When they arrived at the gate of the Holy Kingdom, Chu Yun and Qian Ren Tian were stopped.

"This is the Sacred Kingdom of Azure Dragon. There is no recommendation letter. You can't enter." It was a man in golden armor who stopped Chu Yun. He was holding a spear blade and standing in place with agitation.

Looking closely, Chu Yun could see that he had the cultivation base of the Immortal King.

"It's worthy of being a holy country, even the immortal king's cultivation is the guardian." Chu Yun murmured inwardly.

He seemed to underestimate the Azure Dragon Sacred Nation, just being a gatekeeper was so powerful, Chu Yun couldn't imagine how many powerhouses there would be in the Azure Dragon Sacred Nation, which made Chu Yun feel that the Sacred Nation was terrifying.

However, Chu Yun didn't think much, took out Xueyuewang's recommendation letter and handed it to the guard.

"Are you a genius who participated in the Holy Martial War?" The guard took the recommendation letter, then glanced at Chu Yun, confirming that Chu Yun was young, he returned the recommendation letter to Chu Yun, and then said: "Remember, take it For your letter of recommendation, go to the Marshal Lichen, and he will arrange everything for you."

"Thank you."

Chu Yun was grateful, and said that he was about to bring Qian Ren Tian into the Azure Dragon Holy Kingdom, but the guard stopped Qian Ren Tian and said coldly: "He doesn't have a letter of recommendation, so he can't enter.

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Chu Yun, I'm fine." Qian Rentian said awkwardly, "It's the same for me waiting for you outside."

"Well, I will come out soon."

Chu Yun was unfamiliar with his place and had to bow his head.

Moreover, Chu Yun did not dare to offend the Azure Dragon Holy Kingdom.

He is not an idiot. As the great power of Nine Provinces Immortal Land, the Azure Dragon Holy Kingdom is stronger than the Divine Sword Sect.

Chu Yun forcibly entered Qian Ren Tian with no advantage at all.

Saying goodbye to the Thousand Blade Sky, Chu Yun entered the Azure Dragon Holy Kingdom.

When he came to the street, Chu Yun found that the Blue Dragon Holy Kingdom was indeed no trivial matter. There were no hawkers here, only the surrounding shops. These shops were extremely luxurious.

Especially the plaque is domineering.

What God Pill Pavilion, Tianqi Shop, Xiaoyao Hall, almost filled Chu Yun's vision.

"It seems that this is the power of Qinglong Holy Kingdom."

When Chu Yun saw this big deal, he still didn't understand there. I have come to the pure land of cultivation.

Here, it is definitely a paradise for cultivators.

Chu Yun felt that the profound strength alone was extraordinary.

"The guard told me just now that with the recommendation letter, I need to go to the Marshal's Mansion to find the Marshal of the Lichen."

"It's just right. I'll handle things here, then go around and find something useful to myself."

It's rare to come here, Chu Yun is full of joy.

But he did not forget his mission.

Chu Yun found a passer-by, looked for the residence of the lichen, and soon knew the location of the lichen.

Chu Yun walked all the way and came to the gate of a gated city, and then saw the Marshal's Mansion written in big characters.

At the moment the door opened, there were many people.

Chu Yun saw that these people were powerful, even stronger than Chu Yun imagined.

Chu Yun took out the recommendation letter and squeezed into the crowd.

Then he went all the way to the gate and found the guard.

"Are you a member of the Paladin War?"

Seeing Chu Yun, the guard also took a look at Chu Yun, and then ordered one of his subordinates to take Chu Yun into the marshal's residence. About half a time, Chu Yun was taken to the reception hall.

Here, Chu Yun saw so many proud children of heaven, and they seemed to have the same purpose as Chu Yun.

In their hands, there are all kinds of recommendation letters.

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but flash his eyes.

Fortunately, Chu Yun and them did not know each other.

Therefore, Chu Yun found a place and sat down.

Then, Chu Yun glanced around intentionally or unintentionally.

He found that these heavenly prides were extremely strange, so that Chu Yun couldn't see their origins.

"I wonder if Wang Yutian is here."

Chu Yun was still wary of the love rival that emerged out of thin air, if he met him here.

Chu Yun didn't mind, and gave Wang Yutian a lesson.

But it was a pity that there were so many people in the hall that Wang Yutian could not be seen at all, and even everyone did not dare to release their thoughts at will.

After all, each other's strengths are uneven.

No one wants to be disturbed.

Especially at this time, no one wants to be discovered their secrets.

Nothing happened, Chu Yun closed his eyes.

But beside Chu Yun, there was a man with wicked eyebrows, and he reached out and patted Chu Yun's shoulder.

"Brother, I am the genius of Lu Xue Wangcheng, Yang Feng, how about you?"

"Chu Yun."

"It turned out to be Brother Chu Yun. You look like a dragon and a phoenix. When the Marshal Lichen meets with us, you must remember to keep your posture properly so as not to offend Marshal Lichen."

After hearing this, Chu Yun did not answer.

But when he looked at that Yang Feng, he had a sense of looking at him.

In the middle stage of the Immortal King, his aura was restrained, obviously this guy was indeed the pride of heaven.

"Look, that's not the eldest lady of the Tiannan Kingdom, Yue Qingge." At this moment, Yang Feng suddenly looked up at the entrance of the hall and suddenly saw a woman coming in, her body slim.

Every move, as if the country is overwhelming, makes people unable to ignore her existence.

"is her."

Seeing Yue Qingge who was rescued by himself, Chu Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yue Qingge to wake up. This comforted Chu Yun, after all, he was Yue Qingge's lifesaver.

At this moment, Yue Qingge did not see Chu Yun, because as soon as she entered the door, many people walked towards her.

She is like a star gongyue, sought after.

In contrast, Chu Yun was unknown.

Even Yang Feng looked at Yue Qingge, and his heart was burning. "Brother, this month Qingge is really a fish and a goose. On the side of the water, if I talk to her, I can wake up from a dream."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun was speechless.

But looking at the appearance of Yang Fengzhu, there is no chance.

Because Chu Yun understood that women like Yue Qingge.

If you want to capture her heart, you must be strong, followed by the dragon and phoenix among the people.

Otherwise, in the end, he will become a dog licking like Guizi Li.


At this moment, a bell sounded like a mountain like a mountain, and then a middle-aged man walked outside.

Chu Yun looked up, the middle-aged man was calm, and followed him with several powerful generals.

And this man seemed to be extraordinary in England, with a somewhat proud expression between his brows.

"Look, this is Marshal Lichen."

When someone saw the middle-aged man, his eyes suddenly scorched.

The Marshal of the Lieutenant, that is definitely under one person, above 10,000 people. He can be called the marshal of the Azure Dragon Saint Kingdom, naturally, he has a certain ability. Everyone comes here and knows the Marshal of the Lieutenant well.

Next, he will be headed.

Sure enough, the Lichen Marshal glanced at the audience and said indifferently: "Everyone, I am the Lichen Marshal of the Azure Dragon Holy Kingdom, and the person in charge of your sacred war. You must follow my instructions next."

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