Chu Yun couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart, and Leng Jiali, who was thrown next to him, poured cold water mercilessly.

"I think you really think too much, how can these beasts be as simple as you think?"

"I beg you to shut up! Stop sending blood to the enemy!"

Under the command of the leader, the gorillas walked to a flat place one by one, and then a group of gorillas began to dig pits.

Shi Lei looked at the depth of their digging with a bad expression.

"I said Brother Chu, our situation at the moment seems to be a little different from your estimate, why are they digging holes?"

"Isn't it going to bury us?" Shi Jun answered weakly, Su Ri'an Chuyun was very reluctant to believe it, but this was the possibility before him?

"I'm going, what's the matter with these gorillas? If you don't eat people, you want to bury them?"

"What's the matter, Brother Chu, after listening to your words, I feel that you prefer others to eat you?"

Shi Jun glared at him, his expression was really lost.

"Fuck you, did I think so? Both ends are dead ends!"

"Ahahaha! Bing Xin, I said you chose the wrong person, right?"

On the other side, Li Xiaoyao gloated, and Chu Yun retorted unwillingly.

"You are less proud, now bury us, the next one is you!"

"Hmph, you don't have to struggle to death, we have our own way!"

Chu Yun didn't want to bother with them, because the various situations were very unfavorable to them.

Hardly kicked Shi Lei next to him: "Hey, do you have anything to do with you boy?"

Shi Lei’s face was gray: "I also thought, Brother Chu, but didn’t you find it? The vines used by the gorillas to tie us seem to be absorbing our primordial power, otherwise we would be able to take these vines a long time ago. It's broken!"

After being reminded by him, Chu Yun found out, but it was strange that he felt that his soul was safe and sound. It was because of excessive movement and some emptiness. It did not have the pale look on the faces of the few of them. Just now he thought it was upside-down. After a long time, the qi and blood went retrograde, so this face paled.

"Heh, what else can you do? It would be good if you didn't kill us!" Leng Jiali's appearance is not as good as it is now, she was hung up and thrown by the gorillas, completely embarrassed.

"What do you mean?" Chu Yun's brain was suddenly pained by her anger.

"What do I mean? Huh, I told you not to do that. You have to do that? Who is the blame?"

"If I don't try it, will we just be there waiting to die? Do you have any good way to get us all out of danger?"

"I..." Leng Jiali was speechless when asked, and subconsciously looked at Li Xiaoyao who was hanging over there, who was looking at this side gloating for misfortune.

Chu Yun followed her gaze and looked at it, and it was immediately clear: "Heh, I see, do you put all your hopes on others for your feelings? It's really naive, and it's worthy of you or the great of Jiuyou Immortal Palace. Sister, I think your sect master’s eyes are really not so good!"

"You! Chu Yun, you are enough. Why do you say that I can talk about our sect? Besides, Li Xiaoyao is an upright gentleman, smarter and courageous, than you, a person who has nothing to do and act arrogantly and ignores the overall situation. much better!"

Leng Jiali is anxious, but she usually doesn't bother to speak any more. At this moment, she can't reach Chu Yun at all. When she thinks of everything pouring out full, she realized that the rest of the people seemed to be looking at her, Qiu Meng said timidly : "Sister..."

"I..." Leng Jiali couldn't help but feel flustered by Chu Yun's eyes, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"Hmph, I really fed the dog!"

Chu Yun really didn't expect this Leng Jiali to look at the melon seeds all the way to be very bright. He didn't expect that as soon as he met this empty hypocrite Li Xiaoyao, he would lose his mind. It can be said that one thing loses one thing.

The anger is boring.

They are arguing here, and the gorillas with swift movements and swift power have dug the pit, and are ready to bury them.

"In fact, if they really bury us, maybe we still have a chance to live."

Chu Yun stared at the deep pit, Shi Lei beside him brightened, and said curiously: "How to say?"

"You see, it takes a little effort for them to bury us. Wouldn't you be able to escape? At that time, we will dig a tunnel underneath, and then..."

Then Chu Yun failed to continue, and was interrupted by someone, not Li Xiaoyao but Cang Wutian.

"Heh, the limbs are really simple. If you want to be buried alive, you also think too beautiful, right?"

Li Xiaoyao snorted and pretended to be a pity: "Sect Master Cang, why do you tell them the cruel truth?"

"I am a good person to do it to the end, let them die even if they die!"

Shi Lei asked with a cold face, "Why did you say this?"

The corner of Cang Muang Tian’s mouth pulled a mocking arc, watching the group of gorillas pile the excavated dirt, and said clearly: "King Kong gorillas are fire, but they have the responsibility of guarding this magical altar, so they don’t need it easily. Fire, your good helper Chu Yun angered their heads smoothly, so you are about to be buried alive by them."

Shi Jun yelled unwillingly, and cast Cang Mang Tian a roll of eyes: "You still need to say this. Wouldn't we see by ourselves without eyes?"

"Oh, ignorant kid, do you think it's as simple as burying alive? Do you guys take a closer look?"

Cang Mang Tian lifted his chin and motioned them to look at the place where the group of gorillas were busy.

Seeing this, everyone's face suddenly changed. The group of gorillas gathered around, beating their chests regularly, and then beating the ground, with words in their mouths. Repeating this several times, the surface of the dug out of the mud actually burned. A layer of red flames.

The soil is on fire!

Cang Mang Tian looked at each other with Li Xiaoyao, and smiled even more proudly: "This is the Dafa of Fire Mud. These gorillas are usually powerful enough to crush the eclosion generation, and coupled with the indestructible body of King Kong, they are simply invincible. Once these flames touch your body, they won’t be extinguished without cold ice water! You are done hahaha! Do you want to dig tunnels? I see how you extinguish the flames on your body before the fire burns!"

After listening, Shi Jun looked at the pile of burning mud and smiled bitterly at Chu Yun: "Congratulations, Brother Chu, you will achieve two wishes at once, and we will be buried and burned to death."

Chu Yun closed his eyes fiercely, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes remained unwavering.

"No, no, we won't just die like this, don't forget, we haven't reached the ninth floor yet."

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