Soon, a woman singing and dancing came to Chu Yun for Chu Yun to choose.

Chu Yun looked at Yang Feng somewhat unclearly, "I didn't seem to let you arrange these people for me?"


Yang Feng's face went dark, and he was a little ugly to scan around, then waved his hand pretendingly.

But at this moment, Wang Yutian said with a smile: "Chu Yun. You are indeed a villager, not just a few women in the middle of nowhere. As for not being able to pay the price, as long as you say something, I can do it for you."

At this point, Wang Yutian wanted to humiliate Chu Yun in this way. He knew that Chu Yun and Pei Nanyu had a leg. This incident made him extremely angry, but because Chu Yun was much stronger than his own. .

So Wang Yutian decided to disgust Chu Yun.

"Wang Yutian, do you really think that Ye Qing is short of money?"

Chu Yun smiled.

During this time, he killed many enemies, and the wealth he obtained was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

If Wang Yutian humiliated himself in this regard, he would really find the wrong way.

"Chu Yun, since you said you are not short of money, then I dare to ask, would you dare to cover the entire Fengyue Tower?"

"Why not dare?"

Ye Qing answered without hesitation.

However, Chu Yun still blinked his eyes, and then said, "If I really contract Fengyuelou, then I want to know, what price do you Wang Yutian pay?"

"Hmph, you want me to pay, I will wait and see."

Wang Yutian snorted.

"Never mind! As long as you contract Fengyuelou, I can obey one of your conditions, but this condition does not involve life-threatening, nor can I kill anyone. Is this satisfactory to you?"

"you sure?"

"Of course, with a word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase a horse."

Wang Yutian nodded solemnly, Ye Qing didn't hesitate anymore and glanced at all the people in the audience.

"Everyone, I, Chu Yun, will pay for the consumption tonight. You can consume as you like."


As Chu Yun's voice fell, the audience suddenly became a sensation.

Countless people looked at Chu Yun with frenzied eyes. They didn't expect Chu Yun to boast about going to Haikou.

Chu Yun pays the bill for all consumption.

Just thinking about it makes people feel scary, after all, this is an astronomical number.

However, Chu Yun did not hesitate, took out a storage ring, and threw it to an old bustard.

"Are these immortal stones enough?"

The old bustard took advantage of Chu Yun's storage ring, and then after listening to Chu Yun's words, she glanced at the storage ring immediately, and she found that there were as many treasures as cow hair, and countless treasures of heaven and earth.

Among them, there are countless immortals.

"My son, there are more than three hundred and seventy women in our Fengyue Tower. Each is worth hundreds of thousands of immortal stones and hundreds of immortal stones, and the highest is a few thousand immortal stones. Overall, your storage ring is more than enough. "

"Well, make arrangements for me."

Chu Yun was so proud once, he didn't care too much, and the old bustard left immediately.

But soon, cheers came from the audience.

"Young Master Chu Yun is proud...!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, eager to regard Chu Yun as the savior, but compared to Wang Yutian, he had an extremely ugly look. He looked at Chu Yun, and there were complicated meanings in the depth.

"Damn Chu Yun, you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. You come from the lower realm, so there are so many immortal stones?"

After saying this, Wang Yutian still had the meaning of disbelief.

Even if he had wrapped up the entire Fengyue Tower, it was a painful one.

But Chu Yun, seemingly indifferent, actually spent money like dirt.

Chu Yun sat on the chair, made a cup of tea for himself, and then looked at Wang Yutian lukewarm.

"Are you sure you want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

Wang Yutian did not die before the Yellow River, so he asked: "Please tell me, let me be convinced."

"Okay, then I am as you wish."

Chu Yun pursed his lips and said, "I just came to Jiuzhou Xiantu, and I really have nothing, but your God Sword Sect chased and killed me these days, I have killed many people in the Sword Sect, so a lot of wealth is through your gods. I got it from Jianzong, and then I got the dragon vein through some means."


Hearing what Chu Yun said, Wang Yutian widened his eyes, and he was about to vomit blood.

When would something like this even slap his face, he didn't expect that Chu Yun would kill so many disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

Especially in this matter, the Divine Sword Sect had to die.

But Wang Yutian calmed down quickly, and then looked at Chu Yun, a cold color appeared on his face.

"Today I was unlucky. I didn't expect you to have such wealth. Since then I have to leave here."

With that, Wang Yutian is going to bugger.

However, before Wang Yutian walked out of the gate, his way was blocked by many people, and then those people directly surrounded Wang Yutian, and a cold color appeared on their faces. "Young Master Chu Yun has proven his abilities, and you seem to have forgotten something, that is shame."

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Yutian looked ugly.

He didn't expect that these people would actually surround him, and it was also because Chu Yun asked to see him eating and drinking in Fengyue Tower.

"Wang Yutian, you are indeed shameless, even if it is me, I think you are a little crazy."

Chu Yun slowly got up and came to Wang Yutian's front.

He looked at Wang Yutian, a look of disdain appeared between his expressions, and shadows fell in his eyes.

"According to the betting agreement, you need to meet one of my conditions."

"What conditions?~

Wang Yutian was dead. The pig was not afraid of boiling water. He returned to his senses and looked at Chu Yun. "I remember that I can't pay the price of my life between gambling, but I don't believe that you can kill me."

As long as it is not life-threatening, everything is easy to discuss.

Wang Yutian was really tired of Chu Yun.

But this is only the beginning.

Standing in front of Wang Yutian, Chu Yun smiled and said: "As long as you get me out of the Fengyun Tower from here, I can treat Chu Yun as if nothing happened."

"Let me get out of Fengyue Tower?"

Wang Yutian widened his eyes, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Chu Yun, his expressions were extremely complicated, and then there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Ye Qing, don't deceive others too much, I am Wang Yutian, and I am also a chief of thousands anyway."

"And you actually let me get out of Fengyue Tower, isn't this a humiliating saint martial war?"

Having said this, Wang Yutian had already affirmed that he would never agree to Chu Yun. After all, let him crawl away from here. Once it spreads out, he will inevitably become a joke, and he will be accused of returning to the Divine Sword Sect.

"It seems you don't want to?"

Chu Yun flashed his eyes. To be honest, he had never thought that Wang Yutian would agree to this matter.

But in this way, Chu Yun had a way to teach Wang Yutian.

So Chu Yun flexed his hands and looked at Wang Yutian with a sneer: "Since you don't want to promise me Chu Yun's condition, then I can give you another one."

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