Entering the villa, Chu Yun and Shi Lei, led by the housekeeper, came to a backyard with a huge area.

In this backyard, the flowers and plants are in full bloom, and the atmosphere is bright. Leng Yue went straight to a courtyard and sat down in a courtyard.

"Tell you Master, I'll say that Lengyue is here."

Looking at the housekeeper, Leng Yue ordered.

"Yes, Young Master Leng Yue." The butler nodded and turned to leave, but he did not forget to look at Chu Yun and Shi Lei before he left.

This caused Chu Yun and Shi Lei to look at each other, always feeling that things were not that simple, but Chu Yun and Shi Lei didn't think much about it.

They are so powerful, how can they take this matter to heart.

"Junior Brother Chu Yun, this guy is a rich one, you have to spot the opportunity and build a good relationship with him."

Shi Lei even spread the voice secretly.

After hearing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but flash his eyes, and didn't have much thoughts about this matter.

Because Chu Yun believed in his own strength, but looking at Shi Lei, Chu Yun calmed down.

Because in the distance, a young man did come over, he was dressed gorgeously.

When Chu Yun saw this person, his eyes flickered.

"Girl Lengyue, have you come to see me?"

The man had a smile on his face.

When I arrived in front of Leng Yue, I saw Shi Lei and Chu Yun, but he just said hello.

Then, the man looked at Leng Yue with a smile on his face, "Let's talk! It's okay not to go to the Three Treasures Hall."

"What the **** are you doing here?"

"Of course I am looking for you to cooperate."

Leng Yue looked at the man in front of her with no expression on her face, but made the man smile at him.

"Girl Lengyue, I didn't expect you to come to look for cooperation. It's really unexpected, but I don't want to leave this villa for the time being. Of course, if you have to cooperate, unless the price is good."

"Qiu Yu, do you think I will lie to you?"

Leng Yue asked in a bad mood.

The young man couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Leng Yue again, the man eagerly said: "Leng Yue, to be blunt, who do you want me to deal with?"

"Of course it's Seventy-Two Thieves."

Leng Yue said very seriously.

"Seventy-two thieves?"

Jun Qiuyu couldn't help but flashed her eyes, looking at Leng Yue in amazement, "I didn't expect you to let me deal with the Seventy-Two Thieves. This is unexpected, but I don't understand why you should deal with the Seventy-Two Thieves? The thieves have treasures, but they are extremely dangerous."

"Of course I know this problem, but in order to deal with the Seventy-Two Thieves, I have already traded someone else."

"There is no choice in this matter, you can either help or refuse,"

Leng Yue firmly said.

Seeing that Leng Yue was so sure, Jun Qiuyu hesitated again for a while, but he did not refuse Leng Yue.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Chu Yun and Shi Lei.

However, Chu Yun was so ordinary that Jun Qiuyu couldn't understand any pros and cons, but he knew Shi Lei's pros and cons.

So looking up at Leng Yue again, Jun Qiuyu said: "I promise you this, but you must choose Mulberry to get the treasure. After all, after all, I am also a multi-talented Taoist in this cultivation world."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun looked at Jun Qiuyu, Chu Yun's eyes were extremely surprised, because he didn't expect Jun Qiuyu to have such a background, so when Chu Yun's heart floated, looking at Jun Qiuyu flashed a complicated color. .

But at this moment, Jun Qiuyu obviously had no fear of Chu Yun, on the contrary, he was self-respecting, including the will of the strong.

"Okay. I promise you about this."

Leng Yun nodded solemnly.

Chu Yun could see that the leader of the team this time must be Leng Yue, because this woman's aura is too terrifying, even though Shi Lei faced Jun Qiuyu, it was obviously scary.

So Chu Yun can be sure that Leng Yue is the eldest sister here. In fact, Leng Yue is indeed in charge of major events at the moment.

She looked at Shi Lei and Jun Qiuyu, and said, "You are good at strength. There is no doubt about the cooperation between the two. And Chu Yun's strength is not very clear, but he can act with me."

"Seventy-two thieves have recently been active in two major cities. One of them is the well-known Tiandou City. There are people gamblers here, and some people pay all the price for the treasures of heaven and earth."

"So the seventy-two thieves should be fighting the city on this day."

"Shi Lei, Jun Qiuyu, you two prepare to go to Tiandou City."

how about you? "Jun Qiuyu looked at Leng Yue and asked: "I have an arrangement with Shi Lei, and you and this kid are arranged together, I am afraid that his mind is wrong and will think of you. "

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yun was speechless.

Because he never thought that Jun Qiuyu would treat him like a cow, so that the mystery that floated in Chu Yun's heart passed a strong sense of killing, like this moment, I am the only one to dominate.

"Jun Qiuyu, you still have to prepare your business, stop with me, it is not your turn to be nosy."


Jun Qiuyu cursed, turned and left, the exposed back still meant to be indignant.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun was extremely speechless, but looking at Leng Yue, Chu Yun had a look of expectation on his face.

"Chu Yun, I will tell you one by one if you have any problems in following my practice."

"Thank you Miss Leng Yue."

Chu Yun nodded, she was extremely satisfied with the Leng Yue girl at this moment, but Leng Yue didn't say much.

Then, she took Chu Yun away from the villa.

Along the way, Chu Yun and Leng Yue Yukong flew, passing several cities, and Leng Yue finally chose to stop in one city.

She turned her head to look at Chu Yun, and said, "Chu Yun, the city below is called Huangtian City. There are many industries in it. You might as well know about it, but I hope you can find the seventy-two thieves, of course. , I will give you benefits, and I hope you can do it for yourself."

After saying this, Leng Yue disappeared, which made Chu Yun smile bitterly. Originally, Chu Yun thought he could travel with such a woman, but now it seems that it is just wishful thinking.

Because in Leng Yue's eyes, Chu Yun felt the meaning of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

But Chu Yun didn't have too many thoughts.

Looking at the northern desert city, Chu Yun immediately went down alone and came to the street, Chu Yun looked at the surrounding shops.

Suddenly, Chu Yun locked onto an auction house, and a joyful look appeared on his face.

"If that force is the most mysterious, it is undoubtedly the auction house, and I, Chu Yun, have been deployed in the Hongmeng world over the years and have already set up many intelligence systems. I hope that we can find the 72 thieves next."

Chu Yun walked to the gate of the auction, but was blocked by a few people. In their words, if you want to enter the auction, you must have an identity and status. Chu Yun frowned.

In terms of identity, the identity of Chu Yun Xumi Dongtian’s personal disciple was enough that many people could not afford it.

But Chu Yun hadn't thought about using Xu Mi Dongtian's children to get out of the pit to be deceived, so he looked at the guards and told the people of the secret gate.

"You are the young master of the Tianji Gate?" The guard looked at Chu Yun, as if pulling away the clouds, with awe and respect for Chu Yun, "My admiration for you is as heavy as Mount Tai, because you created the Tianji Gate with one hand. ”The latest chapter address of the strongest Summoning System: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/153839. htmlReading the full text of the Strongest Summoning System: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/153839/ The strongest Summoning System txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/153839.html The strongest Summoning System mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/153839/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 910 Duobao Taoist) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Summoning System", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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