"Gu Qingcheng, are you embarrassed about this matter?"

Bai Ziyue looked at Gu Qingcheng who had killed herself, and said without chaos: "If you were not in the same camp as Chu Yun, how could I betray you? And don't forget that I promised to join your team. You must deal with Chu. Yun, but in the end you actually got into a pothole with Chu Yun?"

"You are talking nonsense." Gu Qingcheng shouted: "Bai Ziyue, you and I saw the scene of Chu Yun killing Wang Yutian, and even if I wanted to help you, there was nothing I could do. I couldn't give my life for you. Dealing with Chu Yun at a price doesn't make any sense to me."

"is it?"

Bai Ziyue asked back, then looked at Gu Qingcheng, and said with contempt: "Since you are unwilling to deal with Chu Yun, and I will naturally not follow you, now I take refuge in the demons, why not?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone said nothing, but they understood that Bai Ziyue had indeed taken refuge in the demons.

Also, let the Demon Race powerhouse deal with Chu Yun in advance.

In this way, Chu Yun's life would be in danger, but no one dared to speak for Chu Yun.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Bai Ziyue, her face was extremely cold, she raised her palm and directly killed Bai Ziyue.

"Gu Qingcheng, you are not my opponent, and you are looking for death against me."

Bai Ziyue said indifferently.

He didn't put Gu Qingcheng in his eyes at all, because in his opinion, Gu Qingcheng's strength was nothing more than that.

You know, Bai Ziyue is also the proud son of heaven, even if it is not comparable to Chu Yun, it is not something ordinary people can deal with.

So Bai Ziyue looked at Gu Qingcheng and raised his palm without hesitation. At the same time, he straddled his legs. In Bai Ziyue's hand, a sword light fell, and there were nine days of sword rain swaying down at Gu Qingcheng.

"Gu Qingcheng, you are not my opponent, you will definitely die next."

Bai Ziyue said coldly and ruthlessly, a gleam of light appeared on her face, and the strength that was born was extremely fierce, like a deep sea, and a silver light between the sky and the earth was killing Gu Qingcheng.

"Bai Ziyue, you take yourself too seriously."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, and said unmovedly: "I have the blood of a phoenix, and I can summon the power to burn everything. I have no problem dealing with you. You will definitely die next."

As the voice fell, the Phoenix bloodline burned crazily, and the power was extremely fierce, and the space fell into a wave of power, violently rolling, a large amount of fire light spreading over the sky, burning the entire area.

"court death."

Bai Ziyue's eyes sank, without any fear at all, and directly slammed to Gu Qingcheng.

Clang clang!

As the two attackers continued to evolve, a lot of flames fell in the space.


At this moment, the strong demon came to Chu Yun, and a cold color appeared on his face.

"Boy, it's my turn to deal with you."

"Remember, if you die, remember to tell King Yama that it was the ghost and mad **** who killed you."

In short, the ghost crazy **** directly killed Chu Yun.

On the back of his head, there was a gleam of light, and there was even more dim light. Chu Yun couldn't help blinking when he saw it.

However, Chu Yun did not have any fear.

"I didn't expect Bai Ziyue to unite with you, but I don't understand, why are there no other powerful demons around here?"

"Could it be that the Demon Race, are all dead and wounded?"

Chu Yun's voice fell, and everyone in the audience was also looking at Mo Wutian, and a curious look appeared on their faces, because Chu Yun was right, and no one saw the appearance of other powerful demons.

Because of this, everyone felt a bit weird.

It shouldn't be!

Before coming, the Lichen and other people said, there will be strong demons here.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all, the facts are beyond imagination.

Because of this, everyone looked at the ghost mad god, completely questioning, but the ghost mad **** shook his head.

"Chu Yun, I have no comment. Of course, if you can kill me, you might know the truth about this matter."

As soon as the ghost sound fell, a strong will was born between his eyes, staring at Chu Yun as if I were the only one.

On his face, there is clearly a faint light emerging.

Seeing this, Chu Yun blinked subconsciously, but he didn't have any thoughts of fear of the ghost mad god.

"In this case, I want to learn how strong you are."

"as you wish."

The ghostly mad god's voice was cold, with a confident thought. After that, he strode towards Chu Yun step by step, and every step he took, like a peerless powerhouse, bloomed with powerful brilliance.

The sky and the earth are surging and the power is infinite. The born power is extremely violent, and even more terrifying magic power is crushed outside of Chu Yun. Chu Yun can feel that the magic power is much stronger than he thought.

It seemed that the magic power could rustle into the bones, making Chu Yun shudder outside.

"Brother Chu Yun, kill him."

Yang Feng stood aside, cheering for Chu Yun: "This ghost and mad **** doesn't even put you in his eyes. In my opinion, he should be broken into pieces."

Chu Yun heard this and didn't answer, but Chu Yun didn't mean to deny it either.

So Chu Yun stepped across it step by step, and every step he took was like a stroll in the courtyard, revealing a strong willpower.

In less than a moment, Chu Yun had already arrived in front of the ghost mad god, and then Chu Yun raised his palm without hesitation, and the true martial arts sword slashed down. Accompanied by Guanghua, the power was extremely strange, and a surprise was born. Jian Mang.


Chu Yun pulled his sword at the speed of thunder and lightning, and suddenly showed the power of violent violent power. The sudden change of understanding came to the ghost of the mad god, the sword aura was like a rainbow, and it directly tore the space.

"No... this guy is a ghost."

The ghost mad expression was startled, and he looked at Chu Yun a little unbelievably. He originally thought he could kill Chu Yun casually, but he didn’t expect Chu Yun to be so terrible. This caused the ghost madness to react and he couldn’t care too much. , Directly turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in the next moment.


Bai Ziyue was dealing with Gu Qingcheng, but he had been observing the battle between Chu Yun and the ghost crazy god.

However, when he saw the ghost mad **** attack, he was very sure that the ghost mad **** could kill Chu Yun.

But he did not expect that it was not the case.

The ghost mad **** was directly cut away by Chu Yun with a sword.

Is this still a ghost?


At this moment, Gu Qingcheng slapped Bai Ziyue's chest with a strong force. Bai Ziyue had no resistance to it. Bai Ziyue opened her mouth and vomited blood and her face became extremely pale.

He stepped back, then stretched out his chest to write, with an ugly look on his face.

"Damn, I underestimated you Chu Yun."

Bai Ziyue had no idea that the ghost mad **** would not be able to deal with Chu Yun, and was even beaten away by Chu Yun on the spot.

This Chu Yun is too terrifying.

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