The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 533: Looking for dragon veins

Leaving Sky Cloud City?

After hearing that person's words, Chu Yun couldn't help blinking. Although he hadn't known Long Yue for half a month, Chu Yun discovered that he was exceptionally talented and was definitely a good seed for cultivation.

Chu Yun originally planned to train that guy.

But Chu Yun did not expect that Long Yue had already left Tianyun City.

"Do you know his whereabouts?"

Chu Yun still asked, looking at the man with a serious look, "As long as you tell me his specific whereabouts, I can reward you with some generous rewards."

As soon as this remark came out, the subordinate's expression was immediately moved.

He took a deep breath of air, and then looked at Chu Yun.

"My lord, before Long Yue left, he told me that he was looking for her mother, and her mother seemed to be named Pei Nanyu, but we thought he was crazy about dreams, because Pei Nanyu is Wang Yutian's fiancée. Everyone knows this, and we haven't heard that Pei Nanyu has a son."

"Pei Nanyu?"

Chu Yun couldn't help but quicken his breathing after hearing this.

He couldn't help but think of one thing. Since Pei Nanyu and Wang Yutian are fiancées, she has a child.

And this child is already a few years old.

This made Chu Yun feel a little slanderous.

"Could it be that Long Yue is their illegitimate child?"

Chu Yun didn't know Pei Nanyu, this was because at the alchemy meeting, Chu Yun and the woman did not mingled.

Even now, Chu Yun has not linked the two people together.

But when he heard that Long Yue was looking for his mother, Chu Yun's expression was slightly complicated.

For some reason, Chu Yun felt that things were not simple.

Qian Rongruo looked at Chu Yun and couldn't help but said, "Chu Yun, how do you really find Long Yue? I can help you with this because I am an arithmetic."

If the guess is correct, this Long Yue is heading to the Fairy Sect. "

Fairy Sect?

Chu Yun frowned, he was a little complicated at the moment.

You don't know anything about the Fairy Sect, Chu Yun, but let him look for Long Yue, how is this possible?

You know, Chu Yun and Long Yueping meet by the water, it is not related.

So Chu Yun shook his head, no longer thinking about Long Yue, Chu Yun drew back his subordinates, and then Chu Yun looked at Qian Rongruo.

"Girl, you came to Sky Cloud City, don't know what happened?"

"Of course it is to assist you."

Qian Rong said without hesitation.

Just saying this sentence, her heart was a little complicated, because he didn't expect that he would beg Chu Yun.

You know, she knows how to calculate fate, and I don't know how many people want Qian Rongruo to join their strength.

But now, Qian Rongruo actually took the initiative.

This makes Qian Rongruo's holy place a bit complicated. Looking at Chu Yun, he shook his head, "Although you may think I am a little abrupt, I can tell you that assisting you is what I dream of."

"You definitely need a helper, and I happen to be able to help you solve this, so I can only do you good and no harm."

"Is that true."

Chu Yun didn't believe it, but he didn't reject Qian Rongruo. After all, Qian Rongruo's strength was obvious to all.

How Chu Yun has Qian Rongruo's help, his strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds, so Chu Yun looked at Qian Rongruo, with a sincere gaze in his eyes, "Since you are willing to stay and help me to achieve the great cause, then I am willing to fulfill you. , Then you will arrange everything for me!"

As Chu Yun's voice fell, Qian Rongruo smiled.

Qian Ren Tian beside him couldn't help blinking, with an incredible color in his heart.

"What's the matter with my elder sister? Looking at her appearance, I am very concerned about joining Chu Yun's elder brother.

Chu Yun and Qian Rongruo didn't know Qian Rentian's thoughts.

Dayu killed the members of the Coyote Gang and soon returned to his life. Zhuqing City was the strong man who suppressed the betrayal of the City Lord's Mansion.

On this day, Tianyun City was completely shuffled, with only the great power of the City Lord's Mansion, and the others were not satisfied.

But they knew that there was Dayu who was a strong immortal king.

The City Lord's Mansion is about to rise.

In the hall, Chu Yun sat in the chief position, Qian Rongruo and Zhu Qingcheng sat opposite each other. Although Zhu Qingcheng knew that Qian Rongruo was weak, he did not dare to underestimate this woman. After all, he could predict the secret.

Chu Yun blinked his eyes for a moment, then scanned the audience, and there was a serious look in Chu Yun's eyes.

"Zhuqing City, girl Rongruo, what do you think of Sky Cloud City?"

"Master, what can I think?"

Zhuqingcheng shook his head, and couldn't help saying: "I have been in charge of Sky Cloud City for countless years and understand that I am not strong enough, but I am most worried about the Divine Sword Sect. After all, we will definitely have trouble if we offend the Divine Sword Sect."

"And you defeated the strong of the Divine Sword Sect. I'm afraid the Divine Sword Sect will not let it go."

Having said that, there is a serious look in Zhuqing City's eyes.

Seeing such a Zhuqing City, Chu Yun was not surprised. After all, Zhuqing City's deep-rooted thoughts destined him to be suitable for stable development, so Chu Yun at this time did not take this matter into his heart.

But Chu Yun turned around and looked at Qian Rongruo.

"Girl Rongruo, what do you think about this?"

"Of course it is to expand strength."

Qian Rongruo was relatively simple, and said without hesitation: "In my opinion, you don't have much of a subordinate now. Although you have Dayu, there are some things that you don't necessarily do yourself?"

"After all, I know very well that if you want to deal with the Divine Sword Sect, you need a lot of power to complete it."

After Qian Rongruo's words came down, Chu Yun couldn't help nodding.

Indeed, the strength of Sky Cloud City at the moment is not enough to support the fight against Divine Sword Sect. Chu Yun has no other way but to expand his strength. After all, Chu Yun is very clear that the power of Sky Cloud City is not yet strong enough.

"Okay, just do as you said."

Chu Yun nodded and agreed to Qian Rongruo.

Next, Chu Yun and Zhuqing City left Tianyun City and went to the location of Dragon Vessel.

This time, Tianyun City won the alchemy conference and could get dragon veins, and Tianyun City was allocated two dragon veins, not to mention just two dragon veins, but it was enough to make people look greedy.

Because there is only one dragon vein in the entire Tianyun City.

But even so, Tianyun City has also cultivated many strong people, which shows the importance of dragon veins.

Along the way, Zhuqing City explained to Chu Yun: "Master, what we are going to this trip is where the dragon veins of Qingtian City are located, and this Qingtian City happened to be defeated by us, so we may be in trouble, but you There is a strong immortal king, it should be able to solve this matter."

After hearing this, Chu Yun didn't expect such a thing to happen again, but Chu Yun also understood that it might not be so simple to let others surrender the dragon veins. After all, that thing makes people jealous.

What's more, Tianyun City was ranked low before, which naturally gave others the meaning of reluctance to hand it over.

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