The huge impact hits like mountains and oceans, and ordinary ability cannot withstand the urging of such huge energy. Just under the airflow that blurs everything around, there are two pale cyan lights resisting this fuzzy white.

The spiritual power of Mo Weiming and Ling Tuiyuan poured into the fairy sword, and the fairy sword felt it, and immediately began to emit huge energy to support the cyan light.

The two of them gradually began to feel the difficulty. They didn't expect that the power erupting in the Guiyi realm would be so huge, even after they had cultivated for so long, they couldn't resist such power. Only such a step away, the two of them will be swallowed by such a force.

Under the invasion of this huge power, Mo Weiming suddenly felt that something was wrong with this burst of power. He guessed that maybe it was because the elders took action to resist such a huge force, that's why there was a little change in this subtlety.

Mo Weiming looked up at the magic circle that strongly supported the fairy sword. Under the huge light, the protective shield still didn't mean to be shaken. It was even slowly moving towards the collapsed force. Gather!

It seems that the four elders have slowly begun to control such power, but the impact is still there, but since the magic circle is still supported by such power, why is there such a huge impact?

Besides... he felt something wrong in this shock. What caused it?

Mo Weiming couldn't understand it, but in his heart he silently blamed one thing for the strangeness. Under such circumstances, if this matter was told to others, that person would definitely not believe Mo Weiming's rhetoric.

And these elders are resisting all of this, that huge beam of light has been shattered, and the power has been dissipated to the heavens and the earth. Without such support, how could such a miracle happen?

That's right, Chu Yun was dead, dying in the backlash of Guiyi Realm, just at the moment when his power began to collapse!

He has no chance to continue to live! Unless...unless there is a miracle!

Just such a miracle, how many people would believe it?

Probably, no one would believe it, even Mo Weiming himself.

Under such a crisis, others can no longer be taken care of. Ling Tuiyuan regretted it a little, why didn't he just leave with the group of disciples, or even stun Mo Weiming secretly, and left here with him.

It has become very dangerous here, and it is the first time he has been forced into such a realm, experiencing such despair. It's not working anymore, it's...reaching the limit!

But he can't die here, die in the influence of other people's failures, if he died like this, wouldn't it be very worthless!

The golden light illuminates the heaven and the earth, not only the earth, but also the sky, but also loses its color. They can't see the sky or the earth. This is the result of being close to the light-being swallowed by such light. Although it exists, it cannot be seen clearly, even in itself.

The four elders spent their entire lives in cultivation, just to protect the safety of the sect. It's just that the strength at the time of the collapse of the unified realm was too great, even if the four of them had experienced a lot of battles and had a profound cultivation base, they would have already supported it to an extremely difficult level.

Someone's palms began to tremble slightly, even if their clothes were flying and hunting in the gusty wind, they couldn't cover up the weakness after strong support-trembling.

Just the strength of this realm of reunification caused the four veterans with profound cultivation to tremble. If they hadn't dismissed all the people and things that could distract them, I am afraid that they would have long been unable to support it. The huge power in front of him is about to engulf most of the sect, causing countless casualties.

"Junior Brother, can you still survive?"

The voice also began to tremble. I don't know if I can support it until this force returns to the world and completely dissipates. Everyone is supporting it, even if it can't last the last moment.

"Brother, it's been a hundred years, we have practiced for a hundred years, and we always... still can't match the power of heaven and earth... but for the sake of the sect, how can we easily give up!"

"Yes! We can't just give up like this! We can't just give up so easily! Junior brother, hold on! But if you let go of such rhetoric, you can't fall down one step ahead of us!"

"Haha, brother, I will return this sentence to you as it is!"

"Wait, how does this power seem... as if there is a tendency to weaken!"

"Our goal is to return this power to heaven and earth. This weakening of power is of course expected. Why are you so surprised, Junior Brother?"

"No, no, brother, the speed at which this force is weakening seems to be a lot faster than before!"

Hearing what his junior brother said, the elder started to care a little about this, so he continued to concentrate, feeling the flow of this power.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Yes! This force has indeed begun to weaken! Moreover, it seems to be getting faster and faster!"


"Whether it's true or not, we will support it first, and don't let this force collapse everywhere and cause a disaster! Brothers and sisters, continue to be alert! Don't let this force collapse!"

"Yes!" the three of them replied in unison, and then turned the position they stepped on again, using the formation method and the only remaining psychic energy in the world to maintain the operation of the protective cover.

In this vague airflow, Ling Tuiyuan seemed to see the four elders in the same place change their positions again. They should continue to exert force to support the magic circle. However, the airflow was too strong, and Ling Tuiyuan could only open his eyes and see. Such a moment.

Ling Tuiyuan tightly held the fairy sword in his hand, but on the ground, a crack was slowly drawn by the fairy sword. The fairy sword inserted into the ground had already begun to show signs of movement, and Ling Tuiyuan had obviously reached the limit of support!

In the powerful air current, the cyan light became fainter and faint, until finally, it was shattered by this powerful air current, and the little blue light was blown away by the air current!

After all, Ling Tuiyuan's cultivation base was so bad, and finally, he couldn't hold it anymore.

As a result, there is only death, such a word.

Although Ling Tuiyuan still didn't give up, there was no extra spiritual power to support himself again.

He didn't want to die.

He can't live anymore.

The blood mist spit out covered the things in front of him, and Ling Tuiyuan was swept up by the airflow and rushed to the back mercilessly.

Suddenly, he felt a warm current flowing on his back, and he also stopped in place.

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