter, and was responsible for the high-end combat power, while Cheng Yaojin was still in charge of the real large-scale army combat.

As for Ye Tianshi, he has always been taciturn, and he hasn't entered the core layer. He is just a senior clerk.

Loyalty does not need to be considered, but it will never be reused. It can be used at critical moments. Usually it is high in position but low in power. Typically, there is a job but no power.

But apparently, Ye Tianshi was a man with compelling numbers, and he didn't complain about anything there, and he didn't form a party for personal gain. In addition to fulfilling the task assigned by Chu Yun, he practiced in a regular manner.

Of course, specializing in medical skills and cultivation was originally Ye Tianshi's previous life, and compared to the present Chu Yun gave him medical inheritance, he was even more happy.

The next four soldiers were divided into three groups. Li Shiqi returned to Jiangbei County. Ye Tianshi continued to be in charge of contacting Tie Zhongtian. With the help of Tie Zhongtian, Chu Yun and Yue Nu entered the Library of Xuelong Mountain. .

On the other side, the spies of the intelligence agency under the **** Liu Jin were also mobilized. His identity was a servant next to Young Master Xuelongshan. He received the task and immediately began to act.

The young master of Xuelong Mountain, Long Zhantian, was recently pursuing a true disciple in Xuelong Mountain, but his repeated failures also made him quite annoyed.

After all, the true disciple of Xuelong Mountain is not a child of a small family like Miss Huangfu. Although his status is not as good as the young master of Xuelong Mountain, it is absolutely impossible for Long Zhantian to do anything wrong.

If Nagata could really do anything against the rules, even his father would not let him off easily, let alone the elders in Xuelong Mountain.

So Long Zhantian put on a look of infatuation and tried all kinds of ways to pursue it, but the woman was not a person who climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix, so Long Zhantian was quite hit.

While he was drinking in the study, Liu Jin's spy, Xin Zhao, who was also his servant, walked in.

He bowed to Long Zhantian respectfully, and then Xin Zhao said, with a wretched expression: "Young Master, when I was out shopping just now, I saw Miss Song went to the Library of Books today!"

Long Zhantian felt quite frustrated because of the various rejections he had received before. He waved his hand lazily and said:

"She went there, anyway, I leaned over, she was not happy, why bother to find it uncomfortable? Well, I still have to find a way to change it."

Xin Zhao ignored his self-pity, but said anxiously: "Young Master, this is not important. The important thing is that I saw her and a man go there, like Brother Liu from the true disciple!"

When Long Zhantian heard this, his face changed, and he said with surprise and anger: "What? What did you say? You say it again!"

Zhao Xinli nodded: "I just passed by Miss Song and Senior Brother Liu towards the library, I think you should go and take a look! Although Miss Song is pretty good, there are inevitably some problems between boys and girls! "

Long Zhantian felt as if he had a jadeite view on his head, and there was cold light in his two small eyes. He stood up, grabbed his sword from the wall and headed towards the library.

Xin Zhao quickly shouted: "Young Master, Young Master, don't get excited!"

It's a pity that Long Zhan weather is very angry. He directly used his physical skills and rushed towards the library. At this time, his mind was full of anger, as if he felt that the girl surnamed Song had betrayed him.

However, when he rushed to the library in a rage, he glanced over and didn't see Miss Song's figure, and his heart became more anxious.

The library is very large and has seven or eight floors, so Long Zhantian hurriedly searched for it. As the bookshelf blocked his view, he could only walk over inside the book shelf.

However, after walking for most of the day, he hadn't seen Miss Song's figure. He wondered if Xin Zhao had misread it, or Miss Song had already left.

At this moment, a book on the bookshelf suddenly fell and hit him directly on the head, causing him to exclaim, feeling that he was really unlucky.

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