"Are you going to deal with me?" The Great Emperor Yin Yang looked at Lin Juechen. He was not afraid, but people thought it was a little weird, because so far, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was about to be defeated by Chu Yun.

But the appearance of Lin Juechen allowed the Great Emperor Yin and Yang to see a turning point, because the Great Emperor Yin and Yang believed that he could deal with Lin Juechen, but at this moment Lin Juechen's murderous intent rose.

"Emperor Yin and Yang, hand over Lin Chuxue, everything is easy to say, if not, I can only kill you."

Lin Juechen said.

"It turns out that you are here for that woman, but you have found the wrong person." The murderous intent of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang is horizontal and horizontal, with the power to deter everything. He looked at Lin Juechen and said coldly: "I have been attracted by me. How can you hand it over easily, so don't you think about it?"

"Then don't blame me for being impolite." Lin Juechen looked startled.

After that, Lin Juechen was furious, looking at the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, Lin Juechen's eyes contained the strong will.

"Die me."

Lin Juechen stepped across, astounding with sword light.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Yin and Yang couldn't help flashing his eyes, "Dare you even dare to show your ugliness in front of me?"

After all, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang raised his palm and directly killed Lin Juechen, and the two qi of Yin and Yang continued to evolve.

At this time, the space was constantly violent, but relatively speaking, Lin Juechen still didn't have any fear.

"Emperor Yin and Yang, your attack looks so weak to me.""

"Cut it for me, break it."

Lin Juechen yelled suddenly. When his voice fell, it seemed as if the momentum was like a rainbow, which contained the endless power of killing. With the rush of profound energy, it gradually made people feel terrible.

Looking at Lin Juechen like this, even Chu Yun couldn't help being surprised.

"As expected of Lin Juechen, he is indeed strong, but I don't know if she can kill this Yin and Yang Emperor."

At this moment, Chu Yun thought about it again and again?

To Lin Juechen, Chu Yun naturally knew very well that the strength of this guy was not weaker than himself.

Unceremoniously, Lin Juechen could still defeat Chu Yun.

Seeing Lin Juechen deal with the Great Emperor Yin and Yang now, Chu Yun was surprised, and a gleam of light passed between his eyebrows.


Lin Juechen's attack fell, bursting with a powerful brilliance, and directly let the Great Emperor Yin and Yang feel the coming of death.

"No, how can your strength be so terrible?" The Great Emperor Yin and Yang couldn't help but his expression changed. Even if he saw that Lin Juechen's strength was even stronger than that of Chu Yun, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang had incredible eyes when he was surprised.

However, Lin Juechen didn't have any hesitation, and continued to kill the Great Emperor Yin and Yang. At the same time, it contained memories that were terrifying to sword light, and the sky and the earth became extremely violent.


The power of killing and cutting fell one after another, as if it had killed Hong Chen, giving birth to an extremely terrifying power.

In this terrifying atmosphere, among the heavens, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the killing intent was strong. Even though he was powerful, Chu Yun felt the terrible surroundings. Facing the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, Chu Yun couldn't help showing a surprised look.

"Emperor Yin and Yang, you should be on the road." Lin Juechen shouted.

At this time, Lin Juechen finally realized that the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was not his opponent, so Lin Juechen's attack contained the breath of death, like the heavens of Gaia, the power in it was extremely terrifying.


As the space rose, it was extremely violent, as if beheading everything, the body of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang couldn't help stepping back a few steps.

Looking at Lin Juechen again, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang said in shock: "You can't kill me, otherwise you won't know the whereabouts of Lin Chuxue."

"Is there anything else?"

Lin Juechen asked back.

After hearing the words of Emperor Yin and Yang, Lin Juechen's attack immediately came back with a feather and did not continue to deal with Emperor Yin and Yang.

But looking at Emperor Yin and Yang, Lin Juechen's eyes flashed an extremely cold killing intent.

"Now, can you tell me that Lin Chuxue's whereabouts?" Lin Juechen asked.

"Of course I won't break my promise." The Great Emperor Yin and Yang flashed his eyes.

He did not expect at this moment that he could not deal with Lin Juechen, but was forced to this point by Lin Juechen.

Compared to Chu Yun, Lin Juechen's strength was even more terrifying.

But when he thought of his defeat, Emperor Yin and Yang did not hide it, and said seriously: "I am Emperor Yin and Yang, dominating the world of Yin and Yang, but in this world, I am still another strong man, and I am just a dog raised by others. That's it, so do you believe in my identity?"

"A dog?"

Chu Yun and Lin Juechen looked at each other.

At this moment, the two of them were extremely curious, because they didn't understand how Lin Juechen meant this.

But at this time, Lin Juechen still didn't speak, a very serious look flashed across his face.

Chu Yun was looking at the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, and slowly realized the clues, because the Emperor Yin and Yang's deity was indeed a dog, but Chu Yun could not imagine that this guy would be a beast.

"Emperor Yin and Yang, then whose order are you responsible for, and whose world is Yin and Yang?" Chu Yun asked.

After hearing this, the Great Emperor Yin Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said: "This uncle, there is one thing I am not afraid of being laughed at by you. In fact, there are too many powerful people in the Yin Yang world, and I am just a small person.

"Lin Chuxue is indeed in my hands, but she has been imprisoned by me, and this matter has been known to my master."

"Who is your master?"

Chu Yun couldn't help but ask,

Chu Yun was still a little wary of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, because he didn't believe that what this guy said was true.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang looked at Chu Yun and said seriously: "My identity is actually a dog responsible for guarding the restricted area. If it were not for you, my Yin and Yang world would not be exposed."

"Then tell me, who is your master."

At this moment, Chu Yun stood proudly, the will of the strong in his eyes, looking at Emperor Yin and Yang without fear.

Lin Juechen recovered even more. To the Great Emperor Yin and Yang said, "Where is Lin Chuxue?"

"In my underground palace."

The Great Emperor Road of Yin and Yang.

"In that case, don't you take me to see her?" Lin Juechen said, and immediately came to the front of the Great Emperor Yin Yang.

Looking at the fierce Lin Juechen, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was scared to pee.

He knew that Lin Juechen was more terrifying than Chu Yun.

Offending Lin Juechen, he didn't have any good fruits at all, so the Great Emperor Yin and Yang knew that he had met his opponent.

"In the underground palace, but this underground palace, imprisoned a ball of flame, this flame is the only remaining karma in the world."

Emperor Yin and Yang returned to Tao.

Hearing these words, Lin Juechen's expression was startled, and he was about to be petrified on the spot. Chu Yun said in surprise: "Lin Juechen, is this karma fire terrible?"

"What a stop!"

Lin Juechen smiled bitterly and said, "Even if I am, I dare not say that I can resist the power of this karmic fire." the most The latest chapter address of the Strong God Summoning System: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/153839.htmlThe Strongest God The full text of Summoning System: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/153839/The strongest Summoning System txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/153839.htmlThe strongest **** and devil summoning system mobile phone reading :Https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/153839/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the " "Collection" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 899 Underground Prison), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Summoning System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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