"Thunder Magic, Immovable King!" Chu Yun roared, and the surrounding blue arcs intertwined and converged instantly. Behind Chu Yun, a giant several feet tall suddenly appeared. The giant has four arms on all sides, four faces, front, back, left, and right. Four expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, this is exactly the king of Fudo Ming.

There are also various weapons on the eight arms. Fudo Ming's eight eyes opened together, but his body exudes a dazzling golden light. The golden light makes people afraid to look directly. Fudo Ming's eight arms were all smashed down and hit. The body of the stone giant.

The stone giant wanted to resist, but Naihe only had two arms. Fudo Mingwang’s attack fell like raindrops. That fierce attack, majestic and overwhelming, wave after wave, wave after wave, completely After the stone giant was forced to retreat, the stone giant suddenly burst into pieces in this continuous attack.

Huo Zhen was shocked. But before Huo Zhen could do anything, the eight arms waved, and all the attacks poured down. Huo Zhen was a little flustered for a while and didn't know what to do. In this moment of hesitation, the countless attacks were just All poured down.

Huo Zhen was too late to defend. He flew out and vomited a mouthful of blood. Chu Yun also followed closely. Without moving King Ming's eight arms and eight fists, they all hit Huo Zhen's body. Huo Zhen Suffered from such a tyrannical attack, blood was vomited at the mouth, and the ribs of the entire chest seemed to be shattered.

"Thunder Shaking Axe!" Chu Yun immediately made a sound of anger. The thunder element in the ground burst that day, and the endless thunder elements gathered together, forming a huge blue battle axe in the air, on which the battle axe was clothed. It is full of blue arcs, and it looks infinitely powerful.

Chu Yun held the battle axe in his hand and slashed directly at Huo Zhen. Huo Zhen performed so many attacks, and also withstood the attacks of King Fudo Ming. Now his physical and spiritual strength are almost exhausted, and he can't dodge it at all. opened.

Chu Yun immediately slashed with an axe, and a trace appeared on Huo Zhen's chest, from the right shoulder directly to the left leg, crashing, a large amount of blood spurted out, and Huo Zhen flew out and hit the ground. Above, smoke and dust are everywhere, and rocks are flying.

People were stunned. When the smoke cleared, people saw that Huo Zhen had passed out, and the whole audience was quiet. Everyone didn't know what to do for a while? Should we cheer? What should I do?

"Brother Huo Zhen lost? Did he really lose to this Chu Yun? The dignified Second Level of Returning One Realm, was he actually lost to such a fellow of the Eighth Level of Eclosion Realm like Chu Yun? This is really incredible, right? "

"This...what should I say, Brother Huo Zhen, who is a dignified state of return to the realm of dual existence, how could he lose to a mere triumphant Jin Bazhong, but although I don't want to believe it, the facts are right in front of my eyes. what."

People can't believe everything in front of them. There is a huge gap between the eighth layer of the Eclosion Realm and the second layer of the Guiyi Realm. The gap is like a world of difference, the difference between the clouds and the mud, but Chu Yun is actually abrupt. Won? Defeated Huo Zhen?

Chu Yun was also panting with big mouths, and defeating Huo Zhen was not easy at all. Although Huo Zhen was not the strongest in the Guiyi Realm, he was at the second level of the Guiyi Realm anyway. For Chu Yun now, It's still tricky.

Leng Jiali, Qiu Meng, Qiu Meng and Wu Zhen all ran over. Leng Jiali quickly helped Chu Yun and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Haha, I'm okay, don't worry." Chu Yun said immediately. Sun Yanran frowned when she saw the result, looked at Huo Zhen who fell on the ground, cursed waste, and the three of them turned and left.

The others also quickly raised Huo Zhen's head. Chu Yun returned to his attic under the **** of Leng Jiali and began to practice with great concentration. His current cultivation level is still too weak, and he must improve his cultivation level as soon as possible. Immediately, I don't know when the war is about to start.

Two months later.

On this day, Leng Jiali came to see Chu Yun as usual. Chu Yun has been practicing in retreat recently. Leng Jiali has not seen Chu Yun for several times. Leng Jiali looked at the meal outside, too. With a helpless sigh, Chu Yun didn't eat well again.

Although it doesn’t matter if the martial artist doesn’t eat, it’s always boring to practice, so it must be a little fun. Leng Jiali picked up the food and was about to leave. Suddenly the whole attic shook. Leng Jiali was shocked, and then went from the attic. In the middle, a strong breath rose to the sky.

"Is this going to break through the realm of returning to one state?" Leng Jiali was immediately surprised, is Chu Yun going to break the realm of returning to one realm?

The aura is extremely huge, much stronger than the aura of ordinary people breaking through the realm of reunification. It is like a giant dragon going out to sea. The sky is dimmed. Above the attic, there is an amazing electric arc flashing, faintly. It seems that there is a great atmosphere.

Leng Jiali didn’t know what that kind of breath was, but it felt very mysterious and inspiring. Leng Jiali also immediately sat down and began to practice. The disciples of the sect were all talking about this scene. ,What's going on?

Is there any treasure? Or is there any magical technique to be successfully cultivated? No matter what it is, it is very exciting.

"This is a sign of the treasure present, I don't know what treasure it will be, but we dare not approach it with such a mighty power."

"Where is it over there? It seems that a loft can be seen vaguely, oh, yes, I remember, that is where Chu Yun lives? Is this kid about to break through the realm of return?" Recognized it.

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and then shook their heads and said: "Impossible, impossible. It has only been two months since the last fight with Brother Huo Zhen. At that time, he was only the Eighth Layer of Eclosion Realm. Two Yue wants to advance to the realm of Guiyi? It's impossible, right."

"It's not impossible. After all, this kid has entered the door for half a year. Isn't he directly from the second stage of the Eclosion Stage to the Eighth Stage of the Eclosion Stage? It is almost a month to advance the first stage. This kind of terrifying speed is nothing impossible ."

Some people also thought of this. Everyone looked at the dark cloud. Under the cloud, an astonishing arc was enveloped. It was so amazing that people did not dare to approach. It seemed that as long as they approached, they would be crushed by the thunder.

"No, it shouldn't be. I have seen seniors break through the realm of reunification. They will not have such a great power, let alone other people. Even if Senior Sister Leng was in the advanced level of reunification, it was not so big. How could this be the realm of advanced integration?"

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