"Arrogant, killed my brother, dare to be so arrogant."

At this moment, Bai Ziyue was about to explode.

Chu Yun, this fellow, killed Bai Zihe, not only did he not fear at all, but he was calm and calm in front of him.

Are the guys now so arrogant?

Although he didn't know how Chu Yun survived the chaos, Bai Ziyue was extremely angry with Chu Yun at this time. He waved his hand and immediately said, "Everyone, kill all these people for me, and I I don’t believe it, a hundred of them can deal with us."

"Even if you use wheels to fight, one person can attack them casually."

As soon as these words came out, those people immediately began to act.

All kinds of powerful attacks seemed to be mighty and mighty, and they hit Chu Yun with a blast.

When Guizi Li and others saw this, they had to resist.

But at this moment, Chu Yun took the lead and stood in front, "Gu Zi Li, you don't have to take action today, don't they want to be crowded? And I only need one person, Chu Yun, to deal with these guys."

After that, Chu Yun glanced at Queen Fengshen, and a smile appeared on Queen Fengshen's face.

Seemingly fascinating the world, Bai Ziyue was startled when she saw it.

"Unexpectedly, there are such beautiful women in the world. Now my brother's **** hatred is not only expected to get revenge, but I also get such a person, it is really good for God!"

When she said this, Bai Ziyue didn't put Chu Yun in his eyes at all, in his eyes only the Queen of Fengshen.

However, the Queen Mother Fengshen at the moment heard Bai Ziyue's words, her face suddenly sank.

She raised her jade hand, and as the violent wind bloomed, tens of thousands of wind blades swept out with indestructible power, and the whole scene was surging and turbulent.


In the next moment, the gust of wind was even more terrifying and mighty, and just a moment of effort caused the audience to lose unbridled power. As if unstoppable, he blasted directly towards Bai Ziyue.


Under the attack of the wind blade, a large number of personnel hardly had any resistance.

The Queen Mother Fengshen went down to the earth as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, with incredible combat effectiveness. Under her terrifying attack, almost no one could resist the Queen Mother's attack, and a large number of people were continuously injured on the spot.

Even Bai Ziyue felt the danger right now.

"How is this going?"

"Why is there a strong man beyond the fairy king?"

Bai Ziyue was extremely surprised, with a complicated look. He didn't expect that the strength of the Fengshen Queen Mother could reach such a powerful level, as if it was unstoppable, and the power that bloomed made him feel terrified.

But at this time, Bai Ziyue calmed down quickly.

Then he looked at the Queen Mother Fengshen with a gleam of light on his face.

"If the guess is correct, it was this woman just now, who resisted a lot of attacks, otherwise the strength of those people would definitely not be able to withstand the arrows, and I must leave here now."

Bai Ziyue is not an idiot, he is still here at this time, and he will definitely die. This is because he finally understands why Chu Yun and others are so powerful, so Bai Ziyue has the idea of ​​going homeless when he is afraid.

However, how could Chu Yun let Bai Ziyue leave casually, after all, Bai Ziyue killed a lot of his men.

Therefore, Chu Yun strode across, directly raised his palm, and slammed towards Bai Ziyue.

"Boy, you are just a junior immortal king. Dealing with me is almost a death." Seeing that Chu Yun came to deal with him alone, Bai Ziyue was immediately angry, and then he also killed Chu Yun.

He couldn't beat Queen Fengshen, it didn't mean that he was afraid of Chu Yun's strength, especially the reason that Bai Ziyue became a commander of thousands is really capable, but he didn't expect Chu Yun to kill himself at this time.

Thinking of this, Bai Ziyue immediately held a long sword and slammed towards Chu Yun.

"Boy, Brother Chu Yun...!"

Qian Ren Tian said with some worry.

It's not just him!

The other people looked at Chu Yun with the same worried look. This was because Bai Ziyue's strength was indeed more terrifying than they thought, as if it was unstoppable. The pervasive strength made the entire surrounding space extremely violent, and the space was even more fierce. Incomparable sword light.

However, when Chu Yun faced Bai Ziyue, there was no fear at all. He raised his palm and directly killed Bai Ziyue. At the same time, the Zhenwu sword burst into Chu Yun's hands.

The terrible power filled the breath of death.

"Bai Ziyue, you are not my opponent, you can go away."

Chu Yun said without anger and prestige, the whole person became stronger again, the sword of Zhenwu fought with Bai Ziyue like a broken bamboo, clanging, accompanied by loud noises, Bai Ziyue only felt that the tiger’s mouth was forced, and his face was pale, looking Chu Yun added a touch of fear.

"How can you have such a strong spiritual power?"

Bai Ziyue didn't believe in evil. He didn't expect Chu Yun's combat power to be much stronger than he imagined. The spiritual power emitted by him was beyond his imagination, reaching an unstoppable level.

If this were not the case, Bai Ziyue would not be so surprised, but when he looked at Chu Yun, he had the thought that he could not believe that his brother died in Chu Yun's hands. This incident was like a slap on his face.

Now he brought people to deal with Chu Yun, but it didn't do any good, but was suppressed by Chu Yun.

Especially, Queen Fengshen is so powerful that many people almost fell to the ground under his attack.

"Brother is mighty."

Devil Li saw this scene, secretly rejoicing, thinking that he had offended Chu Yun in the first place.

If it weren't for Chu Yun to let him go, I'm afraid he would know if he couldn't imagine, he would die.

"Bai Ziyue, you are not my opponent at all, but you killed me and wiped so many people, then how can I let you go."

When Chu Yun thought of the death of a large number of his personnel, he was not polite to Bai Ziyue.

He immediately launched various strong offensives, Bai Ziyue retreated steadily, and was soon beaten into embarrassment by Chu Yun.

"Chu Yun, today you are lucky, but I am definitely making a comeback."

Bai Ziyue put a word down, turned around, and ran away.

He knew very well that he would definitely die if he stayed here, and that only leaving was the best choice.

Moreover, with the Queen Mother Fengshen, Bai Ziyue could not see any chance of winning.

Watching Bai Ziyue leave suddenly, Chu Yun flashed his eyes, but did not continue to chase after him.

Because he understood that there were more than three hundred people present who were Bai Ziyue's subordinates, but these people were all injured by the Fengshen Queen Mother, and after Chu Yun's subordinates attacked, they all died in place.

The entire Tianlang Mountain was once again full of blood, full of richness to the extreme.

"Brother Chu Yun, there are no more people in Tianlang Mountain, we should leave next."

Guizi Li came over and said joyfully.

With the participation of the Queen of Wind God, Gui Zi Li can imagine the scene of Chu Yun dominating the border.

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