Chu Yun stepped forward and killed Bai Zihe cleanly. The whole process took place among the sparks and flints. Before many people recovered, they saw Bai Zihe lying on the ground.

"Chu Yun, it turned out to be you?"

When Pei Nanyu saw the visitor, she was stunned.

Bai Zihe was more powerful than her, but Chu Yun shot Bai Zihe without any difficulty.

It seemed that Bai Zihe was a waste, unable to beat Chu Yun.

But Pei Nanyu knew that Bai Zihe's strength was not simple, and even if he went all out, he might not be able to kill him.

Is this Chu Yun in front of him really Chu Yun in the lower realm?

For a moment, Pei Nanyu was a little self-doubt, looking at Chu Yun with an extremely complicated expression.

But Chu Yun didn't speak, and took the Devil Li and beat Bai Zihe's men to the ground.

After a while, there were already many more corpses in the audience.

Then, Chu Yun looked back at Pei Nanyu.

The two met, and in this way, Chu Yun couldn't help thinking of Long Yue on his face.

Then, Chu Yun calmly said: "Pei Nanyu, don't talk too much about the extra words between you and me."

"I'm here not to save you, but to **** military exploits, but your appearance seems to be inferior to my Chu Yun's strength, so I advise you not to leave at will."

Chu Yun knew that Pei Nanyu gave birth to Long Yue, and naturally understood. I will never treat him badly.

You know, Chu Yun still has a grudge about this matter.

Pei Nanyu glanced at Chu Yun without answering. At this moment, she has mixed feelings, and that guy seems to have grown up at the beginning, with such a strong strength, which surprised her but also more complicated.

At the beginning, Pei Nanyu looked down on Chu Yun in every possible way, but now he is rescued by Chu Yun.

However, Pei Nanyu didn't think much about it, and just sat in place to heal.

Chu Yun ordered the staff to pack up the spoils, and then glanced around, he found that there were many heroes of heaven joining the battle, even more ruthless than his own, but there were casualties at this moment.

"It seems that this time the sacred war battle is more difficult than I thought."

Chu Yun flashed his eyes, and when he came to the border, he had already gained a lot of combat exploits, but he knew that he was only a commander of thousands, and there were not a thousand people under his control.

In this way, he still has the advantage that he can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Brother, we have been killed all the way, and we have gained more than one hundred combat exploits. Killing a small captain can get ten points of combat exploits. If it is a centurion, it will be one hundred points, and a thousand will be a thousand points."

"Of course, you can also **** the exploits that others already have."

Devil Li came to Chu Yun and said seriously.

His strength was much weaker than Chu Yun, but Devil Li killed many small team leaders and had more than one hundred points of combat merit. Chu Yun nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words.

"Since you can get a thousand points by killing the commander, I will find a way to kill the commander."

Chu Yun is not a stupid person. Killing the commander can get the military exploits faster, but there is only one point to kill Xiaoyou.

In contrast, he is more willing to kill the commander.

However, the commander is not so easy to kill, otherwise the world will not be messy, so Chu Yun looked at Guizi Li and continued to order: "Form a scout team and inquire about information. I need the general situation here."


Devil Li nodded immediately, and then arranged a team to inquire about information.

Next, nothing happened.

Chu Yun sat beside Pei Nanyu, looking at the old woman, Chu Yun smiled bitterly.

At first, she looked down on herself in every possible way.

But now, I can try to save her. This is probably 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Pei Nanyu blinked, with an alluring attitude. As the saint of the Fairy Sect, she naturally possessed a first-class appearance. Since the birth of Longyue, she still has the charm and a certain degree of maturity.

"I want to know, what is your relationship with Long Yue?"

"Long Yue?"

Hearing what Chu Yun said, Pei Nanyu's expression was startled.

Only then did she realize that Long Yue's father was not Chu Yun, but she did not admit this relationship.

Therefore, Pei Nanyu shook his head.

"Chu Yun, don't think too much, Long Yue is my son and has nothing to do with you."

"After all, what qualifications do you have to be his father?"

"Moreover, Wang Yutian and I have a marriage contract, and everyone knows this."


Chu Yun's eyes widened, and he looked at Pei Nanyu with a careful look. He didn't expect that Pei Nanyu would deny this incident. This surprised her and also had a complicated look, but Chu Yun didn't think much about it. Hikari passed a chill, and then looked at another location.

"someone is coming."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a powerful figure appearing in the distance, and then a powerful aura suddenly appeared.

The next moment, the storm was surging, and the power was infinite, and a team of no less than three hundred people emerged directly.

"Haha, someone here is seriously injured, it's really time for us to come here."

Someone spoke and looked at Chu Yun without fear. This was because he found Chu Yun and Pei Nanyu when he came here. When he saw that these people had 200 subordinates, he wanted to accept these people.

So at this time, their faces contained madness, as if shuddering.

The powerful meaning of killing and cutting appeared directly from their faces.

In just a moment, the power of terror kept falling.


Guanghua rises, the heavens are turbulent, and the killing intent is permeated. More than 300 people directly surrounded Chu Yun and Pei Nanyu.

"It's the genius of Baihuzhou, Beichen."

Pei Nanyu was so knowledgeable that he immediately recognized the origin of one of them, and the man smiled when he looked at Pei Nanyu, "I didn't expect that there would be someone here who knew me, which really surprised me!"

"But this is a battlefield, even if you say more is of no use, you are dead in my eyes."

The man named Beichen smiled crazily.

He is the commander of thousands, but because of the powerful enemies, the team was beaten to pieces.

Therefore, he has only more than 300 people.

But even so, he was confident enough to defeat Chu Yun's team, but Pei Nanyu was ignored by him because he found out. Most of Pei Nanyu's team were seriously injured.

Only a few people can still have combat effectiveness.

"Beichen? Is it a commander?"

Chu Yun flashed his eyes, Zheng Chou couldn't find a long-term kill, but he didn't expect the other party to send it to the door automatically.

Naturally, Chu Yun would not be polite. Facing Beichen, Chu Yun glanced at Devil Li directly.

"This Beichen is handed over to you."

"no problem."

Bei Chen eagerly fists, his expression revealing contempt, looking at Bei Chen, he walks forward step by step.

Bei Chen was furious: "A centurion in a mere trivial area didn't put me in his eyes. He was looking for death."

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