From here, it becomes more and more dangerous.

There are dense crowds around here, and the hawking can be heard endlessly. Whenever this time is the most crowded time in this market, and in order to maintain order, many soldiers are stationed nearby, in case there is anything Emergencies arise.

But today's situation is different. After all, a king died last night, so there are twice as many soldiers stationed nearby today than before.

"You have to pay attention, there are two long guards in front, and if we want to enter the main city later, we have to pass through them, so remember what I said on "153", and don't expose yourself identity of."

After speaking, Oli took a deep breath and walked towards the five soldiers.

Those five soldiers are currently stationed somewhere, they say they are stationed, but they also want to discuss what happened last night [they haven't received any message or anything like that.

"It's really strange, last night we were hurriedly woken up, and then asked us to search for possible characters on the street, and we didn't know what to do, and we didn't give us an explanation today.

"Oh, forget it, that's how it works here, if you argue with them, then they will turn us into an army, and then you will really get into trouble."

"However, I heard that the person we want to arrest this time seems to be General Alaga.

These people were in the midst of a heated discussion among whispers, and Alaga's name was also mentioned inadvertently.

Soon, Oli and the others also came to this soldier, wanting to walk over quietly, not wanting to attract the attention of these soldiers, in case they really notice it and want to check the two behind them, then come At this time, we can only draw our swords to face each other.

Don't be discovered! Don't be discovered! Oli has already said in his heart countless times, and the distance between him and those soldiers is getting closer and closer, and he is about to touch them.

However, Ollie passed through these soldiers smoothly and wanted to pass, but when he thought he could breathe a sigh of relief at this time, something happened suddenly behind him!

"Wait, you two!"

One of the soldiers suddenly turned his head and stopped Ye Ze and Alaga.

It's over, won't it be discovered? Ye Ze is also a little nervous in his heart. If he is really discovered by then, should he just start fighting? But he also remembered what the system said to himself In other words, if it is really a last resort, try not to use the deadly spiritual calendar.

At least, it is enough not to turn a city into ruins in an instant.

Ye Ze also knows his own ability. If he can't control it, the energy will flow out continuously, and then he will not be able to control it. If it is worse, it will be this building. City, it is possible to be directly overthrown by one of his spiritual energy waves.

So now Ye Ze is not afraid that these soldiers will come to discover his identity, but when they discover his identity, he has to kill them.

Alaga also swallowed, and stood still, his right hand has already touched the long sword behind him lightly. If these soldiers really came over, he would kill them directly, and then Hurry up and run directly from the alley on the other side. If you speed up your pace, you may be able to run directly to the side of the palace......

.......You dropped something. One of the soldiers bent down, picked up the things, and then walked to Ye Ze's side, "Beauty, your things are gone." "

Whoa! What does this guy think of me? Beauty? Oh my god?

Ye Ze was about to be laughed at and cried, but fortunately, after all, this guy didn't discover his identities, so it was a false alarm.

Ye Ze took the silk scarf, nodded slightly, turned around and left. Of course he couldn't speak, not even a single word. If this single word caused a big battle, it would be embarrassing.

After the three of them walked into the main city, they quickly hid in the narrow alley after the soldiers didn't see their figure.

"I'm going. It was really a false alarm just now. If we hadn't been lucky, we might have been discovered long ago." Ye Ze exhaled 2.6, but luckily he was not discovered.

As expected, Alaga is still someone who has seen the big scene. He is also very calm about the things just now, and there is no change. On the contrary, Ollie, who seems to have not entered the battlefield for three or four years. That could indeed make him break out in a cold sweat.

"So, where are we going next?" Ye Ze took a sniff, he is not a resident here, so he doesn't understand the map here at all, but Alaga and Oli are, there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking them.

Alaga glanced into the distance, but did not speak. .

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