After bidding farewell to Qian Rongruo, Chu Yun took Qianrentian and Zhuqing City to the Xueyue King.

Of course, Dayu did not follow Chu Yun.

According to Qian Rongruo's words, Dayu had other arrangements, not to mention that Tianyun City needed someone to guard.

Chu Yun did not refuse to leave Dayu in Tianyun City, so the group of three simply flew in the direction of King Xueyue, and on the way, Chu Yun encountered some danger.

However, Chu Yun was strong enough and naturally defeated those people.

"Master, at our speed, we can reach the Xueyue Kingdom in half a day."

Zhuqing City rides the void boat, the way full of joy,

"There are many geniuses in the hunting conference. Because of the Xueyue King's daughter, all kinds of immortal king powerhouses will surely emerge. Then we can also see it as soon as possible, and hope that we can find some insights from it."

There are many different kinds of battles between the strong, and Zhuqingcheng is very clear that he usually wants to see the immortal king strong to fight against the sky, so although he is anxious to improve his strength, he will not rush at this time.

After half a day, Xueyue Kingdom could see the general layout from a distance, like a wild beast entrenched in the earth, with the supreme aura of standing up to the sky, Chu Yun's heart was trembling.

"Is this the Xueyue Kingdom?"

Chu Yun was surprised, but also had a complicated look, "I didn't expect such a majestic city to exist here. This is beyond my imagination. I don't know whether there will be a strong person beyond the fairy king in this city."

As Chu Yun thought, his expression crossed his surprised eyes.

He did not expect that there should be a city with such a strong aura here, and Tianyun City was a bit unable to get it in comparison.

"Master, this is indeed the Xueyue Kingdom."

Zhuqingcheng looked at the city in front of him, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Then Zhuqingcheng explained: "No one knows how many years the Xueyue Kingdom has existed, but I understand that there is absolutely no such thing in Xueyue Kingdom. The powerhouse surpassing the immortal king is the most terrifying existence here."

After hearing this, Chu Yun calmed down.

He didn't think Zhuqing City was deceiving himself, after all, he knew very well that Zhuqing City's strength was not so weak.

Next, Chu Yun and Zhuqing City entered the Xueyue Kingdom on foot.

When they came outside the city, they met Luo Jianghe, the lord of Qingtian City.

At this moment, Luo Jianghe naturally saw Chu Yun, but he seemed to turn a blind eye, and did not speak to Chu Yun, instead, taking advantage of the opportunity to enter the city, he turned around and disappeared.

"Master, it seems that Luo Jianghe is afraid of your power, but he didn't expect him to escape."

Zhuqingcheng couldn't help but said jokingly.

He and Luo Jianghe were the same city lord, but Luo Jianghe saw Chu Yun like a devil.

Although Zhuqingcheng couldn't believe it, he also had a complex look.

If I hadn't surrendered to my master at the beginning, I am afraid that Luo Jianghe would not have been so lucky to end.

While Zhuqingcheng secretly rejoiced, a smile appeared on his face.

Perhaps no one can be as lucky as Zhuqing City, surrendering to Ye Qing's command.

After all, at the beginning, Zhuqing City was almost murderous with Chu Yun, but Zhuqing City still surrendered to Chu Yun's command.

So this matter is relatively speaking, Zhuqingcheng is definitely out of **** luck.

A group of several people simply entered the city, and Zhuqing City took Chu Yun to find an inn to live in.

Although Zhuqing City is the lord of a city, there are too many people like him. The Xueyue Kingdom alone is in charge of hundreds of cities, so there are so many city owners.

Because of this, Zhuqing City is very clear about his identity, that is, he is a spectator here.

Having nothing to do, Chu Yun and Zhuqing City wandered in the city of Xueyue Kingdom.

The city of the Xueyue Kingdom had to be countless times more prosperous than Tianyun City. Chu Yun's ubiquitous magic weapon is invaluable in Tianyun City, especially some alchemists who have extraordinary methods.

Zhu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yun, then looked around, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Master, as far as I know, there happens to be an auction house nearby. We might as well go there."

Chu Yun did not refuse this statement.

Treasures can be bid at the auction. Although Chu Yun has no shortage of treasures, he likes this lively place.

Because Chu Yun knew very well that there was a mixed bag at the auction house, it was more appropriate to inquire about information.

Next, Chu Yun and Zhuqing City left where they were and went to the auction house.

Along the way, the happiest thing was Qianbladetian. He looked at the bustling street, and his face showed joy, "Brother Chu Yun, I have liked those auctions since I was a child."

"I can finally come here today. If you bargain later, just let me come."

After hearing this, Chu Yun did not refuse.

Soon, they came to the auction house.

At this moment, the auction house was coming and going, Chu Yun probably took a look, and then led people into the auction house without thinking.

Entering the auction house, Ye Qing first glanced around, and then found that this auction was similar to the rest of the auction houses. It also had boxes and a large hall.

Chu Yun was not surprised at this.

Because he knows very well that the auction house has his own rules. Chu Yun only needs to look for treasures here. This is an important issue. But what Chu Yun didn’t expect was that he was just about to enter the hall and met him. It was a familiar woman who came.

"Chu Yun, why are you here?"

It was Zi Ruotong who spoke.

Since she bid farewell to Chu Yun in Pill City, she knew that Dayu beside Chu Yun was extremely difficult.

And Chu Yun was a blockbuster at the Dan Conference.

Therefore, Zi Ruotong has reason to believe that Chu Yun is more complicated than he thought.

"Zi Ruotong, are you here to auction things too?"

Seeing Zi Ruotong, Chu Yun squinted a little, he also did not forget this proud girl of heaven.

At the beginning, this woman was arrogant.

Had it not been for Zi Ruotong, Chu Yun would not have offended the Beijia.

But relatively speaking, Chu Yun understood that this was a disaster for a beauty.

Zi Ruotong shook his head and said: "Chu Yun, I am indeed here to participate in the auction, but I am not here to buy things, but to meet a certain person in the Xueyue Kingdom."

"Big guy?"

After listening to Zi Ruotong's words, Chu Yun subconsciously thought of Xueyue King, but Xueyue King should not meet Zi Ruotong in person, so the only possibility is Xueyue King's daughter, and only she and Zi Ruotong can play together.

In response, Chu Yun nodded.

"Zi Ruotong, I'm going to auction things first. If you're fancy, please tell me."

"Thank you."

Zi Ruotong said gratefully, and then watched Chu Yun leave. Suddenly there was a woman beside her. This woman was dressed in a very simple manner and was inconspicuous in the crowd.

However, when Zi Ruotong saw this woman, she was shocked.

"Xue'er, why did you come out?"

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