"So, you only need to find someone to bear the price?"

Chu Yun retorted.

He looked at Bei Hantian, and when he saw the other person's lofty gesture, Chu Yun felt angry in his heart.

Sui Ran, Chu Yun looked to the other side, and then ordered: "Dayu, kill them as much as you want."

"Yes, master."

After listening to Chu Yun's words, Dayu rallied, and then stepped across his body, exuding an aura of horizontal refining, as if he was the only one, blooming with an extraordinary breath.

Suddenly, a ray of brilliance fell from the horizon, flooded with supreme power, and the whole body was also erupting in flames, as if unstoppable, the surging power of worship continued to bloom.


At this moment, ten thousand horses were galloping, the aura was extremely violent, and the power was extremely terrifying, and the revealed power was extremely violent, which directly shocked Bei Hantian's heart and his complexion became unusual.

But he looked at Ye Qing, but he had a thought of disdain.

"Damn you, you don't know how to live or die, and you have to come to deal with me. Then don't blame me for being cruel and killing you completely."

Having said this, Bei Hantian spoke to the people around him.

"Everyone, it seems that I didn't guess wrong now, that he killed the disciple of the Excalibur Sect, so here I hope everyone can go all out to kill this guy."

"Yes, Brother Bei Hantian."

Hearing the words, everyone nodded immediately.

Then a series of incomparable powerful forces bloomed out, and in an instant swept the incomparably violent killing. The heaven and the earth were surging, and thousands of miles also lost the ultimate power.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chu Yun with weird looks, but Dayu took a step forward directly.

He seems to be the only one who is alone, unfathomable.

"If you want to deal with my master, first ask me if I agree."

Dayu opened his mouth and said, taking a step forward. The whole spirit is strong, and there is already the power of self-respect, and the world has become extremely terrible, giving birth to an unprecedented killing power.

In less than a moment, Dayu was the only one who was the only one who was the only one, and the violent and extreme killing power filled his whole body. At the same time, more flames continued to burn.

"You are his dog leg?"

Bei Hantian looked at Chu Yun with cold eyes, his expressions became extremely cold, and then an extreme force rose from his body, and the sword light instantly fell.

As if at this moment, there is a sword intent rushing into the sky.

The buzzing power kept rushing out, just for a moment, Bei Hantian was like a peerless powerhouse, with violent auras in his body, and the meaning of killing and killing was constantly permeating.

Seeing this scene, Zhuqingcheng couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Master, can this Dayu deal with the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect?"

Although Zhuqingcheng knew that Dayu was powerful, he knew very well that the disciple of the Excalibur Sect at this moment was definitely not something ordinary people could deal with. Such an Excalibur Sect made Dayu feel life threatening next.

What's more, the Divine Sword Sect had a large number of people, which made Zhuqingcheng more certain that Dayu definitely had no chance to survive.

Unexpectedly, Zhuqingcheng opened his eyes wide, showing signs that he was about to move.

However, Chu Yun shook his head, and his face already contained a touch of ultimate killing.

Between heaven and earth, ten thousand horses galloped, and a great torrent erupted. The violent meaning of killing is already stronger than ever, and there are faint signs of ferocity, which directly shocked everyone's hearts.

Dayu was in control of the flames, as if he were the overlord of the flames. His whole person was powerful. Chu Yun couldn't help but said with a touch of expression: "Zhuqingcheng, Dayu is more than enough to deal with these people, because the Dayu at this moment is no longer what he used to be. There is great strength in strength, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can deal with."

"It turned out to be the power of the wild?"

After hearing what Chu Yun said, Zhuqingcheng was stunned.

He did not expect that Dayu actually controlled the power of the prehistoric.

You know, the world of cultivation has existed for countless years, but the prehistoric period is definitely an ancient existence.

If Dayu really controlled the power of that era, no need to guess, Zhuqingcheng also knew Dayu's power.

It's no wonder that Chu Yun was able to rest assured that Dayu could deal with Bei Hantian.

At this moment, Bei Hantian didn't know that Dayu had great power. He looked at Dayu's completely despised gaze from my master.

"A mere fairy king, dealing with a few of us strong, then you are seeking death on your own, but it is a pity that you have cultivated to this point in vain, and in the end there is still a mindless slave."

Having said this, Bei Hantian couldn't help turning his head away.

He and the rest of the people looked at each other, and then a wave of violent killing power continued to bloom with a strong brilliance, as if it was unstoppable, the power was infinite, and the world was also violent.

Seeing such a northern cold sky, Dayu was not afraid.

He directly raised his palm, but a terrible wind broke out.

For a time, the world became more powerful, and the attacks containing the power of killing continued to buzz down.

"The power of the wild, suppress me."

Dayu suddenly spoke coldly, his tone was extremely cold, and at the same time there was an incomparably violent killing intent in his palm, as if unstoppable, a terrifying killing intent was permeated.

Seeing this, Dayu didn't care.

But he knew very well that his power of the wild was not something ordinary people could deal with, so it would be difficult for Bei Hantian to survive.


Sure enough, with a loud noise between the heavens and the earth, the space suddenly burst into powerful waves of air, as if it was unstoppable, and the power was infinite, and the intention of killing and killing was already very fierce.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Looking at Dayu, he had incredible eyes.

"This guy is so powerful?"

It was Zhou Chen who was speaking. He originally thought that Chu Yun was strong enough, but he did not expect that Dayu was also a pervert.

Moreover, this Dayu was much more terrifying than Ye Qing, and he was in control of the great power.

Is it that the current minions are already terrifying?

Zhou Chen puzzled!

Bei Hantian clutched his chest and looked at Dayu with an extremely shocked attitude. He only felt that all his thoughts were discouraged at the moment, and suddenly there was a sense of killing in his heart, which continued to sprout from his body.

"Damn fellow, actually hurt me, and as a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, how can I just give in."

As Bei Hantian spoke, his heart was extremely angry.

He is very clear about his identity, that is, a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

Moreover, Bei Hantian would never allow it. He was defeated by Chu Yun in this way, so there was already an extremely cold killing intent on his face, and there were glories between his eyes.

As if this guy, Bei Hantian is a peerless powerhouse with the power to kill the world.

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