Sky Cloud City, the Coyote Gang.

As a second-rate force in Tianyun City, the Coyote Gang has been developing secretly over the years. They not only involved medicinal pills, but also formation spells and other things, and the gang leader of the Coyote Gang had the peak of the Daluo **** within a thousand years. The cultivation base, this kind of strength is enough to make him squeeze into the first-class master.

Because of this, the Coyote Gang already has the standards of a top power, and many powerful people in Sky Cloud City are afraid to provoke the Coyote Gang, but the Coyote Gang has not been so energetic recently.

This is the young master of the Coyote Gang not only died, but also countless powerful men fell, and it was the City Lord of Sky Cloud City who killed them. When this matter made the coyote gang leader angry, they also ordered people to deal with the City Lord Mansion.

At the moment, the Coyote Gang is heavily guarded, and there are more new faces in the Coyote Gang's chamber.

This is because Chu Yun killed the young master and many high-level leaders of the Coyote Gang, and this is what happened to the Coyote Gang.

On the throne of the main hall, sitting a middle-aged man, his breath is strong, between his eyebrows is the meaning of self-respect, the whole person is like a peerless strong, making the audience extra calm.

"Everyone, Zhuqing City has gone to the Pill City to participate in the alchemy conference. It is time for us to deal with the City Lord. Now I announce that I will directly enter the City Lord’s Mansion. These days I have almost prepared and killed many Tianyun City. The strong, today I decided to take the Sky Cloud City.~

The middle-aged man spoke with an extremely cold tone, as if beyond doubt, many people looked at each other. But everyone understands that this is indeed the best time to deal with the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, Xiu knew that there was no Sky Cloud City again, so this gave them a chance.

"Fanglor, let's deal with the City Lord's Mansion. Once this matter is let Zhuqingcheng know, I am afraid it will be a huge blow to us, but I heard that the Asura Hall killers who chased Zhuqing City this time are all dead. If it weren't for this, the young master would never be gone."

An old man spoke on the spot.

A dignified expression flashed in his eyes, and he was able to kill the strong man in the Asura Palace. There would naturally be a strong man next to Zhuqing City, so this is the reason why the Coyote Gang has not yet taken the Sky Cloud City.

However, Bei Mosao, the leader of the Coyote Gang, immediately dismissed it after hearing this.

"Hmph, you think I don’t know about this, but my son is dead, and Chu Yun and Zhuqingcheng have to pay the price anyway. This has been decided like this. I hope you don’t talk nonsense, otherwise don’t blame me. , Let you get out of the Coyote Gang directly."

As the voice of the coyote gang leader fell, everyone knew that his intention had been decided.

Cannot be changed.

Therefore, everyone looked at each other, they were all complicated. After all, they didn't expect things to develop to this point, but they knew very well that dealing with Chu Yun was inevitable.

Therefore, everyone nodded without hesitation.

Next, the Coyote Gang began to dispatch personnel to deal with the City Lord's Mansion.

On the other side, Chu Yun and Qian Ren Tian returned to Tianyun City.

Along the way, Chu Yun finally knew that the woman's name was Qian Rongruo, but Chu Yun did not see Qian Rongruo's true face, and even felt that she could not see Qian Rongruo.

But Chu Yun didn't think much, he believed that this woman could bring surprises to himself.

Because Chu Yun understands that Qian Rong is definitely not easy,

Zhuqing City drove the Void Boat and directly accelerated, but Zhuqing City did not forget what Chu Yun had said.

"Master, didn't you mean to go to where the dragon veins are, then should we go there directly?"

"No need."

Chu Yun shook his head and said seriously: "Girl Rongruo is willing to join Sky Cloud City. This is a good thing, but how can I look for my dragon veins?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhuqingcheng suddenly became envious of Qian Rong.

You know, Chu Yun has a cold attitude towards anyone, but it is not like that towards Qian Rongruo.

Therefore, the Zhuqing City at this moment can be sure that if Qian Rong is absolutely not simple, otherwise it will not attract Chu Yun's attention.

Therefore, Zhuqing City glanced at Qian Rongruo, and then he drove the Void Boat and quickly answered Sky Cloud City.

But as soon as the Void Boat entered the Sky Cloud City, it was blocked by a formation, and then there were dense arrows spreading over the sky above the control, as if unstoppable, directly shrouded in the surrounding Void Boat.

"So bold, who is it that attacked the Void Boat?"

Zhuqingcheng's eyes flashed, and the cold light surged. He didn't expect that someone would attack him in his own territory.

Could it be that those guys like Sky Cloud City won't recognize him after leaving for a while?

When Zhuqingcheng arrived here, there was an unusually cold color in his heart, and then a chill flashed in his eyes, scanning the audience, and under his eyes were densely packed people.

But these people looked at Zhuqing City, completely with murderous intent.

"What's the matter?"

No matter how stupid Zhuqingcheng was, he knew that he seemed to have been in the plan, and these guys in Tianyun City didn't even know him.

Unexpectedly, Zhuqingcheng's gaze looked around, and there were some fresh faces that caught the eye.

"Zhuqingcheng, are you surprised?"

And below, someone looked at Zhuqing City with complete disdain. I'm afraid you didn't expect that Tianyun City was already under the control of my coyote gang, but you killed my son in Zhuqing City. "

"You must give me an account of this, otherwise I will make you pay the price today."

Speaking of this, the northern gang leader's face meant to kill, which made Zhuqingcheng couldn't help blinking when he saw it, and then he stared at the coyote gang leader, "North gang leader, you took it. My Sky Cloud City?"

"Does this still need to be said?"

The North Gang leader asked a question, and then he looked at Zhuqing City with a disdainful expression in his eyes.

"If it weren't for you, how could I have fallen to this point? Now you should pay the price for Zhuqingcheng."

"Everyone, kill me."

The northern gang leader fell with a cry, and his tone was extremely cold, as if killing intent was soaring, and the power of horror had fallen from the sky. In less than a moment, the surrounding wind was surging, and there was endless meaning to kill.

The violent power seemed to be irresistible, filled with the meaning of killing and killing, the overwhelming arrow fell from the sky again, directly swept the entire void boat, and then there was an endless loud noise from the space.

"Northern Gang Lord, you are really shameless, let the Asura Hall killer chase me down, and even take my Sky Cloud City."

Zhuqingcheng was extremely angry, his expression was crazy, he raised his palm and smashed the surrounding arrows on the spot.

Then Zhuqingcheng turned around and went directly into the void boat. If Chu Yun and Qian Rong were feeling the situation below, and seeing Zhuqingcheng's expression a little ugly, Chu Yun knew what was going on.

If the guess is correct, this is naturally the ghost of the coyote.

After all, Chu Yun had offended the Coyote Gang during his time in Tianyun City.

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