Wang Ye!

Ryo Hayama!

The two names came out of the flames.

These two names also made the audience's eyes shrink!

"Is it finally about to begin? The contest that has been called the strongest monster in the history of the Far Moon. "

"yes, I don't know how many people have come today who can stomp their feet and shake the food world.,Just to watch the next monster game.,I don't know what kind of food this monster will make in the next game.,I'm really looking forward to it.。 "

"It's really exciting, in addition to those big names in the food industry, the next little ones seem to have come over, even if the deity is too busy to be there, they also sent their deputies over, in order to watch this game and determine if that monster is really as terrifying as the graduates of Yuanyue said!"

When the audience was talking, several old people sitting in the front row with their eyes closed all the time also opened their eyes slightly.

There was a terrifying light from their cloudy eyes, this kind of light was not something that ordinary old people could have, only the strong man who had been in the top position for a long time could have such a light!

"Hehe..." The old man sitting in the middle had an unclear smile in his mouth, and he said lightly: "It's started, I really don't know what level this child's strength has reached, and whether it's worth it for us old immortals to sit here and watch together." "

"Hmph!" The old man next to him snorted coldly, and there was a hint of unhappiness in his tone: "What's so good? What if that monster's strength is strong? Don't forget that he is from the Celestial Empire, and he is the old bastard surnamed Chen, a strong man who is not of my race, even if he is strong and achieves high achievements, the final winner will not be us, and now that he is really strong enough to defeat Yuanyue alone, then doesn't it mean that I have no RB?"

"Huh. Another old man shook his head with a faint smile, and said in an inexplicable tone: "What if it's not my RB person? As long as we can keep it in RB and let him develop in RB with peace of mind, then when he waits for his next generation, isn't it my RB person? Why is the final winner not our RB?"



VIP private room.

The expressions of the ten heroes in the front five seats are different.

Except for the second seat Kobayashi Gentian and the first Yingshi's relaxed expressions, the expressions of the other three people are no longer as relaxed as watching the game of Kurokiba Ryo, with a slight solemnity, and their eyes are full of a trace of fine light, except for Erina Nagikiri, who has left, each of them is different, Isshiki Hui is relaxed, and the remaining three ten masters directly showed their expressions, looking at the player passage deadly.

And rightfully so, they would have such expressions.

Because they are ten masters, they have more resources than the ninety-eight percent of the audience present, so they know a lot more things than the audience present, such as Wang Ye's strength, and Wang Ye's record, they have watched the video of that battle after Wang Ye fought against the seven graduates, so they know that Wang Ye's strength is better than anyone else!

That terrifying strength was enough to threaten their position!



VIP private room.

"It's finally begun. Kobayashi Gentian stretched his waist fiercely, and then raised Erlang's legs to look at the screen not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said the words of Nagi Alice with unknown meaning: "It is estimated that after this game, many people will not be at peace." "

"What do you mean?" asked Alice, confused.

"Literally!" Kobayashi Gentian said lightly, then squinted his eyes and swept the box of the Ten Masters and the audience below, and then patiently explained to Nagi Alice: "After this battle, Wang Ye will officially enter the eyes of those big names in the RB food industry, and when the time comes, there will be as many olive branches, and some of the Ten Masters are estimated to be about to start acting." "

"Action?" Alice understood the meaning of the first half of Kobayashi Gentian's words, but the words in the second half made her vague: "What are they doing?"

"Stop Wang Yebei. A slight sneer appeared on the corner of Kobayashi Gentian's mouth, and the gaze of the ten heroes behind him gradually appeared cold: "There is nothing in the front five seats, after all, Akane Kubo Tao and I have already occupied two positions, and that stupid guy Si Yingshi will also be on our side, but the next five seats are not necessarily, it is related to the ranking of the top ten masters, do you think they may not act? Especially the guy from Ruishan Ezuya." "

"Eizama Edazura...", reading the name in her mouth, Nagi Alice said thoughtfully, "I remember that this guy seems to be from a gangster, right?"

"Hmm. Kobayashi Gentian nodded, and then frowned and said: "I have been greedy for money for a long time, but this is nothing, and Erina Nagi and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning belong to famous families, and they will not have any means to do it, let alone Yishihui, but this Ruishan Zhizu is also the most troublesome, after all, his background and means make him definitely not use any formal means to deal with Wang Ye in the future." "

"He dare!" Alice Nagi heard this, and immediately said viciously: "If he dares to play, I will dare to abolish him!"



Judges' seats.

"It's finally Wang Ye's turn. Kojiro Shinomiya stretched, with a smile on his face that was completely different from the fierce expression just now: "This time I came to be a judge, just to see how much this guy's strength has improved." "

"That's right. A smile also appeared on the corner of Chef Oda's mouth, and his eyes flashed: "I also want to see how this guy's strength is now, if the progress is too slow, forget it, if the progress is fast, then don't blame me for retaliating against him afterwards, after all, there are things that can be owed, but you can't not pay them back for a lifetime." "

"That's right. Chef Niwa also narrowed his eyes slightly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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