The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 983: Still out of control

I don't know what level of unwillingness this kind of unwillingness can support for Chu Yun, and whether he can support this catastrophe.

The white beam of light began to shift to a state of disintegration, and the four elders were on guard, not daring to relax a little. If such a huge force disintegrates, it only takes such a moment! It only takes such a short time to destroy everything here.

In order to protect the sect, the four elders must immediately transport all their own cultivation bases to fight against this force at the moment when this power disintegrates.

However, why don't they do it now? If they start doing it now, then Chu Yun, who is in the Guiyi realm, will be affected, and the ultimate consequence of Chu Yun being affected, in addition to the destruction caused by the loss of power, is Chu Yun's body and bones. .

After all, Chu Yun was also a disciple of the sect, and they still had the obligation to protect this disciple. Besides, since once contact with this force will cause this force to collapse, then they will still choose to wait and see for the time being, rather than do it easily.

It is best that this force be stabilized by Chu Yun again, otherwise, the result can be imagined.

The elder saw that all the disciples underneath had left, then turned and left, walked behind the other four elders, and said: "The disciples underneath have all returned, brother, what is your chance of winning?"

One of the elders said: "It can be supported. However, let me know the head of this incident. If the disciples in the school have experienced such a catastrophe, once the Guiyi realm fails to cross the catastrophe, this force will destroy half of it. Zongmen. Alas, if you fail in the middle of the juncture, it’s fine, at least this huge power will automatically dissipate and return to heaven and earth, but Chu Yun has entered the final stage early... …If this force is out of control, it will eventually ruin the world."

"Then please wait and see, brothers, and I will report to the head."

"Also, if necessary, please turn the head."

"Brothers have retired temporarily, seniors are careful."

"Well, go ahead."

The elder rose up from the sky, turned into a white light and quickly flew towards the famous peak where the head was.

Seeing him leave, the elder sighed.

"What's the matter? There is a brother who will report back to the head, you should rest assured, why sigh?"

The elder smiled bitterly, then shook his head, and said: "It's not because of Chu Yun, alas, he originally thought he would become the biggest favorite among the students in this class. Unexpectedly, he also fell here. In a realm."

"It's not like what you thought, maybe, just as the brother thought, somebody was disrupting this tribulation."

"Even if someone disturbed this tragedy, who did it? Who on earth has such a great hatred with Chu Yun, who wants him to encounter such a huge danger this time?"

"Ha, a person is promoted too fast, and it is inevitable to be jealous. Have you forgotten this eternal truth, Junior Brother?"

"Alas, it's also because I don't have much contact with my disciples. I focus on practicing and spend more time behind closed doors, but I forget that people's minds are unpredictable."

"Let's not talk about these things for now, let's pay attention first, and if we can shake things up, we will take action immediately."

"it is good."

A group of elders were guarding on the four sides, and they were slowly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth for their own use. As for why it is necessary to absorb it slowly, of course it is also related to this robbery.

The power of the unified realm is also to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to transform it into its own spiritual power, and finally to absorb and inject it into oneself to complete the promotion. It's just that this power is too great, it's okay to be able to control it, if it can't be controlled...

Heaven and earth auras are always connected together, and the fluctuations of the surrounding auras will affect the power of the unified realm. The reason why Chu Yun chose to cross the robbery in this Zhenshan Pagoda was because he was fancying that the tower could calm the surrounding fluctuations.

Usually disciples want to disturb the spiritual energy, and the fluctuation of spiritual power can be suppressed immediately.

But now the situation outside is not so simple. The people outside who are absorbing spiritual power are the four elders with a century-old cultivation base. Such fluctuations are not trivial. Although Chu Yun also felt that this spirit power fluctuation had been suppressed as hard as he could, this made Chu Yun still feel that it was difficult to support for a while.

At this moment, he has come to this step, and he has no turning back to choose. When the previous seniors failed to be promoted to the first level, they could still get another chance to get promoted again, but Chu Yun now has no such opportunity.

This time, it was either a success or a dead body!

With sweat on Chu Yun's forehead, he tried his best to hold on to the last rope, so that the force above his head would not collapse and become a crisis of ruining the sect. But another crisis, but slowly, slowly, only a moment away!

Steady the power on top of his head with one hand, and slowly mending the cracks in the barrier with the other hand, Chu Yun was only a little short of it, and he reached the point of despair!

However, God kept pushing Chu Yun to a desperate place, as if not letting him go!

The cracks in the barrier showed no signs of being repaired. On the contrary, Chu Yun's power seemed to be useless, and the cracks were still slowly and slowly extending around.


This is the final despair. If this nearly two decades of life is about to come to an end in the next moment...

The despair in Chu Yun's heart made him no longer have any extra energy to repair the cracks in the barrier.

That's it... Have you come to the end?


After all, Leng Jiali had already left, she was already safe.

She is safe.

I just don't know how sad she would be if she knew about his death.

Suddenly, the surrounding lights became brighter and brighter, and Chu Yun could barely open his eyes. With strong support, Chu Yun had only one thought in his heart, and that was that he could not give up until he died, even if this burst of light was a killer that swallowed his young life!

Chu Yun still gritted his teeth, unwilling to give up a little hope, even if what he was holding now was no longer hope, but despair. Even if you are desperate, you can't give up! Even if this is the last moment of life, you can't despair!

The light became more and more shining, and Chu Yun couldn't open his eyes at all. Even if he can't open his eyes at the moment, what he sees is still a bright light!

The piercing pain is all over the body, the whole body is aching, and the whole body is being torn!


In the light, there was only this roar.

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