Chu Yun turned his head and did not stare directly at the girl of the Murloc clan, but the woman did not let Chu Yun mean. She stood beside her, and her slim and slim body was once again reflected in Chu Yun's eyes.

Seeing this scene, both Chu Yun and Mo Yun felt a little embarrassed, because the woman was meticulous.

However, she didn't care about this situation at all. Instead, she looked at Chu Yun and Mo Yun who were shy and a little surprised, and then her little Huya showed a lovely smile again.

"I am the summer season of the murlocs. This time the deep sea, strong people gather, but I have never seen you."

"But you have a strong dragon breath. If the guess is good, you should be people from outside."

"In this deep ocean, you are unfamiliar with the land. I can lead you."

After some words, Xia Ling spoke very seriously, and Chu Yun listened gratefully: "Thank you girl."

Nian Ci next to her took a few steps forward. She looked at Xia Ling with a smile between the corners of her mouth.

"Girl Xia Ling, why are your murlocs so open?"


When Xia Ling heard Nianci's words, she couldn't help shook her head, and said innocently, "For thousands of years, our murlocs have been meticulous. This is not our choice, and our murlocs are close to human beings and are in the position of sea beasts. At the lowest level, this is also our helplessness."

"Over time, we got used to this."

"That's it."

Mo Yun suddenly realized that he looked at Xia Ling again, and a smile appeared on his face, "Girl, I didn't expect your murlocs to have such a thing. It is really unexpected, but don’t do this in front of us. After all, men and women can’t teach or accept marriage. We really don't know how to face you."

Mo Yun's words came from the heart.

As an upright gentleman, he dared not look directly at Xia Ling.

But Xia Ling's carelessness left Mo Yun helpless.

Next, several people left their place and headed to the cave mansion in the deep sea area.

Along the way, Chu Yun also had a general understanding of this deep sea area. Because this deep sea area was blocked by the Profound Girl Luo Li, within thousands of years, the dragon clan gradually ceased to exist.

The identity of Chu Yunlong clan made Xia Ling curious about it.

"Brother Chu Yun, inside is the Chamber of Deputies in the Deep Sea. There is definitely no danger for you to have the identity of the Dragon Clan, and in our deep-sea waters, the Dragon Clan represents the supreme existence."

Xia Ling glanced at Chu Yun, then pointed to a cave mansion and spoke.

Seeing this, Chu Yun didn't have too many thoughts. He, Mo Yun and Nian Ci walked into the cave.

Within the cave house, there is no cave sky.

Many sea beasts gathered together, their auras were powerful, and they gave people an unfathomable feeling.

"Is it a dragon?"

The people around were originally discussing the matter. When they saw Chu Yun, their expressions were suddenly surprised.

The people present are all masters of transformation, and their strength is extremely powerful, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

But dragons are extremely rare in the deep sea.

Even the flood dragons were few in number, and the arrival of Chu Yun surprised everyone.

"This little friend, why have I never seen you?"

Above a stone platform, there is a middle-aged man with his hands on his back. There is a strong will between his brows.

Looking at Chu Yun, there were scrutinizing gazes in his eyes.

Chu Yun couldn't help but shook his head when he saw it.

He didn't expect that middle-aged men would have the realm of feathering.

This is equivalent to the existence of Xuannv.

But Chu Yun didn't understand, since he was strong, why couldn't he break the seal earlier.

Rather, under the breakthrough of the other sea beasts, the deep sea was able to see the sky again.

However, in the face of the middle-aged man's question, Chu Yun hesitated for a moment and said decisively.

"I am a dragon from outside."

"outside world?"

Hearing what Chu Yun said, the middle-aged man's eyebrows were surprised again, and then he said in an unbelievable way: "Little friend, I didn't expect you to have this level of identity. It really surprised me, but I don't understand. The outside world There are many dangers, why can you come to the deep sea?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly became quiet.

Although Chu Yun was a member of the Dragon Clan, everyone did not confirm his identity, so they all expressed a sense of waiting. Chu Yun was speechless when he saw it, and didn't know how to answer.

"It's not good." However, at this moment, a heavy voice came, "Old Chitose is going to be unable to hold on, even if he is gone, now Old Chitose hopes that you can meet him."


The middle-aged man's expression changed drastically when he heard this, he then took another look at Chu Yun and turned away.

The others also disappeared at this time.

Xia Ling next to him wanted to leave even more.

But when she looked at Chu Yun, she still hesitated, "Brother Chu Yun, Lao Qiansui is one of the oldest people in our place. His prestige is not comparable to that of others, but because of his advanced age."

"So Old Chitose, I'm afraid I won't live long, and I must go to see Old Chitose now."

"There is such a character?"

Chu Yun was surprised, but he still followed Xia Ling, turned left and turned right, and came to an underground stone room.

Around the stone room, there seemed to be many strong men, but at this moment they didn't say a word.

A pair of eyes looked at an old man on the stone bed, and Chu Yun looked at it subconsciously.

I saw the old man's complexion sallow and weak breath.

But in his body, there is still a strong energy, but because his life force seems to no longer exist.

In the elderly, it seems that the vitality of normal people cannot be seen.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun couldn't help blinking. He could confirm that the old man was indeed very old.

Seeing such an old man, Chu Yun was extremely surprised in his heart. He had reason to believe that the old man's injury was not a pretense.

It's that he is so old that he will almost drive to the west.

Chu Yun was surprised and couldn't help calming down.

"Everyone, the old man is very old, I'm afraid I won't live long." At this moment, the old Chisui spoke.

He opened his eyes weakly, looking at the audience, and involuntarily noticed Chu Yun.

At this moment, Chu Yun did not have a dragon body, but he exuded the vastness of the dragon like a sea.

"I didn't expect to see members of the Dragon Clan in the rest of my life, and the old man died without regret."

"Old Chitose, his identity has not been confirmed...!"

It was the middle-aged man who was talking.

However, the old Qiansui shook his head and said without any doubt: "Haihuang, although the old man is about to drive to the west, but I still have eyesight, this little friend is indeed a member of the dragon clan."

"Fine, you leave first, I have important things to talk to him."

Old Qiansui issued the order to chase away guests, and Haihuang's expression changed slightly, but he seemed to have thought of something in his heart, and eventually led people out of the stone room, but he looked at Chu Yun with a warning. The latest chapter address of the strongest **** and devil summoning system: the full text of the strongest **** and devil summoning system: strongest Summoning System txt download address: strongest Summoning System mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 806 Driving the Crane West), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Summoning System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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