The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 995: Provocation on the spot

At that time, the situation was too critical, and the huge force collapsed when it collapsed. Who can take care of others in this situation? Although he also deliberately wanted to keep Leng Jiali first, let her spiritual sense leave here first, wait until she is safe, then control her power, and enter the power of the unified realm again.

Unexpectedly, it was too late. Leng Jiali was still affected by the immense power of the unified realm, which damaged her spiritual sense. "Thank you very much for rescuing Leng Jiali. Since it is said that her spiritual sense was damaged, she should also have a chance to recover, right? I don't know you... I don't know what your Excellency is called?"

The man was also bold, and said directly: "Fu Zongshan is here, and that man is Yu Shanping. In terms of seniority, we went to the sect earlier than you. You should call us a senior."

Brother? People are tied by you, do you let people call you brother? Chu Yun would definitely not address him so politely, on the contrary, his hostility towards them has not diminished a little.

There are many ways to send a message in this world, but this person uses darts, and the direction of the darts directly drives Chu Yun’s life gate without any deviation. This is already a challenge and challenge for him right now. Before, the two were enemies. The mere way of driving directly to the gate of life has allowed ordinary people to greet those who have done this way together with the eighteenth generation of their ancestors. Chu Yun was able to sit here so quietly now, because they were still in control of Leng Jiali's life.

Chu Yun didn't want to do other unnecessary things.

"Since it is also from the same sect, then I have something to ask."

"Oh? What do you want to ask?"

"I want to know if you will be Leng Carrie."

Hearing what Chu Yun said, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"You have a good question, will I save Leng Jiali... Well, save it, don't save it, this is indeed a question."

"Your family has a wealth of money. It shouldn't be too difficult to save a person? How can you bring someone to the house, and now behave so hesitatingly, it is really embarrassing?"

"You’re right, I’m really embarrassed now! After all, Miss Leng’s injury was spiritual sense, not a random sword wound. It would be very difficult to heal it, otherwise, she would not faint. I can't wake up in this cold white jade bed."


Chu Yun was far from expecting that Leng Jiali was hurt so badly! Injury to spiritual consciousness is not something that can be healed at will. This kind of injury is not common, so few people in the realm of cultivation know how to save spiritual consciousness damage.

Although there are such people in the realm of comprehension, who are maverick and have inferior cultivation bases, they devote themselves to the treatment of intractable diseases, but after all, such people are also a minority. Besides, such people are also very I have rarely seen the spiritual consciousness of others who have been damaged.

Spiritual consciousness out of the body is such a dangerous thing. People who use this method will definitely deal with the surrounding situation carefully, lay out formations, and keep their physical bodies well. Even more so, some people will find a hidden place to protect themselves. Here to avoid the search of the world.

It seems now, and it is very obvious, Leng Jiali has not done so. But what if Leng Jiali really chose a hidden place to hide her body?

Leng Jiali is usually cautious and shouldn't be so confused. Chu Yun overturned what he had just thought, and then looked at the Fu Zongshan in front of him.

After such a moment of careful consideration, he already understood one thing.

"I don't know, how did your Excellency find Leng Jiali's physical body? Or, while Leng Jiali's attention was not around, you relaxed your guard against the surroundings. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you secretly followed Leng Jiali's body. , When she is unprepared, tie her here?"

"Ha, you describe me too insidiously, right? I have never done this before."

"You really didn't do this, but you came up with the idea and implemented it by the friend next to you, right?"

"It seems that you don't plan to talk to me well."

"If you really invited me to come and just sit down and have a cup of tea and talk to you, you don't need to use a hidden weapon to drive my life. Your hint is so obvious, even if it wasn't me, others would have seen you at a glance. Meaning."

The man fanned his fan, and after hearing what Chu Yun said, he slowly slowed down, and then he closed it immediately after a while. His expression became very calm, and had nothing to do with the gentle and incontrovertible appearance just now.

Chu Yun saw his appearance and smiled and said, "Why? Don't you want us to make it clear? Since it is intentional to let me come, then what is the point of turning around? Why don't you just point it straight? Just say it clearly."

There was a moment of brightness in that person's eyes, and this brightness carried a cold killing intent, so sharp that it could cut all the ordinary hearts between the two.

"Choose to be clear, very good, then I'll be clear, I'm looking for you, it is indeed not my kindness, even, Leng Jiali, I will not save. She is just me who got you hooked It's just bait, and now she has no use value."

Sure enough, this person is indeed uneasy.

Chu Yun glanced at Leng Jiali who was lying on top of the white jade. She didn't know if she knew what was happening here. If she knew, she would be very unwilling. Becoming someone else's tool, Leng Jiali would not let this happen.

However, this still happened.

"You let me come, but you want me to have a good fight with you. I promised your challenge. However, there is always one thing that has become a stumbling block for me. Therefore, I am afraid that the two of us cannot have a good fight."

"It's about Leng Jiali, right?"

"Not bad."

"I'm sorry to tell you, I don't know how to repair things like spiritual consciousness being damaged. But there is one person, there is a place you should be able to see."


"There is a person living in this place, this person knows how to repair people’s spiritual sense with cultivation base, but I only heard about it, and I don’t know its authenticity, so I can only ask you to visit it. , I know if it is true or not."

"I don't know who this person is?"

"In the realm of cultivation, there are always such special and lonely people who do something completely different from cultivation. In order to avoid getting into trouble, these people have chosen to be anonymous. I don't know who this person is."

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