Dayu calmly said a few words, however, as his voice fell, it seemed to shock the soul.

Two of the people in the hall were stunned.

Then they looked at Dayu with almost more gazes as they should.

Yin and yang ghost arts, this is something created by the cultivators of the cultivator, and can repair the medicine.

But they didn't expect that Dayu would know this thing. This is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

Therefore, when everyone looked at Dayu, they gradually had the meaning of asking.

"Are you sure, you really understand that thing?"

Someone looked at Dayu curiously.

Dayu nodded without hesitation at all, which made everyone believe what he said.

Even Fu Yao said with joy: "If you can really repair the taboo pill, I can give you a lot of benefits, and I will never lose you, even if there is a taboo pill, it doesn't matter."

When Dayu heard this, without any nonsense, he took the Taboo Pill directly from Bei Chen.

As the brilliance rose, profound light fell between the heavens and the earth, and at the same time, the power of yin and yang diffused from all directions, as if mighty, blooming a powerful yin.

This situation is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

After all, yin and yang ghost skills have disappeared for countless years, and Dayu actually knew this thing, which is not surprising to them.

However, everyone did not speak, and looked at Dayu at this moment intently, only to see Dayu's external brilliance ascending, and the heavens were turbulent, and a lot of medicinal power instantly dropped.

"Yin and Yang ghost technique, repair it for me."

Dayu's voice was serious, and as the brilliance rose, he played a gray and difficult trick.

Endless profound strength seems to be able to repair everything.

The taboo pill is constantly being repaired in everyone's eyes. This situation has exceeded most people's imagination. Fu Yao was even more surprised, with a look of surprise on her face.

"This is Yin and Yang ghost technique! Is it a rare sight in a century?"

"I just don't know, can he fix this pill."

When Fu Yao was curious, she stared at Dayu directly and saw the power outside Dayu rising continuously.

When he was surprised, he couldn't help frowning.

Because, although Dayu's technique is weird. But there was still no movement in the pill, which made Chu Yun look weird.

"Using Dayu's method, it should be possible to repair the pill. I just hope that no problems will arise."


In the next moment, Dayu slapped his hands out, and with the light rising, the entire space had fallen into a powerful brilliance, as if to shock the heavens and make the surroundings become extremely violent.


At the same time, lightning suddenly fell between the heavens and the earth, as if blasting everything, directly giving the space an aura of destruction. Such a situation has exceeded everyone's imagination. Looking at Dayu, I was surprised.

"This is Thunder Tribulation?"

What's more, I couldn't help but speak on the spot.

You must know that this problem will only arise when Thunder Tribulation goes against the sky.

Now, Dayu's simple technique can cause thunder riots, which surprised many people.

They looked at Dayu with expectant eyes.

Dayu left the place directly and came outside.

In an instant, the power of thunder and lightning felt the location of Dayu, and the violent force continued to descend from the sky, as if destroying everything, blooming with the supreme aura of ultimate ascension.


The power of thunder fell from the sky, roaring like thunder.

With Dayu as the center, the breath of death was directly permeated. Everyone felt that this situation also had a strange look, but they understood that the tribulation at this moment must be done by Dayu alone.

Chu Yun also stood outside, beside him, it was Fu Yao. If Fu Yao was dismissive of Chu Yun, then she would treat Chu Yun as a mysterious expert at this moment. After all, Dayu directly called Chu Yun. For the son.

This shows that Chu Yun's identity is naturally not simple.

Chu Yun stood in place, with his breath rising, his power was overwhelming, and his whole person stood proudly, like a peerless strong man. He looked at Dayu with a look of expectation, "If this taboo pill is restored, then I will break through the immortal. The realm of kings directly makes the strong."

Taboo pill, this pill can break through the fairy king.

The reason for this is also because the pill has the power of heaven, which allows people to directly advance.

Chu Yun was already an expert in the mid-stage of Daluo Immortal, only two realms away, and could break through the Immortal King.

So at this moment, Chu Yun was a little curious and a little anticipating, standing still.


The power of thunder fell from the sky one after another, and the power was extremely violent, directly smashing Dayu outside.

Suddenly, Dayu's body shook violently, and the power of endless thunder and lightning appeared at once, but his whole person stood proudly, and the taboo pill in his palm continued to spread out the power of heaven.

"Yes, it's not bad, this taboo pill is combined with Yin and Yang ghost skills, and it can definitely be restored."

If the former Dayu was only 10% sure.

Then he now has reason to believe that Taboo Pill can definitely be repaired, this is an indisputable problem.

After a while, the thunder of heaven and earth dissipated, Dayu stood in his hand, but the taboo pill in his hand continued to spread out with an aura of destruction, which made Dayu's heart also happy.

"Senior, are you repairing the pill?"

Fu Yao stepped to Dayu's side. At this moment, she was a little curious, and she looked at Dayu a little more refined.

When Dayu saw this, he nodded solemnly.

"With my assistance, the taboo pill is intact and has become the best pill."

As he said, Dayu spread out his palms, revealing a taboo pill.

The taboo pill at this moment seemed to be infinitely powerful and powerful, making everyone stunned.

"This guy, really repairing Taboo Dan, is he terrible?"

Looking at Dayu, everyone was surprised and surprised. They couldn't believe that Dayu could do this.

After all, Taboo Pill is absolutely out of reach for them.

However, it is incredible that Dayu can do this.

Fu Yao frowned slightly, and then said: "Since you have refined the best forbidden pill, then this pill will be handed to you, but in my hand, there is one more. I hope you can help me improve it."

As Fu Yao spoke, he took out another incomplete pill.

Without any hesitation, Dayu refined the pill on the spot. He was skilled in his technique and completed it in just half an hour.

"how can that be?"

Bei Chen widened his eyes and was about to fall. Looking at Dayu, he had totally unbelievable thoughts.

"How could he be so terrible, directly refining the Taboo Pill, is it possible that Bei Chen really can't compare to this guy?"

At this moment, Beichen witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

He knew very well that Dayu really had a stake, and a single technique could keep Taboo Pill as good as ever.

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