The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 509: Conference exchange

"This guy has no grievances with him. What does he look at me for?"

Seeing Bei Chen's cold killing intent, Chu Yun couldn't help but feel more weird.

For some reason, he always felt that this guy hid a knife in his smile and meant to deal with himself.

Although Chu Yun was not afraid of Beichen, he was also afraid of trouble.

Zi Ruotong stuck out his tongue and said to Chu Yun: "This Beichen is the young master of Qingyun City. He came to discuss the Pill Conference, and he probably came for me."

"That's it."

Chu Yun suddenly realized it, and was very surprised. He originally thought that Beichen was a dude, but now it seems that Beichen is not simple.

However, he actually pursued Zi Ruotong, which was beyond Chu Yun's imagination.

After all, in Chu Yun's opinion, although Zi Ruotong had just met himself.

But Chu Yun had no good impressions of Zi Ruotong at all.

Now, Young Master Beichen hates himself for Zi Ruotong, and Chu Yun naturally feels uncomfortable in his heart. He looks at Zi Ruotong next to him a little, and he also has a bright light.

As soon as he said this, Zi Ruotong was stunned.

She looked at Chu Yun, and she hadn't recovered for a long time.

But at this moment, Zi Ruotong was obviously proud of her expression, as if Chu Yun's words gave her comfort, and a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Chu Yun, you have to be clear, it's not the beauty of the beauty, but that Beichen is not only interested in me, but also Fu Yao."

"Speaking of which, this is also your man's character."

After Zi Ruotong's words came down, You Yuan's eyes were slightly unhappy.

Seeing this, Chu Yun was speechless.

But at this moment Chu Yun didn't have any thoughts.

To him, this Zi Ruotong is just a passer-by, and Beichen is even more like a dog.

If he continues to lick, he will have nothing.

"Everyone, today is the Lundan Conference, I am Fu Yao."

Suddenly, Fu Yao's voice came from the audience, and she walked directly onto the high platform step by step, her slender body gave a looming feeling.

Seeing this, Chu Yun and others looked surprised.

Because at this moment Fu Yao has a strong pill fragrance, which diffuses out of her body.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun couldn't help but feel surprised, but he didn't mean to think much, and there were more thoughts of expectation in his eyes.

"Since Fu Yao is the young master of Pill City, then she should be a little capable."

When Chu Yun thought of this, he continued to look at Fu Yao, and the others had the same attitude. They looked serious and looked forward to Fu Yao.

At this moment, Fu Yao stood proudly, her body was extremely slender, and there was a pill in her jade hand. Looking closely, the pill exuded a force of law, but it was weak because of the power of law.

Obviously, this pill is incomplete.

Fu Yao's legs stood proudly, her expression flashing across.

"Everyone, this pill in my hand is called Taboo Pill. After refining this pill, you can gain the power of ordinary laws."

"But so far, this pill has not been well perfected."

"Even if we have a lot of people from Jiuzhou Immortal Land, we can't perfect this taboo pill, so this pill is still incomplete."

"The reason why I took out this pill today is the same sentence."

"If any of you can perfect this pill, you will definitely get the benefits given by Pill City, and the incomplete pill in my hand can also be obtained."

Fu Yao spoke, scanning the audience.

At this moment, she was like a peerless powerhouse, her whole body shining brightly.

Everyone focused their attention on Fu Yao's palm.

"Forbidden Pill, I didn't expect this kind of pill, it is really unexpected!"

"It's just that I don't understand. Isn't this pill that no one can crack for many years?"

"But how could she come up with such a pill? Isn't this embarrassing us?"

When everyone was talking, they looked at Fu Yao and looked upset.

After all, they knew very well that although the pill was invaluable, it was impossible to perfect it. Even Zi Ruotong was a little surprised to see this pill.

Then his mind sank, with complicated thoughts in his heart.

"The taboo pill can increase the power of the law. If I refine this pill, I will definitely increase my strength."

"I just don't know if there is a perfect method in the world."

As Zi Ruotong thought, his mind floated.

She knew very well that the taboo pill was invaluable, and such a pill was definitely hard to find.

However, Fu Yao took it out, which made Zi Ruotong very excited.

For a while, the audience fell silent.

They looked at Fu Yao with a look of expectation, Beichen thought and walked forward in an instant, and every step he took had the meaning of being alone.

When he came to Fu Yao, the whole person suddenly became quiet.

Fu Yao also looked at Chu Yun, with a questioning look on her face.

"Beichen, what are you doing here?"

As soon as he said this, Bei Chen shook his head, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Fu Yao, the purpose of my coming here is very simple, that is to refine the taboo pill into a real pill."

"What? Do you have a way?"

After hearing Beichen's words, Fu Yao looked startled.

There was already a look of surprise on her face. This was because she had never expected Bei Chen to have such an attitude, which was absolutely impossible in his opinion.

However, Bei Chen swiped his hand with great arrogance.

"Fu Yao, unfortunately, my North family has such a technique that can perfect the taboo pill, but the technique is not perfect, it can only improve the quality of the taboo pill."

As soon as Bei Chen said this, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Beichen with an incredible attitude, after all, they didn't expect Beichen this guy to have such a trick.

You know, the taboo pill is already incomplete, even if it improves the quality, it is beyond everyone's imagination.

Now Beichen has such a method, which naturally surprised everyone, so they looked at Beichen with a strange look.

But Bei Chen flickered his eyes, then glanced around, he already had an extremely disdainful attitude on his face.

He glanced around, then looked at Fu Yao.

"Fu Yao, you have to pay for this, after all, I can't help you for no reason."

"Of course."

Fu Yao did not refuse, because he really needed to use Taboo Pill to improve her strength, so Fu Yao had a very serious look at the moment. She scanned the surroundings, and as her eyes flashed, "Forbidden Pill to improve quality, son Beichen , This matter is up to you."

Bei Chen smiled on the spot when he heard this.

But his gaze subconsciously looked at where Chu Yun was.

At this moment, Beichen seemed to be the proud son of heaven, and his whole person was self-respecting, with an extremely domineering attitude.

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help touching his nose.

"Longyou Shoal was deceived by shrimps, this Beichen takes himself too much, and it seems necessary to deal with him."

Chu Yun had his own thoughts at the first thought.

He knew very well that Beichen was just a mere alchemist, and Chu Yun had Dayu, who could deal with Beichen.

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