The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 855: Queen Mother Condition

Followed Xu Sanniang into the Yanchi Shenting.

Only then did Chu Yun discover that there was a universe in the Yanchi God's Court, which seemed to be forged by the power of the law, with a majestic aura of ingenious workmanship.

When Chu Yun saw this scene, his heart was surprised at first, then looking at Xu Sanniang, Chu Yun only felt that this woman was not easy.

"I have seen the emperor."

At this moment, catchy voices came from all around. Chu Yun looked up and saw dozens of people with powerful auras in front of his eyes. As Chu Yun looked at these guys, his eyes sank with surprise. .

"It turned out to be a group of supreme powerful people."

During the time that Chu Yun was wandering the Hongmeng world, he had seen only a handful of supreme powerhouses.

But here, there are too many.

As the master of Xu Sanniang, Chu Yun couldn't imagine how terrifying his strength was.

At this moment, Xu Sanniang came to the high platform and sat down, and a very serious look appeared between her eyebrows, as if she was the only one, including a touch of the strong will.

Glancing at the audience, Xu Sanniang's eyes had a solemn will.

"Everyone, I don't know how you know about Xumi Cave Sky?"

Xu Sanniang spoke with an extremely serious tone, which made everyone in the audience blink.

Then they looked at the direction where Chu Yun was.

But Chu Yun was still standing there, and didn't feel everyone's gaze, but Leng Yue beside her couldn't help but blinked her eyes, gradually having extremely serious gazes on her face.

"Island Lord, Emperor Xumi Dongtian practiced Buddhism and controlled the infinite Buddha lotus in the entrance, so she needs ten thousand years of snow lotus cultivation. If my guess is right, this kid must have come for this treasure."

When the voice fell, everyone couldn't help but looked at each other. They looked at Chu Yun, with obvious scrutiny gazes between their eyes.

When Chu Yun saw this scene, he couldn't help but flicker. He had no idea that he would be seen clearly under the control of others, but Chu Yun didn't think much.

Looking at Xu Sanniang in the distance, Chu Yun said very seriously: "Xu Sanniang, I do need Wannian Snow Lotus to improve my strength, but I want to know, is there any Wannian Snow Lotus in your place?"

"Of course." Xu Sanniang blinked, looking at Chu Yun's style and said: "Chu Yun, although I do have thousands of years of snow lotus in Yanchi God's Court, but I will not give Xumi Dongtian casually. After all, once her strength improves, it will be completely for me. There is no benefit, and you don't need to join Xumi Cave Sky?"

"I, Yanchi Shenting, can open the door for you, as long as you want, I will wait for you to come in."

The voice fell, and the audience became extremely silent.

When everyone looked at this scene, their eyes flickered involuntarily, because they all wanted to know Chu Yun's choice. After all, Chu Yun at this moment really made everyone look incredible.

However, there was an extremely serious gaze in Chu Yun's eyes. When he scanned the surroundings, a touch of coldness and heat emerged. Chu Yun came to Xu Sanniang's face, and a cold smile appeared on Chu Yun's face.

"Xu Sanniang, now you can tell me the whereabouts of Snow Lotus?" Chu Yun said.

"Chu Yun, do you really want the whereabouts of these ten thousand years of snow lotus?" Xu Sanniang couldn't help but stretched out her hand to stroke her hair, looking at Chu Yun, there was a serious meaning on her face, which made Chu Yun's eyes twinkling.

"Xu Sanniang, this thing is extremely important to me, if you really have the whereabouts of this thing, please tell me, I will not say thank you, I will thank you."

After Chu Yun's words, Xu Sanniang's face couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that Chu Yun would not enter, and at this time, he would have to join Xumi Dongtian.

But thinking of Chu Yun's stubbornness, Xu Sanniang was still willing to give Chu Yun a chance.

"Chu Yun, there is no shortage of 10,000-year snow lotus in my Yanchi Shenting. It's a pity that this thing is extremely valuable."

"I can give it to you, but you have to do one thing for me."

"what's up?"

Chu Yun asked back.

I saw Xu Sanniang's face moved for a moment, and then Xu Sanniang said seriously.

"Chu Yun, this matter is simple to say, I need you to deal with someone."

Xu Sanniang said,

His voice fell, and Chu Yun couldn't help showing a look of surprise, because Chu Yun had no idea that Xu Sanniang would have such an idea. Looking at Xu Sanniang again, Chu Yun's heart was extremely surprised.

"I don't understand, why did you let me deal with one person?"

"Is the opponent really so strong? Need you to deal with him personally?"

Chu Yun's voice fell, and there was a cold smile between the corners of his mouth. At this moment, Chu Yun looked like a peerless strong man, with a fearless look, Xu Sanniang looked at Chu Yun with a strange look.

She did not expect that Chu Yun would have such an attitude. Obviously Chu Yun was not afraid of this. So looking at Chu Yun, Xu Sanniang said, "Chu Yun, this is simple to say, believe you. Know that there are Western Buddhas? And I need you to find relics for about a thousand years."

"A relic for a thousand years!" Hearing Xu Sanniang's words, the corner of Chu Yun's mouth raised a strange meaning.

At this moment, he had no idea in his heart that Xu Sanniang would have such an attitude and let himself find the thousand-year relic. After all, Chu Yun knew very well that the thousand-year relic was extremely precious and invaluable.

Now that he wants to exchange this relic for Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus, Chu Yun only felt that things were a bit tricky.

But when he thought of Xumi Dongtian, Chu Yun didn't hesitate, and then looked at Xu Sanniang with an extremely serious look, "Xu Sanniang, I can promise you this matter, but I want to know why you need me to find a thousand-year relic?"

When these words came out, Xu Sanniang didn't answer Chu Yun's words, but there was a mysterious light floating between her palms.

I don't know how long it took, and another woman appeared in front of Chu Yun. This woman's body was exquisite and elegant.

It seemed to be flawless and unsullied, showing a back-to-nature gesture, but she looked at Chu Yun as if she was snobbish.

"Mother, who is this person?" The woman suddenly said.

Her voice contained the sound of a baby's milkshake, making Chu Yun completely unable to see the true age of this woman.

But Xu Sanniang looked at Chu Yun and said eagerly: "Chu Yun, I need the treasures of the Western Buddhist Garden to enhance Ling'er's strength. If you do this for me, I will naturally not break my promise."

"But if you don't want to, then I can only send you down the mountain."

After some words, Xu Sanniang's face still contained a smile, but Chu Yun couldn't help but shook his head when she saw it.

How could he not hear the meaning of Xu Sanniang's words.

Obviously, this woman made him retreat, if Chu Yun really agreed, it would only be cheaper for Xu Sanniang. The latest chapter address of the strongest **** and devil summoning system: the full text of the strongest **** and devil summoning system: strongest Summoning System txt download address: strongest Summoning System mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 855 Queen Mother Conditions), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Summoning System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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