At this moment, the audience became extremely quiet.

Everyone looked at Chu Yun with dull expressions. Compared with Luo Jianghe's death, they still don't understand how Chu Yun would kill Luo Jianghe in this way. After all, Luo Jianghe was the lord of Qingtian City.

No matter how weak he was, he still had no problem dealing with the strong immortal king with the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand.

However, such Luo Jianghe died directly in Chu Yun's hands.

"Master, you are too good!"

At this moment, Zhu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yun, his eyes were extremely shocked. He also couldn't imagine that Chu Yun was so powerful that he directly killed the lord Luo Jianghe of Qingtian City. This incident made Luo Jianghe unable to believe it, and there was also an incredible touch. Then Zhuqingcheng glanced at the audience,

When he confirmed, Luo Jianghe was indeed dead.

Zhuqing City came to the location of the Heaven Burial Sword in one step. Then he stretched out the palm of his hand, and the Heaven Burying Sword immediately radiated endless killing intent, as if it was about to destroy the heavens, spreading the sword energy of Burying Heaven and Earth.

"This weapon is good."

Chu Yun spoke from the heart. Although he has a true martial arts sword, the Heaven Burial Sword at this moment is a fierce weapon. Such a thing is definitely not simple, and its power is beyond everyone's imagination.

So when everyone couldn't believe it, there was a touch of brilliance within the depth.

Under all eyes, Chu Yun came directly to Zhuqing City.

"Zhuqing City, this weapon is good. But it's not suitable for you."

"Master, I understand."

After listening to Chu Yun's words, Zhu Qingcheng nodded immediately, his character did not feel eager to compete.

The Heaven Burying Sword is a weapon that controls killing and cutting. If you want to control this weapon, you must kill and cut decisively. A character like Zhuqing City is naturally not suitable to control the Heaven Burying Sword?

Chu Yun looked at the Heaven Burial Sword, with a hint of thinking on his face.

"This weapon is good, but I don't like fighting, so I can only store it."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around couldn't help but blink, looking at Chu Yun with a strange look.

It seemed that at this time, they sneered at Chu Yun's words.

What's more, I was embarrassed.

"You don't like being competitive, but you killed Luo Jianghe. Although you keep saying that you don't want to bury the Heavenly Sword, you have to take this weapon."

However, no one said this to Chu Yun, because they knew very well that Chu Yun could not afford to offend them.


At this moment, the location of the City Lord’s Mansion suddenly rose, and immediately there was a monstrous brilliance.

In less than a moment, the ultimate luxury aura burst out and swept the entire audience directly.

"Master, fortunately, I have found the dragon vein."

Dayu came out from inside, and in his hands were two lifelike white dragons.

The two dragons contained a strong immortal aura. Within a moment, Chu Yun felt that his aura was growing crazily, which gave Chu Yun a satisfied look, and then Chu Yun looked at Dayu.

"Yes, I'm very satisfied that you found something like this."

When Chu Yun said this, he couldn't help but take another look at the white dragon. Only then did he realize that the spiritual energy contained in this thing was too strong. If it was used for cultivation alone, Chu Yun didn't know how to improve his strength.

But Chu Yun knew very well that with this thing, his strength would also increase by leaps and bounds.

Because of this, there was a crazy face in Chu Yun's heart.

Next, Chu Yun and Dayu left where they were and returned to Tianyun City.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Luo Jianghe, the city lord's mansion of Qingtian City, died overnight, and the aura of the entire Qingtian City became extremely weak. This incident continued to pass out, and finally reached the ears of the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

"Damn Chu Yun, I didn't expect you to be so cruel, you would kill the lord of Qingtian City.~

"So courageous, I took away the dragon veins."

Bei Hantian was sitting in his practice room with a letter in his hand. Bei Hantian had been practicing in seclusion since he was defeated by Chu Yun, but he had been inquiring about Chu Yun's whereabouts.

But he didn't expect that Chu Yun would take away the dragon veins of Qingtian City.

"That guy is terrifying, and if I want to deal with him, I must break through the middle of the fairy king."

"Only in this way can I have a chance of winning and let him lose in my hands."

Bei Hantian couldn't help gritting his teeth and being defeated by Chu Yun. He didn't let anyone publicize this matter.

Because Bei Hantian can't afford to lose this face.

After all, no matter how he said it, he was also a disciple of God Sword Sect.

Therefore, Bei Hantian knew very well that he had to defeat Chu Yun to wash away his shame.

But when he thinks of Chu Yun's strength, his heart is extremely complicated.

"That guy is powerful and unfathomable, absolutely beyond my imagination, and I want to defeat him, it is probably as difficult as the sky."

"But I am a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect and have countless cultivation resources, so as long as I really want to deal with him, I still have no problem, but it's a pity that Long Yue has not been investigated yet."

Bei Hantian fell into deep thought, and a complex color appeared in his eyes. He did not expect that he had almost paid a lot of price to deal with Chu Yun. This was the cause of his indignation.

Because of this, Bei Hantian thinks of Chu Yun.

Therefore, Bei Hantian at the moment was very depressed. He did not expect that a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect would be helpless with Chu Yun, which made him feel icy while angry.

He glanced around, his eyes shuddering, chills appeared.

"Damn, I must find a way to improve my strength, otherwise it will be extremely bad for me to continue like this."

Bei Hantian's eyes flashed and then fell into retreat.

On the other side, Wang Yutian was enjoying the gentle township under the service of a woman, and he glanced at the sky.

"Half a year passed in a flash. I don't know what that guy is, but I didn't expect that Long Yue, the little beast, has not died. It just so happened. Next, I need to deal with one thing to see if she can come to her door.

When Wang Yutian said this, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the woman beside him.

"How long is it from the festive day?"

When the maid heard this, she didn't conceal it, looking at Wang Yutian, a smile appeared on her face.

"Holy Son, there are still a few days left to be the birthday of the Sect Master. This is not the day of great rejoicing."

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Yutian nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, you have this method, I am very satisfied."

"But it's a bit wrong to publicize the wedding date on the birthday, but to avoid long nights and dreams."

"Pei Nanyu, I must marry."

When Wang Yutian thought of Pei Nanyu cuckolding himself, he was angry, and he wished to smash Pei Nanyu's body into pieces. This guy cuckolded himself, that is, he cannot live by himself.

But he would never let Pei Nanyu die, and even marry Pei Nanyu over and tortured him.

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